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Regular Meeting April 26th,1932, At aregular Board MeetimlK of the Town Board of the Town df Jueensbury, Held on the above date at 7 P,M. at Clerk Office..=the following F members were present, Jerry B& Head upervisor George Garrant Fustice Floyd Ellsworth of Hene,ry Stevenson Charles Nobles Peace Bert D.Turner Town Clerk Minutes .of Meeting held on ]lurch 29,nd91932 read and approved, Inotft6kuafter of Insuring the Town property. Resolution #18 Introduce by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice Nobler all present voting in the affirmative. it was resolved that Supirvi"sor lead ,be and is hereby authorized I to renew the necessary insurence on Town Property as the same expires ` Resolution # 19 Introduce by Supervisor Mead seconded by Justice Garrant, all present voting in the affirmative. It was resolved that Clerk Turner,be and is hereby authorized to have prepa.rtd by the County Attorneyy, the necessary papers ete.in laying out a public road described as follows:along Mallery Ave,from Sherman Ave, to and across Nathan Street, thence If along Nathan Street from the Westerly side of said. Ma.11ery Ave, to the Easterly side of Holden Avenue from the Westerly -side of Nathan Street to Luzerne road, as described by a map of 'Sunset park additions dated March 7th,1916 ,and filed in Warren County Clerk ©gfice. Claims of Mary Isaac,Anard HGunning, ^rancis DeRosia,and Desmond Lapoint, against the Town of Queensbury,and placed on filed.and the following resolution was adopted. 41?Rtra® h#loon #20 Introduced by Clerk `turner, seconded by Justice 311sworth, all present voting in the affirmative. v It was resolved that supervisor Mead be and is hereby appointed commettee. of one to take op the matter of claims of Mary Isaac# Leonard H.Guinning,Francis DeRosia, Desmond Lapoint,againstthe Town of queensbury, also the 'abandment of the road. in the- Town of 2ueensbury, westerly side of the rail road track.on_ Lower warren atop with the County Attorney,F Rae Suprenant Ball on t regard to town purchas*dg voting Booth. no action taken b)$4 board. on motion meeting adjo hed r � @r Regular Meeting May 24th,193 At a regulat meeting of the town board of the town of o t aueensbury, held on the above date at 7 P.11, at clerk office. the folloi�ing members were present, Jerry B. 2iead Supervisor George larrant Justice Floyd $llsworth of 'renry Stevenson Peac e Bert D.Turnery - Town "Clerk Minutes of 'Yeeting held on April 26th,1932 read and approved. Vr Year reported that 'he had confered with the Couttty Attorney, in regard to claims of Bury Isaae,Leonard H Gunning, Francis DeRosia, and -Desmond �tapoint ,against the torn of ?ueensbury and that County attorney, advised that to action was deemed necessary at the present time. Clerk Turner, that he had taken the matter of right of vvay throught sunset park.ap with the County F ttorney, and he drew new deed on the excution of deed the papers would be n ordet the following resulatiob was adopted, e, 7 .i.Resolution #21 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth: seconded by Justice Stevenson, all present voting in the affirmative. it wasresolved that hte town board hereby request town supito of Highways to move the stone crushing equipment fro5 Graney qugrry. on Bay Road. to town store'^.ousbe and to clean the quarry and it is furthe* resolve) that the clerk is directed to forward a copy of this resolutione to supt Stone. in regard to mairtakne of cemeteries th* following resolution was adopted. ^esulution #22 Introduce by Justice Garrant seconded by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative* it was resolved that the Glens Fells Grange #1175 be and hereby authorize to remove gr,yAaWweeds, brush, and care for and conserve c emet es 5 ' In the town of `..ueensbury,as follows Lake Sunnyside cemetery,and Cernetery.known as Jenkins cemeteryy, on gay Road, near Bradford Thornton' s farnl further resolved that thet the sum of POO be and hereby is appropiated for each of the above described cemeteries further resolved thet the above sum will be paid fee by the supervisor when audited by the town board of auditors vupon the presantation ofaa propely verified Bills certified by the secretary of Glens 'Falls Grange, it is farther resolved that the work on each of the above described cc Cemeteries slall be completed by the first day of September I932 i Resolution X23 Intorduced by clerk Turner Seconed bye Garrant 1 all presant voting in theaffirmative it was resol��''c[' be Wis hereby P appointed sanitary Inspector for the Town foaueensbury for the appoint commencing on the 27th day of april I032 and ending on the 27th day of april I9339 to serve without compensation from the Town: "f aueensbury , GThe Board Adjurned as Town Board and Went as torn Board of Health Mr Sampson called on the board in regard th the dump which isnain tioned on the mellow Run Brook road the board adopted the following Resolution No 2 intorduced by justice Garrant and seconed by Justice stevenson all presant votion in the affirmative it was resolved that the Town Board of Health Hereby request Unitary Inspector Harry E Smith to take what ever steps that are necesary to stop dumping on the medow run Brook road &n the FitzGeralds property Of this is further resolved that Clerk is directed to f��'lth Health Officer Mr Smith and Dr G.A.Chapman Can Motion Meeting adjurned Town Olerk Regular '`eeting June 28th 1932 at a regular Meeting of the Town Board Town "f aueensbury held on the above date At 7.PtWVAt clerks office the following members were presant,Jerry B Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Floyd Ellsworth " Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetin# .held on may 24th 1932 read and approved mr collins called on board in regard to. sellbng_ Town Crushing Equipment requesting board to fix the price on said machinery but no action waa takin the board generly Discussed other town Business and as no other business comming before the board On Motion Adjurned �-� Town m �j Meeting July 26th I932 d ongther-,boveidatefath7 Town board of the office y the following held were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Floyd Ellsworth` " Henry Stevenson " Vharles Nobles n Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetion held on June 28th I932 Read and approved Mr Suprenant Callen on Board and submitted prices on voting booths of $I7.39 Per Booth total 208.68 F.O.B. town Storehouse