1932-12-27 4 Was adopted Resolution
secon'ed by Justice Noblesalltorduced by ,justice Ellsworth
Nos Mead. presant voting as follows
Kyes Ellsworth
Ayes Nobles
Ayes Stevenson
AY-eWln 6arran t
Ayes Turner
it was resoved that Arthur H Stone be and is hereby authorized to
from Collins and Fox the following Equipm
S. .U ent One Demostrating PurChas
F.+V?D?�+:odol . four to Five Ton Truck a quiped with Io $0 By p
Baloon Tires S,R,L, 6 Cylender Motor Coup Type cab windshield wiper 0
Pear View Mirror heat Indic*tor air cleaner eleetriet Lights and
stoping Systom0il Springs spair Rim Pinta
and hail haYdroli0 Hoint equiped with ones#58 #11 Dump
with �
Ii 2 wings at a price $%,300.00 kith Gaurentee as new truck
as follows 3500 cash payable on the First Day of lZadch 1933 and certificate of Indeptness to be Issued to Collins And
for the ballance of Tow Thousand w Fox Co
ithout Interest payable wne year
from the first day of lZarch I933
On motion Ad,jurned
at a special leeting December 9th I932
held by the town Board Town of Jueensbury held on the above date the
following members werepresanjr
Jerry B Mead Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles of
George Gabrant "
Henry Stevenson "
Bert D `Turner Town Clerk
E after some discussion as to
Town Matters the following Resolution
was adopted
Resolution #30 Intorduced by ^lerk Turner ''econed By Justice
Stevenson All presant pTeting in the affirmative it was resolved J
that Super Visor Bead be and is her authorised to thke out the
necessary insurance Liability and Noperty "'amage on new F.v.D.
Truck a
Resolution T13I Intorduced by Justice Ellsworth Seconed by Justice
Nobles all presant Voting in the affirmative ftrusant to section II0
of the highway law the supervisor - e allowed 350.00 and town Clerk 175,00
*nd that said sum be jiaid from the Miseellanious fund of the Hir;hway
ITeeting Ad jUrned
. '
Town ,,,C erk
December. 27th 1932
at a regular netting of the town ' Board.of the town of- lyeensbury
held on the above date 7.30 Y.M. at clerk-s " office the fallowing
members were presant
Jerr�r B Mead. Supervisor
Floyd Ellsworth J'usti-ce UfPeace
George Garrant "
Henry Stevenson "
Ch,.rles Nobles
Bert D Turner Tovm Clerk
Yinutes of Regular "leeting held on the 22:�-M of november 1932
and special meeting held on the 9th-day f december I932 read and
approved the following resolution wa adopted
Resolution #33 Intorduced by Jierk Torn spooned by justice
stevenson all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that
tha matter 111 Cunningham claim against the town of �ueensbury
be and the same is hereby refered to the county attorney '
Resolution #33 Intourdueed by Justice garrant O econed by Justice
Ellsworth all presant voting in the affirmative it* was resbived
that Clerk Turner be and is 'ze,reby authorized th have Printed. 300
copys of Town audits For Year of 1932
an application of Lucy Akins for the
Position of Dog enuneratbz and
application ®If William Butla
Was Presented to the board one
Motion the board took an Informal Ballot of which Lucy
akins received 4 Ballots and william butlar 2 Ballot
the following Resolution was adopted
resolution X34 Intorduced by Justice Garrant and seconed by Justice
Nobles all voting in the affirmative it was resolved that
Lucy Akins be and is hereby appointed Dog enumerator for the
year of I933,
On 790 ion Ad j urn ed
Town Clerk
i January 24th I933
at a regular '"eeting held by the 'town Board Town of queensbury
on the- above date t'.ze following members were presant
Jerry B Ifead Supervisor
George Garrant Justice of.Peace
Floyd Ellsworth
Clgarles Nobles "
Henry Stevenson "
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
Vinutes of Meeting held. on December 27th I932 Read and approved
aletter was read to the board writen By Beecher Clothier County
attorney I matter of 11asia F Comrings claim against the Town of
queensbury is as follows your latter of December 23 to Jerry
B Yead Supervisor of the town of Jueensury has ben handed to me
for attention to -lather with Resolution of the Town Board
Refering the clame for attention, I have investigated the matter
and from the facts I believ the Town of Jueensbury is not Liable
in any way for this collision as for the damage therefore the
the Town would not be justified in negotiation any settlement
very Truly yours
Beecher Clothier
General Town 1 tters Discussed and as no other busines
l do 21otion Adjurned
February 28th I933
At a regular meeting held by the town board town of Jueensbury
held on the above date the following members were presant
Jerry B Yead Supervisor
George Garrant Justice of Peace
Henry Stevenson "
Floyd Ellsworth "
Charles Nobles "
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
Minutes of heeting "eld of January 24th I933 read and approved
. Resolution AI Intorduced By Justice Garrant Secbcned By Justice Nob-
les all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that
that the claim of truth Clark is hereby referd to the county attorney
for his attention, General Town Y.iatters Discussed and no other
business commong before the board
on 14[otion Adjurned ,-
Town Clerk
March 28th 1933
at a regular Town Board Meeting of the Town Board Town Of
queensbury Reld of the above date the following members were
Jerry B ?dead Supervisor
George .Garrant Justice of Peace
-Floyd Ellsworth "
Charles Nobles "
Henry Stevenson "
Bert D Turner Town Clerk
Arthur H Stone Town Supt OfHighways also Presant