1932-09-27 53 September 27th I932 at a regular Meeting of the Town oard Town of aueensbury Held on the above date the following Members were presanj* Jerry B lead Supervisor I?loyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace George Garrant " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town v2erk Minutes of Metting of August 23 Read and approved . • General Town "La.tters -Discussed and not other business m tion adj urned Town er October 25th I932 at a regular meeting of the Town -'oard Town "f Queensbury held on the above date the following members sere presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice Of Peace Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways also Presant Minutes meeting of meeting of September 27th I932 Read and approved general Town ""atters Discussed no others business on motion ad3urned Town Clerk Anual Meeting November IOth I932 _ at a anual Meeting held on the above date by the town board of The Town of queensbury held at Clerks 'office the following members were presant Jerry .B Dead Supervisor Henry Stevenson Justice of Peace George Garrant " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways also present the town Board generaly Discussed the appropiation for highway 'fork and after discussies, the fallowing resolution was adopted Resolution #28 Intorduced By Justice Nobles Seconsd: By Justice, Stevenson al presant voting in the affirmative it was resloved thet the foliowi.n amounts be raised by taxation for Highway Work for the year of I933 Firstxtem Highway Fund For the Repair and improvement 08d Seconed Item Bridge Fund I400.00 Third Item Machinery Fund $7.000 For the purchas and repair fo machinery Foutth Item Miseellineous fund for removal of Obstrscti.aaun caused by snow :2.000 For weeds and blush and eta; $2,000 for salary and expences town supt X2400.00 for other miscellineous purposed 1200 total Misellineus $6.600.00 on motion Adjurned Town- Clerk Regular' Meeting November 22 I932 At a . regular Meeting held on the above date by the town board Town of Queensbury the Following Members were presant Jerry B bead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Floysd Ellsworth " Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk .Arthur H Stone Town Supt of Highways and Charles Smit and Bud Fox also kresant Minutes of Regular Meeting held of -October 25th I932 and special of November Loth 1932 Read a , spproved..-after some discussion in regard to the purchas of a truck the following resoluti.aa