1939-02-28 $ 13 �CU*tir a6ampson Board Meeting � 14.44 16. 0 43 16 3urroughe Add- Mach,Co Meeks Service,mx 5100 M&reh,8.24/38/a/24/38 3.00 17 Ralph Seen Board meeting 16.40 . 1p;90 18 Charles Nobles " " 40.40 19 1), Amer Fowler " " 16.0'0 16.0 20 3mrr®sighs �►dd,Co 1 Ribbon{ Ir.C.Sneith) 98.00 Constable Service 93,00 21 Charles Baldwin a 79 45 7945, 22 Charles Nobles Justice " 16.00 16.00 23 Merdith 3entley Board 42.85 '24 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 42.85 7.00 25 Mary Newcomb If `' of 7.00 26 F.J.Crannell ,� a " 22.00 22,00 n . 27 F.A. Richardson 1) " 3950 39.50 7i On Motion Meting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, February 26,/1939 Regular Meeting Regular Meeting of the Town" board of the Town of Queensbury, held on -the above date at 7.p.M, at the Town Clerk's Offiwe, the following members wefe present. D, ,Elmer Fowler Supervisor Peace Ralph T. Been Justice Of Charles. Nobles to If if N Cuttis aklamison If to -� Meredith Bentley Town Clerk. B"+art J3. Turner Highway also preseat. minutes of regular meeting Arthur Stone Town Supt, 09 roved. held on Jan, 24th, read and app Resulution #a Introduced by Mr Been - seconded by Mr Nobles- it was resolved that the Town Board of the Town of queenslsury. t hereby goes on record apposing compulsory school sentrelisation bills-Senate print( NO 400) and assembly print 10 544twhich were introduced in the legistation at the requist of the Beard of Regents. Resolved, we ask that you ezerice your best efforts and influnce to efeat the above Maned bills, and further you take equally stand in support legislation that will establish ' 'home rule, for each school district on question of centratiaation or consolidation, It was further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to Hon, 3enJamin Fienburg Senator, Icon Barry Reowt, assemblyman, Bone Joe Manley•ohairm�sof the senate education committee,Moa Harry werill chairman education Coma, of towns of the state of New York.,Ayas- Mr 3eens - Mr Nobles - Mr Lampoon- Ur Bent Mr Fowler, Noes- Noxe. • Resolution # 9 Introduced by Mr Nobles seconded by UrL{ampson - it was resolved that supervisor a=pply for supplement project for completions of W.P.A. project No 48681,It further resolved that supervisor make application to Normans Davies for necessory servery and estamate for said projects ,dyes - Mr Mr Been - ILr Nobles Mr Lampson Mr l entley Mr Fowler, noes none*, Resolution X10 Introduced by Mr aeea, seQOngabinets f®Bentley, useeof supervsisor and that Town of queensbury purchase 2 filling appoint a town welfare officer It x= is further resolved that supervisor app emw tttee as purchase necissery sfi , es,J Justice Nobles and Justice Bentley are appo nted a eo�itte . to purcha L. qg�pp}}ppkQ rya v� 444 MillYi 6 f A The Town Board audited the fallowing claims NO Name ®f. Claimant Nature of Clain r Ant, Claimed Amt, 41lowed 28 Dennis k Co, itiosal Sale Up $ li.pQ is. 29 Williams LawBK.Co, Warrent Books 10.01 10,01 30 N.Y.P.k L. Corp, Street Light' 34,36 34.36 , 31 Peter 'Pines Poor Relief 10,00 10.00 32 Dennis & Cc Constable Badges 5108 5.08 33 Russell & Naito Office Supply* 5.65 5155 34 Dr. Annie Hull Poor Relief Medical 6.00 8100 35 Zen& Hewitt If If 2.13 2113 36 Th Jones Tractor Ins► 661.00 661 Qr'c' 37 Charles Nobles Eipesae to Albany Saki 23.60 23.60 38 Win Powers Constable Services 33164 33.64 39 Vm Powers pilling Dogs 4100 4.00 40 Bert D1 Turner Clerk Services 76100 76.00 41 Allie Brows Poor Relief Order 4.00 4.'00 42 A.H. Kayser If a If 10.00 10,00 43 DeLonig Fuel Co, If to " 6.50 6130 44 DeLoog Fuel Co, If " If 11150 11110 4S DeLong Fuel Co, a3 n to 3150 3100 46 I,Russell Harris to If If 7.50 7.50 47 H,. Russell Harris C6natable Service 61.74 61,74 49 Charles 6obles Justice If 27,70 27.70 49 Ernest Xillis Assessor " 30,04 50 Charles Richards If " 36100 36,00 51 :Edward Sleight of " 34.99 34.98 52 Cool Ins Agey, Ins,on Bond #16317.0- #142068- # 42959 187.01 137.01 53 Cool Ins,Agay Ins,on Storehouse Bldg, 44,00 44.00 54 Bert D1 Turner Espences to Albany Sekl, 23.60 23.,,60 55 Aetna Ins Co, Town Bonds 4:7.50 42,53-' 54 Aetna Ins Ca Town Collpetor Bond 208,00 57 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 8.00 8100 53 IF J. Crann�ell u a a 3.50 8154 B' 59 .A, '*'iahardoon 'F of to 11.00 11.00 60 Mary R. Newcomb " .a if 1.50 7.30 61 Curtis lampoon Justice Service 17,15 17.15 62 Thomas Xall Welfare Officer 641107 64,07 63 Ralph T. Sees Town Board Neetisg 4000 4100 64 Charles Nobles of " " 4100 .4.00 63 Curtis Lampoon If " " 404 4.00 66 Ass,of Towns N.Y.S. Membership Dues 25.00 25,00 67 Thomas Mall Exp, to Albany Schl, 24,58s 24459 68 Curtis Lampson n n n •23,60 23.60 69 D. Elmer Fowler " " ' " 22.10 22.10 70 Ralph To ]teen If 25.60 25.60' 71 'Meredith 3entiey Justice Service 4.95 72 Meredith 3entley Board „ 20.73 20.75 02 OZZIE OnUotiox, Meeting Adjourned Bert D. TUrze4 Town Clerk. .; f _ a y ,"fr .. x "NMI • r tin