1931-10-27 I
September 2'?=T x,1931 . Regular Meeting
At a regttjar' meeting of the Town Board,Town of Queensbury,
held on the above date,at 1 P*M* the following members were
Jerry B Mead Supervisor
M,P Gi.fford Justice
George Garrent of
Floyd Ellsworth peace
Vert D. Turner Town Ciierk
Minutes ofo Meeting of August 25th,1931 read and approved
Resolution` ? Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded
by Justice Gifford,all present voting in the affirmative,
it was resolved that supervisor be and hereby authorized to pay
Coollnsurence agency Inc,)22.00for renewal of old storehouse
Policy #6888 and he is also authorizedto pay some prior to audit
Rezoutdon #28 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth,seconed
by Clerk Turner,it was resolved that the chairman be and hereby
authorized to appoint a commaettee of two to inve3; ` e the
advisability of giving the N ew York Power & Light Corp,a five
year oont-ract,, can present Lights at the present rates
jkVz a:xre future meeting,Justice Ellsworth and Clerk
Turner,ars appointed sn the above commtettee,as no other
business coming before the board, the board adjourned as town board,
And went in session as Town Board of Health, upon
application of Lulu and Hartwell Scriber ,the following
resolution was adopted,
Resolution #2 Introduced by- Justice warrant seconded by Justice
Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative it was resolved
that the Town Board of Health Authorized Dr G.A.Chapman to issue
license for 'boarding house for children to Lulu and Hartwell Scriber
under provisions of section 305 of the state charty law and
chapter Yiii of the sanatory code ,
no other business comming before the board,
on motion adjourned
Town erk
Regular 11eeting
October2t thJ931
At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of aueensbury
held on the above date at 2P.M, tat Clerk Office,the following
members were present.
Jerry B. Mead Suoervisor
M.P.Gifford Justice
Floyd Ellsworth of Peace
Bert D. Turner Clerk
Arthur H,Stone Suptterg4ghways aslo present.
Minutes of Meeting held on Sept 221 1931 read and approved,
Resolution #29 Introduce by Justice Ellsworth, seconded
by Clerk Turner,ail present voting in the affirmative.
It was resolved that the Town supt,of highway Stone,
be and hereby is authorized to sell International-15-30-Model
Tractor for the sum $25.00 to Henry Sleight.
In regard to quarry the following resolution was,
Resolution #30, Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded
by Justice 1111iffordsall present voting' in the affirmative
It was resolved that Town Board of the Town of
e Queensbury, hereby authorizes town suet, of highway Stone,
to lease -from John H. Granney, the quarry on Bay Road,
either monthy or any period not to exceeing one year at a rate
of rental for such period,not exceeding 1200.per year.
And it is further resolved that the town supt,of highway,
is authorized and dericted to draw voucher or vouchers,
for such- amounts at a rate of not exceeding $200.00 per year
for such leased period, on the highway fund.
Item one for the payrent of the same, In regard to the
damages to the automobile of Edna .F.Vance,while crossing the
Cleverdale Cross the following resolution was adopted.
Resolution 31 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth seconded
bj; Clerk Turner, all present voting do the affirmative,
it was resoved that supervisor be and hereby authorized to
pay Edna F.' Jjance,the sum* $ 4.85 for all -damage sustaned bt her
automobile while b1dug?._operated over Cleverdale Crossway.
And he is further authorised to pay same piior to audit
on the presentation of a properly- -verified bill.for same.
The petition of the Aderondack Stages _Incorp, petitioning
Board for a franchise to operate a bus line through the Town of
Jueensbury,was read to the Board.
In re nd to the above the 'fallowing resolution was adopted,
1 a
Resolution 32 Introduced by Justice Gifford, -seconded by
Justice Ellsworth,all present voting 6n the affirmativap ,
It was resolved that Clerk 'Turner be and hereby is appointed
of one to take the matter petitiour of Aderondack Stages, Inc, for
a franchise up with County Attorney,
on motion Meeting adjourned
s' �• rda sr?
own Clerk
l,.nnual IfeeA;ing November 5th91931 -�
At the annul: .meetinT of the Town Board of the Town of 1ueensbury,
Warren Co N,T. Held on the above date at Clerk Office at 2P.M.
the following members were present.
Jerry B.Mead Supervisor
1%P.Gifford Justice
Floyd Ellsworth of Peace_
Bert D.Turner Town Clerk
Arthur Ii.Stone Town Supt,nf Highways`alec present.
Minutes of Meeting Held on 0ct,27th,1931 read and approved.
11 ".kzftwn supt,of highways,submitted estimate;` for moneys to be
raise 'd by Taxation for highway work for year of 1982 and
after due deieberation the Board adopted the following
resolution was adopted
Resolution #33 Introduced by Justice Gifford, seconded
by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative.
It was resolved that the following amounts be raised by .,
Taxation for the year of 19329for Highway work.
First Item Highway fund
for repair and Improvement of Town Highways : 19000.
Second Item-Bridge Fund - - - - - - $2000.
Third' Item Machinery Fund j
For the purchase and repair of Machinery 7000. —'
Fourth Iter lfflsnellaneuus Fund
For remova3-.af obstrucXions caused by snow
For reeds & Brush eta 2000.
For, Salary and expenses Town Supt,ets 2800.
For the MiaWlaneous 200
Total --------------------- 7 `00
the board generely discussed othe town matters on Motion
Meetind adjurned
oWn lerk
November 4th I93I
Board of Canvesors
November 6th I93I
Adjurned Metind of town board of Canvesors
' 1
Members Presant
Justice Gifford --�
Justice Garrant
Tustjoe Ellsworth
Town Clerk Turner
. 1