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1939-03-31 REGULAR MEETING 11RCIi 31st, 1939 Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Towel of Jueensbury, held on the above date at 7.P.M. .at the Town Clerk's Office , the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles �� a Curtis Lampoon +� u Meredith Bentley �� n Bert 1). Turner Town Clerk Arthur Stone Town Supt, of Highway, minutes of regular meeting held Feb 28th, special Meetings of Larch 7th, 10tko & 16th, read and approved. A petition of tax payers residing on Lower Warren St, presented to the boa" in regard to repair and maintenance of Warren at, & dust condition. no action taken . Mr Been , Justice , offered the following Resolution No 16, Seconded by Ur Lampsol Justice: VICEM5, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, has undertaken Public Works Project NO 53363 providing for the eonstrcction and improvement of town road leading from Glen Lake Road extension from end of present road across to Ox .Bow .Hill.; and MOULFA3, 'The- said Board has adopted a resolution to furnish traetors, truckC and drivers to carry on said work; and WlMkRS, There is insufficient funds available for the payment of the town('$ share of the cost of said Public Works Project,NOW TORE, be it RESOD 'That this Board appropriate acid it aloes hereby appropriate the sum of $500000/100, for the purpose of paying the Town's share of said Public Works Project;and be it furthur RESOLVEY),That pursuant to Section 5-0 of Chapter 436 of the Laws of 1938, the Town of queensbury borrow said sum of boo, and issue therefor its Certificate of Indebtedness payable within one year from the date of said Certificate, withinterest at four peripcentum (4je) per annum;and be it further RESOLVXD, That the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are authoril ed to execute said Certificate of Indebtedness: and. be it further RESOLVED, That the money so borr+ed be deposited in a special account and be used exclusively for the works project purposes above mentioned. The above resolution duly adopted by the following vote:Ayes: Mr Been , Mr Nobles, Mr Lampson, XmdBentley, find. Ur Fowler, Noes: None. x38 • CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THE PRESENTS, That the Town of Queensbury,'Warren County, New York,is indebted unto and hereby promises and agrees to pay to the Glens 1alla National Bank and Trust Company,0lens Falls,N.Y. , or order, the sus of :500.00 payable March lst, 19409 with interest at the rate of four per-cent par annum. This Certificate of Indebtedness is pursuant to resolution passed by the Town foal on the 31st, 19499 and is issued for the purpose of raising money to pay part of the amount to be `#e,na#:j=xx furnished by the Town for its share of the cost of VFA project No. 53363, for construction and improvement of town road leading 'from Glen Lade Road extension from and of present road across to Cbc Bow dill. Dated, March 31st., 1939 Supervisor Town Clerk This Certificate of Indebtedness is given pursuant to resolution adOrpted by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 31st,day- of March,1*30,and on file in the office of the Town Clerk. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk RESOLUTION NO.17 Introduced 7§yMr Lampson Neconded by Mr. Bentley: WHI F S, The Town Board of Queensbury, Warren County , N.Y'„ hoe audited claims against the Town amounting in all to the sum of , 1045.06 rand WHERMSt a certificate to that effect has been file in the office of the Clerk of said Town; and WHMRYA:S, the Town has not sufficient funds to pay said claims, NO'W, THMMOREr . be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to borrow upon the faith and credit o f the Town the sum of $500,00. by t he_is.suanc e of a Certificatm of Indebtedness bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 4% per annue, ,and payable on the lst day of Marchp1940; and be it further RESOLVED ,that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to sign such certificate in the name of the Town, and the Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to countersign same; and be it futher RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to enter same in the register recording other indebtedness of the Town. Roos call: Ayes: Messrs, ]teen, Noble; Lampson, Bentley and Fowler. Noes : None. (ZI-71e0 T'IFICAT.E OF INDEB TED1iESS KNOB ;ALL MW By 7RESE PUTTS, that the Town of Queensbur is indebted unto and hereby promises to y• warren County, N.Y. and Trust Com an Pay to the Glens falls National .Bank P ys of Glens inter,N.Y. ,or order, the sum of -1500.00, on the 1st day of March, 1940, with interest at four per centum C 4% This Certificate of Indebtedness is given for the purpose M per annul. said Town,duly audited by the Town Board. paying hills agains J �3f s tt Cllr. q�tk[d „� M t t � � i• fa:., of I R { Dated, March 31,1939 I T04YN Or, gUEM URY , WARREN COUNTY, N.Y. By D. Elmer Fowler _ Supervisor Countersigned 0; Town Clerk TNIS =TIFICC•ATE OF INDaTmNESS is given pursuant to resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town oflueensbury, Warren County ,N.Y. on the 31 day of Marok 1939,and now on file in the Town Clerk' s office, Town of Queensbury N.Y. Town Clerk resolution NQ 18 Intrduced by ;ser Been seconded by Mr Bentley it was resolved that the Town of O,ueensbury, offically adopes day light saving April 30tk,1939 until Sept 24th,1939. Roll Calls Messrs, Been, Noble, Lampson, Bentley and Fowll Noess None. The Board Audited and Allowed Claims as Follows N Name of Claiment Na- ure of Claim Claimed Allowed 74 D.L.Branch Poor. Relief Ordep 5.00 5100 75 Wm Welch " it " . 6.00 6100 76•F.A.Crannell to to " 9.00 9100 7F.A1 Richardson " to " 25.37 25.37 8 Curtis Lampson Justice Bdrvices 28.95 28.95 79 Curtis Lampson Board. Meeting 16.00 16.00 80 Charles Richards Assessor Services 126.58 126.58 81 Ernest Hillis of " 126.58 . 126.58 82 Edward Sleight If " 121.12 121.12 83 Thomes Hall Wellfare Officer Sal, 55.41 55.41 84 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 80.00 80.00 85 Charles Noble Justice Services 11.15 11.15 86 Charles Noble Board Meetings 16.00 16100 87 Meredith Bently to " 20.00 20000 88 Charles Noble Justice School 48.40 48.40 89 Curtis Lampson 48.40 48.40 90 .Willian Fowlrs Killing Dogs 13.70 13. 70 91 William Powers Constable Services 133.46 133.46 92 Ralph Been Justice School 50,60 50.60 93 Rsalph' been Board Meetings 16.00 16.00 94 Thurstin Ingraham Poor Relief 2.00 2.09 95 D, Elmer Fowler Board Meetings 24.00 24.00 96 Dennis 3c Co Marrage Cert, 1. 1.0E 97 Dennis c CO, Digest of Fees 3.5b 3.50 ;8 Bates & Carmody Elect,Supl, for Booth. 4.55 4.55 99 Glens Falls,Comm. erdial Sales Filing Cabnets 55.20 55.20 On motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner /Town Clerk l ,•bi t' .��1 e J 3 i� Y � VYS .SIB'