1938-08-09 SP 1.
Special ITeeting August 9th, 1938.
At a Special Meeting of th.e Town yBoard of the Town of Queensbur held a t
p y held the
office of the Town Clerk at 7o cloak P41 . on the 9th day of August, 1938. The
following members were present: ]!,fir. 13een, Mr. Nobles, 11r. Lampson, Mr. Bentley,
and Mr. Fowler..
Absent: None
rl-E OLT'TTION -'� 57 Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by 111.r. Been.
THRR- EAS, the Town Board of the Town of 2ueensbury has heretofore
adopted a resolution approving certain work relief projects, to 1krit -0 construct-
ing sidewalks along the hi."hway fron Green' s Bridge to the Washington County
line; along the Ridge Road north 6f the city line of Glens Falls; northerly along
Bay Road from the city line ofGlens .Falls; and along the Glens Balls-Lake George
highway,said sidewalks to be constructed as a CV.y.A. Proj ecy; and
VVHE_U,AS, the Town of lueensbury did agree to furnish certain material to
be used in the. •construction of said sidewalks, and did further agree `;to furnish
trucks and truck drivers; and
WHERmkS, it is estimated that the cost to the Town for furnishing the
materials, trucks and truck drivers will be Two thousand dol:lasr, NOW, THETWORILf
be it
RESOLVEM that this Board ap ropri.ate and it hereby does "'ate the
stir, of Two thousand dollars ( r 000.0G fo.r work relief, said amount to be expanded
in paying for the materials, trucks, and truck drivers to be contribute=d by the
Town in the-., performance of the above name('. project, and be it further
RIiSOUTMI, that t?ne Town of jueensbury borro�iv the sun of Two thousand
dollars ';'�2000 00 ) "'Or sucl, nzzrnoses upon its Certificate of Indebtedness, isa.icz
certificate to be in the stun o_f Two thousaad dollars ( ; 2000. 00 ). to be payable
Yarchl. I.D39,an.d to bear interest at the rate of 4,5 per annum; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town. Clerk be and they hereby are
authorized to execute si. ch Certificate of Tndebtedness; that the Supervisor be
and he hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of Two thou sar_d ()'2000.00 ) dollars
and to deliver to the person, firm, or corporation loaning the money, ttize
Certificate of Indebtedness executed as above provided ; and be mt further
�ESOLT T;?? that, the sur„ so borrewed be deposited in a special, account and
be used exclusively for the relief purposes above mentioned.
ALL PPFST:!,TT voted in favor of the preamble and resolution and the Chairnai
declared the same carried.
KNOW All TII R! RY'"HF.SE P ' BENTS, that the Town of 2ueensbury,
"Tarren County, New York$ is indebted unto and hereby promi8e5 and agrees to pay
the stun of Two 7h.ousa,nd T}ollars (;1e 2000 ) payable March 191.939, rith
interest Ga,
the rate of four per centum (4%) per annum.
'''THIS Certificate of Indebtedness is izzoucd pursuant to a resolution
passed by the 7os7n 7oa,rd can the 9th, day of August, ).2.38ir and is issued for the
purpose of radsin�T money to pay tre> amount to be furnished by the Town for its
share 0' the cost of con�struction of sidewalks which are being constructed as
a 'Vork Relief Project. ??ated, Aax.gust 13th, 1938.
?dE {A.rF;
' o
F.FSOL TTION .758 Introduced by 31r Yoblp,c seconded by Jir ,j,vmpson
it was resolved that Town poard, be and is hereby authorized to neet with the
tax payers and property owners on Assembly Point at 8,F,M. on the 19th, day,of
August,1938, in regard to changing the ro„�d° from the Lake Shore*along the
center of ,.� ”"
On motion meeting a,,jurned.
Pert D. Turner. ,Town Clerk,
Special Yeeting
August 17th,1938
lit a Spe vial Yeeting of the Town Board of the Town of 'Jueenebury, held at the
Town Clerk' s Office at 7: F.M. on the above date, the following members being;
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Ralph .T.teen Justice of Peace
Charles Nobles of 10
Curtis Lampson as �
Yeredith rentley
pert D. Turner Town Clerk
?E SOI,1710N -, v9 Tntroduced by Mr Nobles seconded by Mr Been
It was resolved that the following places be. and are hereby appointed as
official Polling Places for ,the Torn of lueensbu.ry,
-District ;#1 Leo LaFountain -Store
if Mohican Grange
t° #3 Town Hof Queensberry Store House
to j#4 Seward Lampson' s Garage.
At a yearly rental of thirty Dollars ( X30.00) a year each except
District 'h 3# Duly adopted by the following vote.
__"yes Mr Been,-I,,r Noblest- Mr Lamp.son,- Mr Behtley,- and ILT Fowler• i
On motion meeting ajourned..
Bert D. Turner. Town Clerk.
$ A.
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