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Collins Fox Colnc Slade Tractor Go By W.M.J Calbush After the board Concidering the 'isea3 proposals submitted the following resolution ryas "bpUded. _ Resolution #38 Intordiuced by Justice Garrant seconed by clerk Turner all presant Voting the affirmative it t was Resolved that Arthur H Stone Town Supt Of Highways be and herehy is authorized and' Disreted to purchas from Collins 'And Fox Co Inc the Following Equipment I.A.C.Monareh #35 Crawler type .Tractor Equiped with full enclosed -cab self starter and +electrict Lights with Ice Grousers ; C and side plates also, one Sargent w6od plow with rod Wings Guarenteed to be in first Glas Ghn#ktion at a price $32 75.00 net deliverd at -town storehouse town of queenebury Warren Co N,.Y. the above .according to Specifacations submitted in proposals 'J terme cash of February I0thr1932 and it is also resolved that the purchas is subject to the approval of County Supt of Highways an application for dog Enumerat3r was read to the board by 'the clerk matter was deferd untill next meeting. On Mo$ion Melting adjurned f Town Clerk Regular meting December 22 I93I f at a regular meeting of the' town board 1©vim „f ' ueensbury th Marren Co N.Y. held on the above date at 2i7l,=, at Clerks Office the following members waer presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P.Gifford Justice of peace Geo Ga,rdant Floyd Ellsworth Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways also presant Minutes of held novernber 24th I93I and december 9th I93I read and approved an application enclosing $5.00 for dance hall license from William J gtewart was read to the board and the following resolution was adopted Resolution # 39 Intorduced by Justice Gifford Seconelt by Justice Ellsworth all presant voting in the.- affirmative it was resolved thet the clerk be and hereby is authorized to isue dance Hall license to William J Stwwart to oporate a dance halls, on the river road Town 2f' queensbury Warren '�o N.Y. upon the payment of the required foe. an application was read to the board for the position as dog enumerator ad their was two applications the board took an imfowmal ballot of which Lucy Akinsreexfived 3: Votes sat Williasr butlar 2 Votes the board took an formal *allot of Whiah Lu-cr skins received 3 Votes and William -autlar' received 2 Votes. resolution N. 4o intordueed by- Justice Ca rsnt'. oe&ner by justice Gifford all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that. Luop Akins be as hereby- is app6luted for the' y"r of I932 elation ' #4I Intorduced by Justice G$lfesd Seconed By Justice 4ff"Pant all present voting in the affirmative it was revolved thew'. the following be and hereby are appointed Inspectors of Election for the year of 1932 :`- lames J Sullivan Democratic Dist #I John D Sullivan Democratic 4 I William Surprenant Republican Dist #I Agustu+s M Storey Republican # I Martin McDormot emocratic Dist #2 Charles Dickinson Democratic , " Z Minnie Bidwell Republican Dist #d Martha Ricketts Republican " Joseph Regan Demos c Dist #3 Rose F Bibby. Dent - Rat "h B 'Turner c st3 pp Repu�b`li 'an 3?istr t Nettie V Scoville Republican Dist Orson B Newcomb Democratic Dist 4 Gurtrude Cashion Democratic Dist Fred Fisher Republican Dist #4 Pauline Richardson republican Dist ; 4 and it in further resolved that the compensation be paid to each of the above Inspectors- andthe clerks for each ' primasy Regestration and actualy `worked by said Inspectors and clerks Shall be S I0.00 per day 'resolution # 42 Introduced by Clerk 15urner seconded by l Justice Ellswortt, all present voting in the affirmative it was resolved that Arthur H. Stone,Town Supt, of highways 4 be and hereby autherized and directed to purchase from th Ford Garage Co ".Inc. th following d6scribed figUipment e f 1-Dodge A.F.pick up Truck, Delivered at Town Storehouse Town Of ' �,ueensbu ry Terms Cash .Feb 10th.1932, at a price of $ 500.00. ' Warren Co N,y. And `he further autherized to draw a voucher on machinery fund for payment of sameacco'rding to the above term. On motion of Supervisor Jerry B. Mead,rising vote of thanke,was Tentered to Justice M.P.aifford, who retirei,Dec 318t,1931, after 24 gears .eU sesviee as Justice of Peace of Queensbury, On motion Meeting adjourned Town Ulerk Special Meeting December '3Qth,1931 At a spectial Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of aueensbury,held at Clerk'sat 2. P,M Std,time the following aeibers were present. Jerry:.B, Mead Supersisor M.P,Gifford Justice George Garrant of Floyd Ellsworth Peace Bern D, ,Turner Clerk Artivur H. Stone Town suet, of highw also present. Resolution #43 Introduced by Justice Gifford, seconded by Justice Garrant, all present voting in the affirmative --It was resolved that Offieal Bond of `"own Clerk Bert D. Turner, with .the American Surty Co,a;e surety be and hereby is approved as to fOrm,amcumt' suffialenty of surety, In-the ter Town Supt, salary the following, Resolution ` 'adopted. Resolution" #44 •Introduced by Justice Gifford, secdndeif by Justice Ellsworthp all present voting in ' the affirmative. - It is resolved that pursuant to sec-tion 45 of the highway law, the Salary ,of Tower Supt-of highway, Arthur H.• Stone, be and the arise is hereby fined. at $7.00 per day,for each day actually work, In the, matter, of the suppl*vrep for Ofuctice of Peaee,the following reso tiow aras adopted, Reablutte►n #45 Introduoed. by Justice Gifford, seconded by Justice "arrant, allpresent' voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that Clerk Turner be and hereby is authe orisled and t#rbeted to order for use .of Justici Henry Stevenson, and Charted IFoblee, e3ecesaustice• s supplies.