1932-03-22 �48 Special Meeting March 18th,1938. At' aspecial meeting' of the° Town Bo4rd `of the Town of Queensberry held on above date,at 2 P.M.atClerk" s Office the following members were presents Jerry B.Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice Floyd Ellsworth of Henry Stevenson Peace, Charles Nobles Bert D.Turner Town Clerk. Arthur H.Stone also present. In regard to releasFng the Highway mone3 the following resolut`i i j was adopted. Resolution#13, Introduced by Justice Stevenson,seconded by Justice Nobles,all present voting in the affirmative. It was resolved that the Town Board,Town of queensberry signed de determinations and agreement with Arthur H.Stone Supt.of Highways and further resolved ther shall be expended on Higgs of the -Town of Jueensberry for general highway repa.ire average sum of $184 per milefor 98 and 55/100 miles �stotsrl.''' !133.20 and there shall be the sum of $69187.78 placed in the resented fund as provided by law. On motion Meeting adjourned, Town Clerk. Regular Meeting .March 2291932, At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of jueensberrypheld on above date at 2P.111.at Clerk' s Office the following members were present, --' Jerry, $.Mead Supervisor, . George Garramt Tustioe Floyd Ellsworth, t :",Of Henry, 5t,evensow_. z A;, E Charles Nobles Bert D.Turner Cleft. Minutes of meeting held on February 23rd.and March 10th.reed' and approved. In regard to Town Physician the fol"wing reeolution was A ' adopted, a. _ Resolution #14 Introduced. by Clerk Turn**,- j,$, 00ed by Justice f Ellsworth all present *o-ting in the affirmative, .� It was resolved that Dr.AnnaE.113 _ eby appointed ` Town P?nysic#an- for the next two yeah cei 3at.day of January 1932 and ending onth . filet., +fesze ► Inre and to the ` g pew: -_ �.-�f the.' A�i� for consent to operate buss In the. Tows appeared for the petitioner and Beecher othf r for the Town Board and the fall lwing xess•3 t1-XV''w0 adc,Vttd, r>clue deliberatic�», -. r Reso utin #15 Introo" - Say dice Ellswort3 aanded by Justice Stevenson all present ing �': the afi`ix�r�" . Whereas Adirondack' S'teg ' inc,: alt 2 ,; x� Ci *y County . and State p New rk,hexetofor* and' on 3x3,► dag Baer 1931 filed with �ht Toim� Board, of the Town of 4ueengbeZO "NOWlen Co,N.Y. F. by fflin . some in` the Office of Bert- Turn� ' rk d Town its Peti #.on in writting only verfied,we # �: f.,. ;may for the consent of the local- authorities comprisi -of° of ti QueensborrypWarren Co, N.Y.to operate a b6,i, line for" lbe Tra.ngportation of passengers and property. for hint upon and along certain streets and highway-s within `The To of Q.Ueensberry:passing, e Town of _.4ueensberry.,,Tvrreh Coin the state of N.Y.,and :,,Mo etition is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the said tte e*sborry,an d 1 :' �, t 49 -1II . I WhIereas at a meeting of the To*n Board of the Town of Jueensberry held at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensberry on the 26tht i day of January 1-932 a resolution lwae adopted persuant to Sections 66 and 67 of the Transportation Corp. Law to the effect that due notice of a public hearing to b e held on said petition be given by publishing in a newspaper designating �by said Town for that purpose, notice of a public hearing on the afore mentioned petition to be held at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensberry,at Glens Falls on the 15th, day of February 1932 at 7aoo P.M.and 17hereas_ pursuant to the resolution a notice of public hearing r,jas published in the newspaper known .as the "Post Star"on the'':23th and 30th days of January 1932 by the Yown Board of said Town,by Bert D. Turner .. Clerk of said Town and petitioned 7lhereas a publics hearing was held on the afore mentioned on the 15th day of February 1932 after due notice had been given and after hearing Martin 'J.Kelly Jr.in behalf of said petition and a21 other persons desiring to be heard thereon and same having been duly and regularly considered,_ It is now therefore resolved that the consent of the Town, of Queensberry,by its said Town Board comprising of the local authorities of saidd. Town,be and the same hereby given and granted unto the said .a Adirondack Stages Ina. to operate its motor busts and stages upon and along the Streets and highways of the Town of Queensberry,along the from following route within the Town limits of the Town of Jueensberry, the point along U.S.Highway Route 9 at which said highway is intersected by the northern Corporate limits of the city of Glens Falls#Warren Co, to the point along said route at which the said highway is intersected by theTown ' line of the Town -of Caldwell,in Wh4h directions;the consent to operate the omnibus,and Stages of the petitioner over a route or routes pursuant to the petition in given with the understanding that _.:such route may be operated now or hereafter- in combination or c4)unction with other routes within and without this municipality;and is granted subject to the provisions of all statues and requiremehts of the State Of A.Y.or the department which may be applicable thereto. This e'onsebt is granted upon the condition that the petitioner be not permitted to pink up any passengers within the limits of the Town of Queensberry- or the 01ty of Glenn Falls for aWy. to any other point within the Town of Queensberry or City of Glens Falls Uo any point between the Town of• Queensberry 'and the City of Glens Falls and the Village of Lake George. Witness our hand and' seal this 22nd day of march 1932. Resolution f18 Introduced. by Justice Nobles seconded by Justice Ells"rth all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that Clerk Turner be and is hereby authorized to communicate with County Supt. of Highways Murray in regard to making surveys on highway known as Lafayette Ave., and prepare maps of some, IN regard to Board Meetings the following resolution was adopted Resolution #17 Introduced by :u;stice Garrant,peoonded by Clerk Turner all present voting in the° affirmative. .It was resolved that Regular Town Board Meetings be held on the fourth. Tue s-4S# of each month at 7sOO O" Cloak P.I%for ensuing six months beginnigg on the 26th day of April 1932, The 1?oari adjourned as Town Board of 0.ueensberry and met as Town Board of Health of Queensberry and adopted the following resolution Resolution #I Introduced by Justice Garrant,seconded by Justice Stevenson all press exit 'voting in the affirmative,it was resolved that 'Dr.Chapman be and is appointed Town Health officer for the Town of Queensberry- for the term of four yearns commencing on the 23rd day of April 1932 and ending on the 23rd .day of April 1936. On motion Meetint adjourned, Town Clerk. y,