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43 - I 1tovember 24th I93I ? a i At a regular meeting of the (lawn Board Town of quensbury Held on the above date tha Following Members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P.Oiffnrd Justice of Peace # j Justiae, Garrant " Buitice Ellsworth Bert D Turner Tpwn Clerk � ighways also presant inutes, of Meeting held on Arthur H Stone Town Supt of .Highways'November 5th 193I Read_and approved Resolution #34 Intorducgd by justice Giff ord seconed by justice ellsworth al presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the amounts .of for the officers for the town of -quensbury are fixed as Followst Supervisor I0.000 Town Clerk $500 Justice of Peace SIOOO Constables I000 Resolution #35.A intor by justice Ellsworth seconed by Justice Gifford all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the clerk be and hereby is authorised to advertise for seal proposals for the following equipment One Crawler type tractor equiped with enclose4 self starter rre ctrio otHLights Delivered at own torehouse Town f queensbury februaary IOth I932 it is further resolved that sealed proposals to be filed in the town clerk-s office town of 4ueensbury on or before the 8th day f, December I93I at I2 Noon is further resolver that the town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bid$ On Motion Meetinj Adjurned to- Town "Clerk December 9- I93i at a special meeting held on t0b-above date by the Toren Board Town f Queensbury the following members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P.Gi'fford, Justice of Peace George Garrant " Floyd Ellsworth" Bert B Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone Supt of Highways also Pr.esant , Resolution # Intorduced By Clerk Turner `'econed by Justice Garrant all presant Voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the general Town Bond Wf Supearvisor Jerry B Mead with the Glens Falls Indemnity Co as Surety be and is hereby approved as to form and -manner of execution, and amount Resolution #3d- Into rduced By Justice Ellsworth and Seconed By Justice (4arrant all ,presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that purusant to section )IIO of the highway law �-- the supervisor be allowed $350.00 and Town Clerk $I75.00 and the said sum be $aid from Misselaneous fund of Highway Fund Resolution # 37 Intorduced by Clerk Turner 3ecaned By Justice Warrant all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that Supervisor Mead be and hereby is authorized to pay Bond Cool the sum of $50,00 premium on Glens Falls #34I83 on the presanta*ion of a properly verified bill for same prior to audit the following Named persons submitted sealed proposals for % Ton crawler type tractor John R Tinklepaugh Collins Fox C©Inc Slade Tractor- Co By W.M.J Calbush After the board Concidering the z ea,l propokals submitted the following resolution *az Adb.pUded. Resolution #38 Intordiuced by Justice Garrant seconed by clerk Turner all presant 'doting the affirmative it t was resolved that Arthur H` Stone Town Supt Of Highways be and herehy is authorized and' Disrcted to purchas from Collins 'And Fox Co Inc the Following Equipment I.A.C.Monarch #35 Crawler type .Tractor Equiped with full enclosed cab self starter and electrict Lights with Ice Grousers ; and side plates also, on-e Sargent w6od plow with prod Wings Guarenteed to be in first G1asi Cha¢ktion at a price 33275.00 net deliverd at town storehouse town of queenebury Warren Cc N.Y. the above -according to Specifacations submitted in proposals terme cash of February IOth; I932 + and it is also resolved that the purchas is subject to thee,, approval of County Supt of Highways an application for dog Enumeratsr was read to the board by the clerk matter was deferd untill next meeting, On Mo$ion Meeting adjurned Town Clerk 1 Regular meeting December 22 I93I i at a regular meeting of the town board gown „f %ueensbury th Warren Cc N.Y. held on the above date at 20 at Clerks Office the following members waer presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P.Gifford Justice of Feaee Geo Gartant " Floyd Ellsworth " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways also presant Minutes of held november 24th I93I and december 9th I93I read and approved . an application enclosing 15.00 for dance hall license from William J Stewart was read to the board and the following resolution was adopted _ Resolutinn # 39 Intorduced by Justice Gifford Seco.ned by Justice Ellsworth all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved thet the clerk be and hereby is authorized to isue dance Hall license to William J Stmmrt to ©porate a dance halls on the river road Town pf queensbury Warren 1�0 N.Y. upon the payment of the required fee, an application was read to the board for the position as dog enumerator ad their was two applications the board took an imfommal ballot of which Lucy Akinsreceived 3 Votes and William Butlar 2 Votes the board took an formal laatlot of Which Lucy akins received 3 Votes and William Butlar received 2 Votes resolution No 4o intorduced by Justice Garrent' se6ner by ,justice Gifford all presant voting in the affirmatPe it was resolved that, Lucy Akins be as hereby. is appbittted for the' ye4r of 1932