proposedCENTER PROJECT SERVICES“eee May 18,2020 Project #304GeorgeDrellos Sanitary Sewer Service TOWN OF Ql Queensbury,NY 12804 BUILDING &COD viewed By:Re:Proposed Replacement Septic Reviewed By 12 Helen Drive,Queensbury,NY Dat ZO Dear George: At your request,we have reviewed your proposed replacement septic system design of theexisting4-bedroom house at 12 Helen Drive in Queensbury.As per our conversation theresidencehasanexistingfailedsepticsystem. We have reviewed the proposed replacement septic system design and we agree that a standardabsorptionbedisacceptable,Based upon a design flow rate of 440 GPD and a percolation rate of1to5minutes,you will need a minimum of 489 sf of absorption area.We recommend using 20ftwideby30ftlongabsorptionbedwith4-25 fi long laterals.The absorption system can beconstructedwiththeexisting1,250-gallon septic tank,new distribution box,and 4-inch diameterperforatedpipeandstone. Please feel free to contact me at 796-2515 if you have any questions and that you for yourassistancewiththisrequest. Sincerely,lireThomasR.Center Jr,PE.HECEIV MAY 19 2029 TOWN OF QUEENS BUILDING &CoD! TOWN OF QuEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examinatiorwithourcommentsshallnotbe constued 3sInciteplaneandspactcatonsarenfullcompliancewiththeBuildingCodesofNewYorkState. 30112-1-16 SEP-0204-2020 Authier,Matthew 12 Helen Dr Residential Septic Alteration <oY | |p-bos! | | AAve. {JX Helew Deive