1938-10-25 PM- OLUTION NO. 69, Introduced by Mr.Bentley seconded by Cdr. Lampson. It was resolved that WH3RFA,S , The queensbury 'Town Storehouse on the Aviation Road is without a Water Supply and, VKHREAS, It is deemed to the best interest of the Town to connect to the mail of the North Glens Falls Water District and, WHMIF.�AS, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has been advised by the County Attorney Beecher S. Clother that at is both advisable and proper to make this connection with the main of the North Olens Falls 'Water District and install the necessary 4 inch pipes and fittings including a standard fire hydrant at the expense of the Town of aueensbury. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Superintendant of Highways Arthur H. Stone be and hereby is authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials and perform the work and that the cost of performing this work is to be Raid put of the miscellaneous fund. eyes- Xr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.Fowler. Noes-r-None On motion Meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. REGNIAR MELTING OCTOBER 25tht 1933 At a; Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of 2ueensbury, held at the To,ln Clerk' s Office txxtt in said Town on the above date at 7 p.m. the following members were present; D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice Charles J. Nobles of Curtis Lampson the Meredith Bentley Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur Stone Superintendent of Highways also Present, Minutes of regular meeting *c*x3msxSeptember 27th October 12th, read and approved. Mr Stearns called upon the Town Board inregard to the Top of the World Farm Road. T. .; Y� 4 AFi 1 i•E . i 5 rip, s55 p�1 Y.s r vss, Q � IU RESOLUTION # 70 Introduced by Mr Nobles seconded by Mr Bentley, It was resolved that resolution # 20 appointing Bert D. Turner collector for West Glens Falls Water District of March 22nd,1938 be and is hereby° rec ended, Ayes Mr Keen- Mr Nobles- Mr Lampson- TIr Bentley and Mr Fowler, Noes- None. RESOLUTION #71 Introduced by Mr Beebt seconded by Mr Nobles it was resolved that Mr lampson be and is hereby appointed collector "' for the 'Nest Glens Falls lVater District at a fee of five per-cent on the amount collected said watef rent when collected to be paid to the Xx13dx Supervisor who is hereby designeted as treasurer of said district. Ayes Mr Been - Mr Nobles - Mr Lempson- Mr Bentley- and Mr Fowler. Noes-None Rpson , IO Mr Lampson. 72 Introduced y Ift Bent y .se onded by it was r lved that the T Board is h b authorized and directothe supervisor a d n Clerk to i ue a certific t of indebtedness for the sum of 1 1$;- , for he W.P I'a,. i-dewalk pro,jg, t th interest not to exceed to tYLe " ens Fall- atio Bank & Trust fC , a Glens Falls,N.Y+ payable^ ch lst,1939 d IT F TMIM RESOLVE this sum to'/b p and. lace i iscellanious fund and. to be dibbursed and ac ted funds. eys in o er miscellnious Ayes Mr een -Mr Nobles by Mr La r Lan:)son- Bentley and Mr Fowler Noes-None -Mr Be ey ,of- the following preamble and resolution,which sect xmp son. y 7 �r- WHAS, the o n Board of the Town of Jueensbury has heretofore adopted a resolution approving cer't'ain work" relief prof ect0, to wits Constructing sidewalks along; the highway from Green's Bridge to the Washington County line; along the Ridge Road. north of the city line of Glens Falls; northerly along Bay Road from the city line of Glens Falls; and along th, Lake George state highway, said sidAwakes to be construction as WPA pro,jestas and 71DUMS9 the Town of Jueensbury did agree to furnish certain material to be used in the construction of said sidewe6s, and did further agree to furnish trucks and truckX drivers, and "� 1AS, the Town Board desires to appropriate and make available sufficient moneys to pV for said relief work; and WHERFFA.S, it was heretofore estimated that the cost to the .Town for furnishings materials, trucks and truck drivers would be three thousand dollars($3,000), and I .RFAS, the Town Board heretofore borrowed th n� of $3000 for such purposes, and WHEREAS, it has been found that the Town's part of the work cannot be completed for the sum of X3,000, and WHERA ,S,it is estimated that the additional cast to the Town for furnishing material, trucks, and truck drivers will be one thousand seven hundred dollars (19700), NOW, TFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this Board appropriate , and. it hereby does a propr. the additional sum of one thousand seven hundred dollars said amount to be expanded in paying for the material truc `.�1,700 1 for"relief to be contributed by the Town in the ' truck 0 6 and truck drivers and be it furthers performance of the above named projects; R-ESOLVED,that the Town of Queensbury borrow the sum of one thousand seven hundred dollars (^,,1,700) for such pur uses upon its Certifie tte of Indebtedness said certificate to .be in the sum of 1,700 to be payable March 191939,and to bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum; and be it f wChe r TINr ii i,,T�S M YLtit51 the RESOLVED that 'Supervisor and Town Clerk be and �ri eC to excute such Certificate of Indebtedness; that the Supervis borebeand he hereby is authorized to borrow said sum of one thousand seven hundred dollars( 1,700) from the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company,and to deliver to said Hank t Certificate of Indebtedness excuted as above provided; and be it furthtr RESOLVRD, that the sure so borrowed be deposited in a special account and be used exclusively for the relief purposes above mentioned, All present voted in favor of the preamble and resolution,and the Chairman declare the same adopted. CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTIMNESS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESE. , a own o ueensbur Warren County, New Yc is indebted unto and hereby promises ang agrees t pay to 'Y'Ie GLENS FALLS N,t4TIONAi, BANK AND TRUST C01 PANY, Glen s Falls ,N.Y. ,or order,the sum of seventeen hundred dollars(19700.00), payable March 1,19399 with interest at the rate of four per eentum per annum. This Certificate of Indebtedness is issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board on the 25th, day of October 91938, and iA.-I ssued for the putpose of raising money to pay the additional amount to be furnished by the Town for its share of the construction of sidewalks which are being constructed as work's relief projects. TUZOLUTION #73 Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Mr Nobles it was resolved that Collector of Nest Glens Falls Water District, purchase necessary Books for Collecting of Water Rents, tape and receipts Roll Callt Ayeas- Mr Aeen - Mr Nobles- Mr Lampson - Mr Bentley and Mr Fowler Noes. None The Board Audited and Allowed Claims as follows NO Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt, Claimed Amt Al 244 N.Y.P.# L. Corp-, St, Lgt, August 34.36 34- 36 245 N.Y.P.& L.Corp, St, Lgt, Sept, 34.36 34:36 246 H.R.Wait 2-Ink out,Add,Mchn Roll " .80 X80 247 Chas E.Houghtailing Justice Supplies, 71. 75 71. 75 248 Williams Law Book Co, " to 12.10 249 Thomas Hall Welfare Officer 38,02 1 388. 2 250 Bert D. Turner T.C. Services .002 251 Marion Martindale Inspector of Election 35.00 72.00 3 252 Charles Nobles Justice Services 95.35 5.fl 0 253 Curtis Lampson a to 98, 35 254 Curtis Lampson Board Meeting 2875 25. 75 255 D.Elmer Fowler to 00 8.00 " 8. 00 8. 00 256 Ralph T.Been it 8,Q0 257 Charles Baldwin Constable Services 106.18 8.00 258 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 4.00 145:15 259 Meredith Bentley Board$aeting 8. 00 4:00 8: 00 260 Russell Harris Constable Service, 31.12 31.12 $596.03 4 ` On Motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk r. 113, Fi5 y "R"'V i � r