1939-01-06 Resolution #I Int*ced By Mr L pson Sec,�hed By Mr Been at a,-,S])ecial of the Town Board of the Town Of 2ueensbury, in the county of vVarren, State of New York, held at the Office of the Town Clerk in said Town on the 6th day of January , I939 at 700"Clock P lid. Presant 'DElmeer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T Been 'harles Nobles---'-- Curtis Lampson Meredith Bentley :absent �-e�r�� Town Clerk The following Resolution was offered, moved and seconded,to-wit; WHEREAS, a petition was presented to the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury YOU YORK,requesting the establishment of the west Glens Falls Water District; and #' E.,AS,pursuant to a leagle notice a hearing was duly held and thereafter said water district was created;and HEMIkS, the Town Board desires to ratify and confirm previous action:::: taken in connection thcrewith;NOW THERF'OT?E,BE IT RESOLVED, T)ETEIT41NED AND ORDE=, by the Town Board of the Town of .jueensbury, New York, as Follows: :SECTION I: that it is in the public interest to Grant in whole the the re3ie-Y—saught"in said petition which is hereby found to have been signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law and is otherwise sufficient and the relief sought by said, petition is hereby granted; "SECTION 2- that it is hereby determined that all the property,Property omens an interested persons .within said water district are benefitted thereby and that all propertye"°4 or property owners benefitted are included therein: SECTION 3: that all actfs and proceedings relative to the creation and establiihmennt of said west Glens Falls water District be and the same are hereby ratified., confirmed and approved . the question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted as Follows; ,AYES Mr Been- Mr Nobles# Mr Lampson- D.Lr Bentley lir Fowler Noes None this resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. 41 ON, i . 7 TAATE OF NYvVYORK ) OUNTY OF iNxpmw ) S;S: I, Bert 'D Turner, clerk of the Town of Jueensbury, N.'Tiv'r YORK, DO H=-",'BY C.?'MTIFY, that I have compared the annexed extract of minutes of he m(<eting of the Tkwn Board of said town of Zueensbury, NE37 YORK, including the resolution contained therein, held on the 6th day of January 1939, with the Original thereof on file in r!y0 Office and that the same is a true and correct transcript there from and of the whole of said original so f=i.r as the some relates to the subject matters therein referred to; I x'URTHER CERTIFY, that all members of said Bo-a.rd. heal due notice of said I.Zeeti.ng. IN`�tIT �S '7iii!�RFOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said town this 6th day of January, _I939, Bert D Turner T6wn Clerk RESOLUTION #? At a S-P cial Meeting .Of the Town Board Of the Town of �Jueensbury, held at the Office Of the Town Clerk in said '.Down on the 6th day of January, I939 PRES!1NT; D.Elmer Fowler, Supervisor,.Ralph T.Bec n, Chaitles J,Nobl es, Curtis Lampson, and Meredith L Bently , Justice Of the Peace. Mr Nobles, Justice Intorduced the Following Resolution; Seconed Me Bentley. 3MMAS9 the Town Board as Commissioners of "lest Glens Falls Water 'District of the Town of lueensbury, did on the 5th day of March, I938, Issue certificate of Indebtedness payable rat the Idens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, of Glens Falb, N.Y. in the sum of 'x'700. 00, which Certificate of Indebetednes: was payable payable six months from date thereof at the rate of interest of Four Per-cent, and "WECIREAS, the Certificate of Indtbt6dness was not paid at maturity for the reason that bonds were not Issued by said District for payment of construction, of water $wyse ,$ad; •,Dstict� and a ' a k a I}} iit� Q s 4 S WHMMStSaid Certificate of Indebtedness was renewed and renewal thereof became due on the 28th day of December, I938, which was not paid for fzrr the reason that Bonds have not ben Issued and ;Sold, RESOLVED,that the Supervisor of the Town of Jueensbury and Town Clerk of Said Town be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue renewal of said Certificate of Indebtedness of the Town of Zueensbury for the sum of $700.00, payable at the Glens1V&l is National Bank and Trust Company two months rro*`44 '-�,�R thereof, with interest at the rate of four per-cent, it is further TMOIYM, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay interest on notefor which this renieal is given. Ayes Mr Been- Mr Nobles- Mr Lampson- Mr Bentley- Mr Fowler- Noes None CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEMNESS KNOWAALL MEN BY .THESE PRESENTS, that the Town of Queensbury Warren, County, New rk, is Indebted unto and hereby agrees and Promises to pay to theGlens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of Glens Falls N.Y.or order, the sum of :Seven Hundred Dollars, ($700. 00 ) two months from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of Four Per-Cent per annum. this certificate of Indebtedness is given for renewal of a note due December 28, 1938, which was Issued for the purposeof paying for the cost of of Material and cost of constructionof water system in the West Glens Falls water District and is given in anticipation of a bond issue of the Town of nueensbury for the said water Distric. Supervisor Town Clerk _ This certificate of Indebtedness is given purusant to resoluti adopted by the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbutr on the6th day of January' and and now on file in the office of the Town C Clerk, Town Clerk Resolution #3 At a Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of fueensbury, held at the office of the Town Clerk on the 6th day of January, I939, at 7 0" Clock P.M, the following were presant; MESSRS.Reen,Nobles, Lampson,Bentleyand Fowler, :Absent; None 1?Ir, Bentley , Justice, offord the following #3 ,seconed by PQr, Nobles, Justice; Reps-4 `riERFaAS, the Town Board of the Town of Q.ueensbury, warren County, NEW York, has undertaken public works Project No 48681 providing for the Construc.. tion and improvenent of the Town Load leading from the bay Road to the top of World Farms; and (yy # t X g € #A#P 1 P 4 S. �V IIIIMS, the said Board has adopted a Resolution to furnish Tractors, trucks .nd drivers to carry on said Work; and %rhereas, there is Insufficient funds available for the payment of .he Towns Share of the cost of said Public Joorks Pro j ect r0`,',T1r �R i 0M, 9 R e i t RESOLVED# that this Board. appropriate and it hereb1r does Appropiate he sum of Six Hundred Dollars (''?600. 00, ) for the purpose of paying the Town"s ,hare of said Public Works project; and be it Further RIISOLVI!, that purusant to section 5-C of Chapter 436 of the lawt of :938, the Town ' of �ueensbury Borrow said sum of Six Hundred -Dollars 0600.001, .nd iseue its Certificate of Indebtedness payable within one year fron the date If said4V?? icate , with interest at four per centum T4 ',,,') per annum and be t further P��SOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and tR`�y hereby are authorized to execute said certificate of indebtedness , ; and be it further TIMOLVPD, that the Money so borrowed be deposited in a. special ,ccount and be used exclusively for the works project purposes above Mentioned. .he above Resolution Duly adopted by the following Vote: ,yes: -Been, Nobles, Lanpsdn, Bentley,and Foviler, Toes; None. SOLUTION #4 Intorduced by Mr Nobles Seconed by Mr Lampson it was resolved ,hat Town Board meet January 9 I93C at I. 00 P.1•,^:o to inspect Road leading from Bey mad to top of worlds Parr .yes, Mr Been, Nobles, Lampson, Bentley, And Fowler foes None On -Motion P"'eetinj Adjurned # i .