1938-09-27 13
for the sum of 1700.00, which certificate of indebtedness was payable six months
from date thereof at the rate of interest of four per-cent, and
V ERFAS,Tke Certificate of Inde btedness was not paid at ..maturaty for the
reason that bonds were not issued by said Distr,,ipt for payment �'of construstion
of water system in said district, and
VHEPYAS,sa.id certificate of indebtedness was renewed and renewal thereof
became due on August 28th, 19389 which was not paid for the reason that bonds
have not been issued,
'IMOLV.ED , That the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury and the Tom
Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue renewal
of said certificate of indebtedness of the Town of 0,ueensbury for the sum of
$700.00. payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company two months
from dates thereof, with interest at the rate of four per-cent, it is further
RESOLVED ,That the Supervison be and hereby is authorized to pay
interest on note for which this renewal is given.
Xyes- Mr.feenq Mr.Nobles, Mr.Lampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr.Fowler.
Noes -None.
On M ess Meeting 4�ourned
Bert D. Turner,Town C ett
Regular Meeting September 27th, 1938
At a Regular Meeting of the Ton posrd of the Town of Queensbury, held at the
Town Clerk' s Offise in said Town on the a'sove date at -1 p.m. the following mewbers
were present;
D. Elmer Bowler Supervisor
Ralph T. Been 1' . of Peace
Charles J. Nobles « n
Curtis Lampson ! "
Meredith Bentley "
Bert D. Turner 'Town Clerk
.Arthur Stone Superintendent of Highways also Present. Minutes of regular
meeting August 23rd and special meeting September 22, read. and approved.
Bred Xovey and Bred Bascom called on the Town Board in regard to a drainage
on Garrison Road.
Albert Ouderkikk called on the Town Board in regard to the building of a
culvert on the Meadow Brook Road.
Trank Moore and Mr. Davis the B.P.A. engineer called on -the Town Board to
fin;drdutowhat action was taken by the Board on the Assembly Point Road.
Edward Sleight also called on the Town Board in regard to 'k a btying dit, an. :�
lfsri�e-Adding Machine for the Assessors.
RMOLUTION NO. 649 Introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Been
IT WAS RES0LV3MDThat the 'Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Supervisor
and 'Town Clerk to issue a certificate of Indebtness for the 'sum of $1000000 (one
thousand) 'Dollars for the V.P.X. side stalk project with interest not to exceed
t% to the Glens Falls National Bank and 'Trust go. at Glens falls, N.Y.
Duly adopted by the following voter
Ayes- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles, `;Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Noes- None.
Mr. Bentley offered the following preamble and resolution, which was seconded
by Mr. Beene
S, the 'Town Board of the 'Town of queensbury has heretofore adopted a
resolution approving certain work relief projeots, to wits
Constructing sidewalks along the highway frog Greenrs Bridge to the Washington
$ € ,
County line; along the Ridge Road north of the city lime of Glens Falls;
northerly along Nay Road from the ci$y line of glens Falls; and along the lace
George state highway, said sidewalks to be' constructed as VP% pro3 ect+a, and
WHEMS, the Town of 0,ueensbury did agree to furnish certain material to
be used in the construction of said sidewalks, and did further agree to furnish
trucks and truck drive re, and
TJCMFAS, the,i,.Towh�>Z trd.;;destreer-tot ppropriate and make available
sufficient moneys to pay for said relief work; and
WNEREAS, it was heretofore estimated that the cost to the TQwn -for
furnishing materials, trucks and truck drivers would be Two thousand dollars
02000)r and
W11ERFAS9, the Town Board heretofore borrowed the said sum of $2000 for such
purposes, 'and
WKEP,FAS, it has been found that the Town's part of the work eanno,t be
completed for the sum of $2000, and
WJ1 +` S, it is estimated that the additional cost to the Town for furb-
ishing material, trucks, and truck drivers will be One thousand dollars ($1;000)
NOW, TN'EI 'ORE, be it
RESOLVED, that this Board appropriate and it hereby does appropriate the
additional sum of One thousand dollars ($1000) for work relief, said amount to
be expended in paying for the materials, trucks and truck drivers to be con-
tributed by the 'Town in the performance .of the above named projects; rind *
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury borrow the sum of One thousand dollar
0 1000) for such purposes upon its Certificate of Indebtedness, said. certifiw: .
Cate to be in the sum of $1000 to be payable January 3, 1939, and to bear
interest at the rate of 4% per annum; and be it furfter
RESOLVED that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are author.
iced to execute such Certificate of Indebtedness; that the Supervisor be and he`
hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of One thousand dollars ($1000) from the
Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company,and to deliver to said Bane the
Certificate of Indebtedness executed as above provided; and be it further
RESOLVE, that t1ke sum so borrowed be deposited in a special account and
be used exclusively for the relief purposes above mentioned.
All present Toted in favor of the preamble and resolution, and the Chairman
declared the same adopted.
RESOLUTION NO. 65. Introducted by Mr. Bentley seconded by Mr. Been.
W ERF,AS. the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury believes it to be for the
best interests of the Town to build with Federal ,Aid; an addition;to the Town
Storehouse for the purpose of housing Machinery, Voting Machines Certain Town
records and other Town property;, and with a room or rooms to be used for Town
purposes and
WEEMS , a W.P.A. project proposal has been prepared-and submitted to-*
gether with plans to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury for the constri;+�' -
ion of said building in said Town, at an estimated cost to the Town of Qu+eensi ,:
buryof $4735.85
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of $ueensbury be and hereby is
authorized to execute applications for said project under the agency of the
Duly adopted by the following Totes
'dyes- Mr. Been Mr. Bentley and Mr. Fowler.
Mr. Nobles and Mr. Lampson not voting
Noes- None.
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The Board Audited and Allowed Claims as Followa s
NO Name of Claiment Nature,. of Claim Claimed Allowed
221 Dr Annie Null Poor Relief 1- 00 1:00
222 Glens Falls Bost Co Printing Notices 6:66 6:66
223 . Mountain side Free Library- Library 1110:00 1000, 00
224 Thomas Hall welfare Officer 55:00 55:00
225 Richard C. Davis Inspector of Election 10:00 10:0°0
226 William R. Jones Insurance 17.25 17.26
227 Glencraft Printg,Co, Resolution Certificates 4.50 r5.50
228 Kathan k Groesbeck lqt, Ink 1.25 ]tor,
229 Edward Sleight ,Assessor Services 159.51 1'59:51
230 Ernest Hillis if "' 156:48 156.48
231 Chas w. Richards it " 145.04 1145:04
232 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk 80100 80:00
233 Charles J. Nobles Justice Service 15530 156.20
234 D.Elmer Fowler Board Meeting 8.00 8: 00
235 Curtis Lampson " " a 0 .00 8:00
236 Meredith Bentley " " 8040 BOO
237 Ralph T. ]been " " 16:00 16, 00
238 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 20.00 2 0;0'0
239 Curtis Lampson Justices Servis 60.75 751'65
240 Lary R. Newcomb Poor Relief 5150 5;50
241 7,J, Crannell If " 8, 00 8100
242 F.A. .Richardson " it 17.00 11* 00
243 Charles Bald**n ConstablesArvices 112.10 112. 0
Total 1,149 42
On Motion Meeting ajourned
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
SPECIAL MEETING a October 12th,1938
At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Aueensbur�k,held at the Town Clerk' s Off'dce at 79 P.M. The following
members being presents
D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace
Charles J.Nobles
Curtis Lampson
Meredith Bentley
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
McArthur Stone Supt, of hightway also present,
RESOLUTION #66 Int ar used by Ur Lampson Seconded by Mr Been-
WREpYAS , 'The Town )5 ard as Commissioners of west Glens Falls water
District of the town of Queensbury did,on the 30th day of March91938,issue
certificate of indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and
Trust Company of Glens FallspN.Y.for the son of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6p0OO.00
which certficate of indebtedness was payable six months months from the date
thereof at the rate of interest. of four per-cent, and
WHEREAS , The certificate of indebtedness was not Acid at maturity for
the reason that bonds were not isqued by said District for payment of
construction of water system in said District,
Resolved,That the Supervisor of the town. of Queensbury and the Town Clerk
of said Town be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue renewal of
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