1939-04-25 .pecial Meeting April 21 -1939 A a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Jueensburylp held at the trove date at 7.P.M.at the Town Clerk's off-ioe, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph Seen Justice of Peace Charles Noble " " Curtis Lampoon N a Meredith 3entley Bert D. Turner Town Cleric Town Supt, of Highway Arthur *?tone also present, Resolution NO 2 introduced by Seen seconded by 3entley, i$ was resolved Whereas fire h a partically destroyed on a of the Y.W.]), trucks belonging to the Town and wheaeas it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Town to repair the before mention truck. be it resolved that James G. Wells be and hereby is authorized to repair said fire damage to aforesaid truck for the sum of 1875.00 except ,the loss or damage to the tires of said ,truck. Ayes : Messrs: Been , Nobles, Bentley Fowler. Noes - Mr Lampoon. On motion meeting adjourned 3ert D. Turner Town Cleric. Regular meeting .April 25thp 1939 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury, held on the above date at 7.P.M.at the Town Clerk's Office, the following members were present. D.- Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles if to Curtis Lampson " Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur Stone Supt, of Highway also present, mg Stone Mayor of Hudson Falls call on the Board in regard to Sewer line on ?uarry Stneet 325 feet, 1 1 � .0 .j R "MATI ON Introd ..`� uced by Mr Fowler seconded by Mr Bentley it was resolved that Mr Been and Mr Bentley be and hereby are appointed a committee of two to inspect the F.W.D. trucks at Kellam & Shaffer at Sohenectae to determined the necessary repairs to be in cured thereon to restore the truck to normal working afficancy FURTHFM RESOLVED that said committe be and hereby are authorised and directed after said determination, to have the necessary repairs made on said trucks Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes .-Mr been, Mr Nobles , Mr Lampomss Mr Bentley and Ally Fowler. Noes -None RESOLUTION # +Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Whereas the Town Board did on the 6th, of April 1939 by Resolution the Town Superi.ntendant of Highway to leasee from B,K,Clifford one .Bull Dosed M.S. Allis Chalmers with operator and supplies a 20.00 per a minimims 20 days and maxemum of 25 days to be used on the W,P,A•day for Project at Glen Lake. and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable for earring on satt the work 61 said Project to lease a scraper to be used with said Bull. Dosser for said Project therefore be it resolved that the Town Supt, of highways be and is hereby autheriaed to lease fvom B.K. Clifford one scraper to be used with said Bull Dosed on said W.P.A, Project at a rental of 112.00 per day for a period not to exceed the balance of the period of thecontract Duly adopted by thm following vote Ayes - Mr Been Mr. Nobles Mr Lampson Mr Bentley and Mr Fowler Noes None, The Board Audited and .Allowed Claims as Follows No Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 100 N,Y,P,& Light C6rp. Street Light P 34.36 34.36 101 N.Y.P.& "ight Corp, " It 34.36 34. 36 102 Adrdk-Undwrts-& Rlty Cor, Ins, on Int,Truck 113. 35 113.35 103 Beecher Howe " " -" it 164.00 1F�4,00 104 Russell & ifdaite Supplies 2.15 Not Auditedxxxx 105 DeLong Fuel Co, Poor Relief 6.50 6,50 106 Louis Silverman " to 5. Qz0 5100 107 B. D. Turner Clerk Service 76.00 yy� e.,,l40 10€3 Curtis Larmpson board Meeting 16. 00 16.00 109 Curtis Lampoon Justice Service 16.85 16.85 110 Charles Nobles Board Meeting 24.00 24,00 111 Charles Nobles Yustice Service 77.15 77.15 112 F.J. Crannell Poor Relief 2. 00 2.00 113 Thomas C, Hall Welfare Officer 54.41 54.41 114 Charles Richards Assessor Servo 150,60 150.60 115 Ernest Hillis " if 150.60 150. 60 116 Edward Sleight �� �� 145.86 117 D.Elmer Fowler Board Meeting 16. 00 145.86 118 Ralph been it 11 16.00 119 A. G. Brown Poor Relief 16.00 16.00 120 Wm. Powers Killing o 13.50 13. 50 121 vm Powers g g 4,00 4.00 122 Merdith Bentley Constable Servo 74.72 74.72 Board Meeting 16.00 16.00 ,1214.41 If 8,26 'ilj 4M i f i k r 4k; d r r Resolution -�,E Introduced by Mr Been seconded by Mr Nobles Whereass, the Town Board of the Town of nueensbury, 'Tarren County, N.Y. has claims againe�st the Town of glueensbury, amounting in all to the a of ittd $1138.26. , Whereaa a certificate to that effect has been filed in the office of the clerk of said Town, and Whereas.The Town has not sufficient fund to be it Resolved, that the supervisor be and is hereby ay authorized' tonborrowr upon e the faith and credit of the Town the sure of $266.00 by the issurance of a certificate of indebtedness bearing interest at a rate not exceeding (4,e) per am um,and payable on the 1st, March,1940, and be it Further, resolved, that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to sigh:.• such certificate in the name of the Town, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and empowered to counter sign same, and be further resolved, that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to enter same in the register recording other indebtedness of the Town. Roll Call, Ayes- Mr ]lean- Mr Nobles - Mr Lampson- Mr Bentley - Mr Fowler, Noes- None- Y Resolution #`'Introduced by Mr P entley seconded by Mr Lampaon. Whereas, the 'town Board of the Town of ueensbu �► has undertaker Public 'Works Project � ry,�'ar�?.�n County, New York, ,� # providing for the improvment and reconst- ruction of the highway known as Dixon Road begining where said Dixon-Rd, intrsected by uhp City line of the city of GlensFalland extending westerly along said Dixon Rd, for a distande of 4 miles, and installing on thta location a culvert at the Halfway brook. Whereas the said Town Board has adopted Resolution to furnish certian mater ial on labor and machinery as share of the costs of said project and Whereas there is insufficent funds avalable for the payment of the Town share of the cost of said public project, now therefore ,bait Resolved 1h at this Board appropiate and it does apppropiate the sum of $400. for purpose of paying the Town's share of said Nblic Torks Project and be it further Resolved, t'Mat pursunant to section 50 of chapter 436 of the laws 1938 the Town of Queensbury, borrow said sum of $400. and issue therefore its Certificate of Indebtedness payable withen one year from the date of said Certificate with interest at four ner r°r.onttzrn per annur, and be it further, Resoly" 4 ,''tha•t the Supervi'aor acid Town G'feikk be and they are hereby authorized to excute said certificate of indebtedness and be it further. Resolved, that the money so bowrowed by deposited in a special account by used exclusivly for the works project purposes above mentional. The above Resolution was a dopted by the following; vote Ayes - Mr Been, Mr Nobles, rdr Lampson - Bentley - and Mr Fowler. Noes- None a. D Certificate of Indebtedness 10011 ALL MEN BY THESE FRES-EUTS, That the Town. of Jueensbury, warren County, New York, is indebted unto and hereby promises and agrees to pay to the Glen s Falls National Bank and Trust Company, of Glens T!'alls, N. Y. the Sum of -1400. 009 payable on the first day of March, 1940, with interest at the rate of four per-cent per annum. This Certificate of Indebtedness is given pursuant to Resolution passed by the Town Roara on the 25tn clay of April, 1939, and is issued for the purpose of raising money to pay for the Town' s share of Public .fork's Project , 52183, for reconstruction and improvement of Highway known as Dixon Road, beginning where said Dixon Road is intersected. by the City Line of the City of ('dens Falls and extending *este.rly along said Dixon Road for a distance of 0. 4 of a mile, installing on this location a culvert at xhe Halfway Brook. Dated, May , 1939. TOWN OF gUMNSBURY, WARRF,N COUNTY, N. Y. By Supervisor Town Clerk F a p •s t