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Permit #:(-009G~-2aLo
S 59:3S
MAR 11 2020 invoice #:___2 WU
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804
P:818-761-8256 www queensbury net
Project Location:/20 Aviation hex Bcecoes |
Tax Map #:425,/&-/—73 subdivision Name:
TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling units:single family,duplexes/two-family,
multiplefamily,apartments,condominiums,townhouses,and/or manufactured &modular homes,but not mobile
homes.This is in addition to the permit fee(s).
AnpheanName(s):popConstructionwaiee.57 (Rowley Road Ffudson Falls NY /2837
Cell Phone:_(J/6 )RAP-F704 landline:_(45/%_)779-033 ©
Email:Cindya _@ hill Fep Construction Co Com
Primary Owner(s):
Name(s):/yted Cerebral falsy Association of the Tri-Counties Ine
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:28 Corporate lOoeds Blvd.35 Foor Albarn
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_()
O Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):Hi lltoe Construct on
Contractor Trade:Genecal Contackor
Mailing Address,C/s/Z:5!Ceowley Road ttudson Falls NY 12837
Cell Phone:(5/§_)2 A9-§70Y landline:_(.5/5_)7298-03357
Email Cindya_@ hllhypConstvuehiencos Com
List all additional contractors on the back of this form
Business Name:__O+udio Seven Dyehteat 5
Contact Name(s):Jetin
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:PO (ox Ju 3 bef Albany,N Qe
Cell Phone:)landline:(5/8)£29 -Tis
Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:__10m Albrecht Sie.
Cell Phone:(5/5_)A29-§707 tandline:(5/5)796 0335
Email:Cindy _@ hh.We pcenstruchiongo,com
Princiole Structure Packet Revised February 2019
TYPE:commercial ___Residential
Single-Family __Two-Family __Multi-Family (#of units __)
Townhouse __Business Office _Retail __Hotel/Motel
Industria/Warehouse __Garage(#ofcars__)4 Other(describe Bes e ite GaveneoyFacilt+y75¥59-5
floor,446A 5 O 1 floor:
Basement (habitable space):37 YQ =F.
Total square feet:_/)ON <
Total square feet:5 294.50
Princo Structure Packet
Estimated Cost of Construction:$7.220,00
Proposed use of the building:Care faci /,ty
If Commercial or Industrial,indicate the name of the business:Respit e Care
Source of HenGos)Oil Propane Solar Other:
Fireplaces needa separate Fuel Burning Appliances &Chimney Application,one per appliance)
Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan?YES fo)Explain:
Are there any easements on the property?YES
a.What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel?G.7G ACE S
b.Is this a corner lot?YES C.NO
Will the grade be changed as aresultot the construction?YS.KO.)
d.What is the water source?PUBLIC PRIVATE.WELL
e.Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system?Ct vet ec
Revised February 2018
1.lacknowledge that no construction shall commence prior to issuance of a valid building
permit and work will be completed within a 12 month period,
2.Ifthe work is not completed by the tyear expiration date the permit may be renewed,
subject to fees and department approval.
3.I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement
and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the
NYS Building Codes,focal building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning
4.|acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed |,or my agents,will obtain a
certificate of occupancy.
5.|understand that lWve are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of
all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance ofa certificate of occupancy.
have read and agree to the above:
Cindy $:Alloceeht
siowarure:_(_ad A QMbieLA pate:7-70-20 2o
Princiole Structure Packet Revised February 2019
Permit #
Permit Fee:$f $2.00;inv
Septic Variance’Yes
rmmomannom far
Tax Map ID #:60 Aviation Roa
Project Location:«75 ./8 ~/-73
Name(s):14s Constructi con
Mailing Address,C/S/z:5/7 CRow/ey Roa Ason Falls NY 72827
Cell Phone:_(5/¥)J29-P70 land line:(A7E )270 FFE
Email Cindy @_©@ fi/itepLonstructionlo.Com
Primary Owner(s):NaserGoveCeeitedCerebralfalsyAssociationofthsTr:-Counties Tic,
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:0°2 Corporate.Locods Blvd 5%FJoor-Than
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_()
O Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only
Contractor:Wo nei,Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contact Name(:Hid Yop Consteaed co
Contractor Trade:_General Lontractor.
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:.5/(Rowley Kozd idson Falls NY 7283
Cell Phone:_(5/f_)II2I-F7OF landline:(5/7)775-033Emai_Cindya@ ©[Hop Construction Ze “Com
Name(s):__&+,Engineering &(Consulting PLLC
Mailing Address,c/s/z:PO Box din”Burnt Hills?NY 1a0a7-4d33
Cell Phone:_{)landline:(47 £)269-¥
Albrecht Sie.
Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:
Cell Phone:(5/%)QQ?F70¥Land
Email:Cyndy @_C Ai //fopconstruc
Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019
Year Built [Gallons|#of bedrooms:|X gallons per |=total daily flow
per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes [(No
1980 or older]150 Installed?(circle one)
aeeiesi|30 Spa or Hot Tub Yes([No
Installed?(circle one)
1992-Present|110 &°8 BO
Topography Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope
Soil Nature sand loam ___Clay Other (explain:1Groundwater‘At what depth?Non
Bedrock/Impervious material|At what depth?)Domestic Water Supply ‘Municipal __Well {if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is___ft.)
Percolation Test Rate:_»3Sperminuteperinch(test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect)
Tank size()|J,500galions (min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub
System _(_Absorption field with #2 stone_|Total length _4/¢/§ft.;Each Trench Sift.
Seepage Pit with #3 stone How many:Size:
Alternative System Bed or other type:
Holding Tank System Total required capacity?;tank size
3 #
of tanks
NOTES:1.Alarm system and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection
agency;2.We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and
approved.The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions.3.As-built drawings must be
submitted prior to the inspection,if there has been a change to the submitted plans.
Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material
representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be
void.|have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury
Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance.
rill idly S A Ib reeht pare:27-2020
Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019,
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804
Permit Fee:$_IZ>
P:518-761-8256 Invoice #:__ZUG
projec tocation:/60 Aviation Roe of
Tax MapiD#:_°95 +/8 -/-73 ‘Subdivision Name:
Name(s):‘Wop Construction
Mailing Address,C/S/2:S/(2ow/sey Road Hudson Falls NV J2839
Cell Phone:(5/7)2Q9-870Y land Line:(4576 _)7?F-023
Email Cindya ©by Fey Construction do.0m
Primary Owner(s):>
xName(s):_//p7ed D srofral Laloy Dssceiadion of the Te-Countes,Fie.
Mailing Address,C/S/2:_22 (érporete lLeocds Blvd 5%Floor [bany,
Cell Phone:_(),Land Line:_()
O Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):A//fop Construction
Contractor Trade:__General (on fractore
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:CRowJoy Road Hudson Falls NV IFFT
Cell Phone:(5/8 )AQG-S70¥landline:(45/5)77-033 >
Email.C I1fdyo @ Wy [ltep Construct onco.Conn
List all additional contractors on the back of this form
Business Name:Studio Seve n Areh ‘tect 5.
Contact Name(s):
Mailing Address,C/s/z:LD [ov J036 7 bany,NY Taka.
Cell Phone:_()landline:(577)329 -756 ©
Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:__10m Albrecht Sie
Cell Phone:_(5/9 )AAI-F704 landline:(4/5)779-033 ¥
Email:(yndyq ©hb TitepGonstructionCo «com
Accessor Structure Apbeation Revised February 2019,
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_()
Land Line:(
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_(
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/2:
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_(
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_(
e Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_()
Land Line:{
Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation mustbe submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address,C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_(
Aecesory Structure Appieaton evsed February 2019,
TYPE:Me Commercial ____Residential
Xboeck,Open Porch ___Solar Panels (w/o rafter upgrades)Carport Cell Tower
Shed Pavilion,Pole Barn,Canopy ___Dock __.Gazebo
Detached Garage __Boathouse (with or w/o sundeck)__3-Season Porch
Other (description:
Ast floor:HY!x32!
Total square feet;__4/4/
5 229 00
1,Estimated Cost of Construction:§JNC/uded in Bld Pes #2000
2.If Commercial project,what is the proposed use:Kespi te Care fee ihe ty
3.Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan?YES 0)Explain:
kovee’4.Are there any easements on the property?Yes
1.L acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be
completed within a 12 month period.
2.Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed,subject to fees
and department approval.
3.I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are atrue and complete statement and/or description
of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws
and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations.
4.|acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed |,or my agents,will obtain a certificate of
5.lalso understand that |Ave are required to provide an as-built surveybyalicensedlandsurveyorofallnewlyconstructedfacilitiespriortoissuanceofacertificateofoccupancy.
have read and agree to the above:
Revised February 2018,Accessory Structure Applation
Center for
Where people get better at life
March 19,2020
Mr.Dave Hatin
Building and Codes Enforcement
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12804
Re:160 Aviation Road
Dear Mr.Hatin:
1am General Counsel for Center for Disability Services (“CFDS”)and its affiliates,including
United Cerebral Palsy Association of the Tri-Counties,Inc.,also known as Prospect Center.
1 am in receipt of your March 13,2020,e-mail to John Van Oort (Studio Seven Architects)and
Sue Finan (Director of Residential Operations at CFDS)regarding Prospect Center’s proposed
residentialrespite at the above-referenced property.In the e-mail you opine that the planned
residential structure should be classified as an Institutional Group I-1 because “there is no
restriction of the mental or physical disability on the clients that can occupy this structure.”For
the reasons stated below,we respecttillly believe that this opinion is inaccurate.
Pursuant to New York State Building Code,an Institutional Group I-1 occupancy “shall include
buildings,structures or portions thereof for more than 16 persons,excluding staff,who reside on
a 24-hour basis in a supervised environment and receive custodial care.”See Section 308.3
emphasis added).Custodial care is defined as “[alssistance with day-to-day living tasks;such
as assistance with cooking,taking medication,bathing,using toilet facilities and other tasks of
daily living,Custodial care includes persons receiving care who have the ability to respond to
emergency situations and evacuate at a slower rate and/or who have mental and psychiatric
complications.”See Section 202.Significantly,Section 308.3.3 provides that
a]facility housing not fewer than six and not more than 16 persons receiving custodial
care shall be classified as Group R-4.”(emphasis added).
To enable and empower people,primarily those with disabilities,to lead healthy and enriched lives.
Gregory Sorrentino,President &Chief Executive Officer
Brian T.Cregin,CPA,Chief Operating Officer »Mate A.Antonucci,Esq.,General Counsel
22 Corporate Woods Boulevard +Allbany,New York 12211 «Telephone 518.437.5700 «Fax $18:437.0837 +
Mr.Dave Hatin
March 19,2020
Page 2
As you know,Prospect Center’s proposed residential respite has eight bedrooms (and will have a
certified overnight capacity of eight)that will serve adults and children with developmental,
intellectual and/or physical disabilities under the auspices of the New York State Office for
People With Developmental Disabilities (*OPWDD”).Based upon the plain language of Section
308.3,the proposed residential respite does not meet a threshold requirement for an Institutional
Group I-1 occupancy because it is not a building or structure for more than 16 persons (staff
excluded)to reside on a 24-hour basis.Accordingly,applying the express and mandatory
language of Section 308.3.3,Prospect Center’s proposed residential respite must be classified as,
a Group R-4.
With respect to your invocation of an alleged lack of any restriction of the mental or physical
disability on the clients that can occupy this structure,first,this is not a pertinent consideration
for determining the applicable classification under Group I-1 or Group R-4.Neither Section
308.3 nor Section 310.6 speak to any such restriction or consideration.
Second,as noted above,the individuals to be served in proposed residential respite will be
restricted to adults and children with developmental,intellectual and/or physical disabilities
under the auspices of OPWDD.In other words,only those individuals with qualifying diagnoses
or conditions as defined in Section 1.03(22)of New York Mental Hygiene Law who receive
services from OPWDD will be served in Prospect Center’s proposed residential respite.
We trust that the foregoing provides clarification regarding the proposed residential respite.If
necessary,we are willing to schedule a call to discuss this matter further.In the meantime,if
you have any questions,or require additional information,please do not hesitate to contact me at
We sincerely hope to amicably resolve this matter,but we must reserve all rights in law,equity
or otherwise if we are unable to do.
We look forward to hearing from you.
eneral Counsel
c:John Van Oort (via e-mail only)
Sue Finan (via e-mail only)
Product Information Sheet DUPONT 1
cc. -0 \01- 12020
DuPontTM ThermaxTM Sheathing
Nonstructural, Glass-Fiber-Infused Rigid Polyiso Insulation
Description Ease of Installation
DuPont-Thermax'"Sheathing*is a non-structural,rigid board Thermax'"Sheathing:
insulation consisting of a glass-fiber-infused polyisocyanurate Eliminates the extra step of installing a membrane or
foam core laminated between 1.0 mil smooth, reflective building wrap
aluminum facers on both sides.The glass-fiber reinforcement Can be installed on walls and ceilings while exposed to the
contributes to improved fire performance and dimensional interior without any thermal barrier
stability. Contains UV-stable technology-can remain uncovered
Thermax"'Sheathing also offers high,long-term thermal up to six months
resistance,with facers that help prevent water and water vapor • Reduces the potential for condensation within the wall
intrusion into the insulation foam allowing it to stabilize at a assembly
higher R-value*.In ifs- ermax - eat ing C ii15p.. . • Is lightweight-easy to cut, handle and install
installed exposed 23i clipLii1 iiB os ri bout a thermal ba riero U ed-
in-.injunction wit-t-e appropria e join closure y tern-for the Available Sizes
application,Thermax'"Sheathing-with its low perm rating-can Sizes,R-values and edge treatment options for ThermaxC'
help to reduce moisture condensation within and behind Sheathing can be found in Table 1.Contact your local sales
the insulation. representative for additional sizes.
TABLE 1:Sizest11,R-Values And Edge Treatments For Thermax"Sheathing
Nominal Board Thickness(in.) Thermal Properties Board Size Availability Edge Treatment
US Canada
in) mm) R-Value° Rsi US(ft) Canada(mm)
0.50 3.3 0.58 4 x 8 1220 x 2440 Square Edge
0.75 5.0 0.88 4 x 8 1220 x 2440 Square Edge
1 6.8 1.14 4 x 8 1220 x 2440 Square Edge
1.5 9.8 1.73 4 x 8 1223 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
1.55 39 10 1.78 4 x 8 1224 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
2 51 13.0 2.29 4 x 8 1225 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
2.5 64 15.8 2.78 4 x 8 1226 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
3 76 18.6 3.28 4 x 8 1227 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
3.5 89 21.3 3.75 4 x 8 1228 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
4 102 24.0 4.22 4 x 8 1229 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
4.25 108 26 4.49 4 x 8 1230 x 2440 Square Edge,Shiplap
l'i Contact your DuPont seller for information at different R-values and other sizes and lead time requirements.Not all product sizes are available in all regions.
laThermax Brand insulation has a higher R-Value at lower temperatures.At 40°F mean temperature and P'board thickness,R-Value is 6.6,and for 2"board thickness,R-Value is 13.2.
5iAdditional2.8 reflective R-Value can be claimed when the air space is at least 0.75"and in conformance with requirements in ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook.
Pi Conditioned thermal values were determined by ASTM C518 at 75°F mean temperature.Test specimens were conditioned in accordance with procedures outlined in ASTM C1289,Section
Sustainable Solutions
Thermax'"Sheathing is manufactured from 100%renewable power and has a zero ozone depleting potential and negligible global
warming potential.The use of Thermax"'Sheathing helps reduce the carbon footprint of commercial buildings and can contribute
to LEED Credits.
Thermax"Sheathing is a former product of The Dow Chemical Company.
DuPont"Thermax"Sheathing exhibits physical properties as indicated in Table 2 when tested as represented. Review all
instructions and(Material)Safety Data Sheet((M)SDS) before use. Please contact DuPont at 1-866-583-2583 when additional
guidance is required for writing specifications that include this product.
TABLE 2:Physical Properties of Thermax"Sheathing
Properties US(per ASTM C1289) Canadian(per CAN/ULC S704)
Test Method Values Test Method Values
Compressive Strength ASTM D1621 25 psi min ASTM D1621 170 kPa
Flexural Strength ASTM C203 40 psi min ASTM C203 275 kPa min
Thermal Resistance ASTM C518 see table) ASTM C518 see table)
Tensile Strength ASTM D1623 24 psi min. ASTM D1623 170 kPa min
Dimensional Stability ASTM D2126 0.2%max ASTM D2126 0.2%max
Water Absorption ASTM C209 0.1 max ASTM D2842 3.5 max
Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E96 a 0.04 perm ASTM E96 15 ng/Pa-s-m2
Bu ai a onagNitogel•5 tear
boo °ram ` m0 " ' Q CAN/ULC 5102 30
ape pr ead
Jcola - Pop. 450
Vertical compressive strength is measured at 10 percent deformation or at yield,whichever occurs first.
Calculated flammability values for this or any other material are not intended to represent hazards that may be present under actual fire conditions.
Applicable Standards Notice
Thermax"Sheathing meets ASTM C1289-Standard Thermax"Sheathing complies with the following codes:
Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate ASTM E2178 Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of
Thermal Insulation Board,Type I,Class 2 and CAN/ULC S704-11. Building Materials-leakage rates less than 0.001 L/s/m2 at
Applicable standards include:a test pressure of 75 Pa.
C203-Standard Test.Methods for Breaking Load and Flexural • ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air
Properties of Block Type Thermal Insulation Leakage through Exterior Windows,Curtain Walls,and Doors
C209-Standard Test Methods for Cellulosic Fiber Insulating under specified Pressure differences across the specimen.
Board Results were<0.02 L/s/m2
C518-Standard Test Method for Steady-State Thermal ASTM E2357 Standard Test Method for Determining Air
Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Leakage of Air Barrier Assemblies-no leakage
Apparatus ASTM E331 Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of
D1621-Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Exterior Windows,Skylights, Doors,and Curtain Walls by
Rigid Cellular Plastics Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference-no leakage
D2126-Standard Test Method for Response of Rigid Cellular • 2018,2015,2012,2009 and 2006 International Residential Code
Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging IRC)Section 316
I2 '_inter tto L im ild"n a CodeD2842-Standard Test Method for Water Absorption 018, o b0 009 W
of Rigid Cellular Plastics Section 26OC._
E96-Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission NBCC
of Materials ICC-ES ESR-1659
D1623-Standard Test Method for Tensile and Tensile CAN/ULC S704-03/11
Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics CCMC listing 08433-L
FM 4880-Wall-Ceiling Construction Metal-Faced-Class 1
Fire Rated to Max.30'Exposure High,4.25"Thick,4'Wide,
When Installed as Described in the Current Edition of FMRC
Approval Guide.Contact Dupont Technical Support for most
current FM 4880 attachment requirements.
FM 4450 Approval Standard for Class 1 Insulated-Steel judgement reports
Deck Roofs FMVSS No.302-Flammability of Interior Materials-
Thermax'"products are covered under Underwriters Passenger Cars,Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles,Trucks and
Laboratories Inc.(UL)File R5622 Buses(Docket No.3-3; Notice 4)
UL 1256-Fire Test of Roof Deck Constructions, Roof Deck Miami-Dade NOA 02-0703.02 Interior Insulation on CMU Block
Construction No.120 and No.123 Miami-Dade NOA 02-0703.03 Insulated Wall
Class A UL 723(ASTM E84)Surface Burning Characteristics Miami Dade NOA 02-0703.05 Insulated Roof Assembly ASTM
of Building Materials E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage
The following designs are 1,2,3 or 4•hour wall rated through Exterior Windows,Curtain Walls,and Doors under
assemblies as listed in the UL Fire Resistance Directory:specified Pressure differences across the specimen.Results
U026,U326,U330,U354,U355, U424,U425,U460,U902, were<0.02 L/s/m2
U904,U905,U906,U907,V454,V482,V499 Contact your DuPont sales representative or local authorities
Fire Performance Evaluation of an Exterior Masonry Wall for state and local building code requirements and related
System Incorporating Thermax"'Insulation Tested in acceptances.
Accordance With NFPA 285,2019,2018,2015,2012,2009 and
2006 Editions(UBC 26.9,intermediate scale-multistory Warranty
testing) In the USA a 15 year thermal warranty is available.
NFPA 285 compliant when installed as part of exterior Visit or contact your DuPont
wall assemblies in ICC-ES ESR-1659 or valid engineering
WARNING:For Professional Use Only-Read and follow the entire Handling section and the Safety Data Sheets(SDSs,formerly
MSDSs or Material Safety Data Sheets)carefully before use.The information below is designed to protect the user and allow for
safe use and handling of Thermax'"Brand products.Follow all applicable federal,state,local and employer regulations.
Precautionary Statements Disposal
In Canadian construction,Thermax"Sheathing exposed Dispose of any residual Thermax"Brand product,coated debris,
to the interior must be covered with a thermal barrier. or solvent in accordance with applicable federal,state,and
Thermax"Brand products should be used only in strict local government regulations.
accordance with product application instructions.
Thermax"Brand products,when used in a building containing
combustible materials,may contribute to the spread of fire.
For more information,consult MSDS and/or call DuPont at
For more information visit
or call 1-866-583-2583
NOTICE:No freedom from any patent owned by DuPont or others is to be inferred.Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and may change with time,
Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customer's workplace and disposal practices are
in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments.The product shown in this literature may not be available for sale and/or available in all geographies where DuPont is represented.
The claims made may not have been approved for use in all countries or regions.DuPont assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document References to"DuPont"or the"Company"
mean the DuPont legal entity selling the products to Customer unless otherwise expressly noted.NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN EXCEPT FOR ANY APPLICABLE WRITTEN WARRANTIES
all risks as to the use of the material.Buyer's exclusive remedy or any claim(including without limitations,negligence,strict liability,or tort)shall be limited to the refund of the purchase price of the
material.Failure to strictly adhere to any recommended procedures shall release DuPont Specialty Products USA,LLC or its affiliates,of all liability with respect to the materials or the use thereof.The
information herein is not intended for use by non-professional designers,applicators or other persons who do not purchase or utilize this product in the normal course of their business.
CAUTION:This product is combustible.Protect from high heat sources.A protective barrier or thermal barrier may be required as specified in the appropriate building code.For more information,consult
Material)Safety Data Sheet((M)SDS),call DuPont at 1-866-583-2583 or contact your local building inspector.In an emergency,call 1-989-636-4400 in the U.S.or 1-519-339-3711 in Canada.
WARNING:Rigid foam insulation does not constitute a working walkable surface or qualify as a fall protection product.
Building and/or construction practices unrelated to building materials could greatly affect moisture and the potential for mold formation.No material supplier including DuPont can give assurance that
mold will not develop in any specific system.
DuPont",the DuPont Oval Logo,and all trademarks and service marks denoted with TM,5"or o are
owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours,Inc unless otherwise noted.©2019 DuPont 43-D100094-enNA-0619 CDP
Fi r e M a r s h a l ’ s O f f i c e P h o n e: 518-761-8206 F a x: 518-745-4437
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
UCP Respite Care Facility
Aviation Road
The following list is based on a drawing review, with an I-1 classification.
Verify operation of and location exit / Emergency lighting.
Lock / latches shall comply with Chapter 10 of 2015 IBC
Verify all electrical and panels closed up and properly labelled
Verify fire extinguisher locations and current inspection.
Add Knox Box at main entrance
Carbon Monoxide detection is required throughout
Truss ID signage required
Verify aisles and paths of egress
Provide required egress signage in each sleeping unit
Provide kitchen appliance schedule
Provide complete system layout drawings
Provide copy of NYS license for contractor
Provide spec. sheets for all
Provide external H/S over FDC, to activate on all fire alarms
Central station monitoring required
NFPA 72 completion report will be required
FM witness test required
H o m e o f N a t u r a l B e a u t y … A G o o d P l a c e t o L i v e ”
Fi r e M a r s h a l ’ s O f f i c e P h o n e: 518-761-8206 F a x: 518-745-4437
Sprinkler System
FDC connection shall be 5” Storz
NFPA 13R acceptable
Provide complete system layout drawings with hydraulic calcs.
NFPA 13 letter of compliance required
Provide specifications for generator and details of its intended function
Acceptance report required from contractor
Michael J Palmer
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road
Queensbury NY 12804
3 REScheck Software Version 4.6.5
Compliance Certificate ___,T=11 W
Wy -———|||FILE COPY
Project New Respite Care Facility |
MAR 11 2020
Energy Code:2015 1ECC |
Location:Glens Falls,New York ————
Construction Type:Single-family
Project Type:New Construction
Conditioned Floor Area:4,123 ft2 295.18-.1-73 €C-0109-2020
Glazing Area 10%United Cerebral Palsy Association
Climate Zone:6 (7635 HDD)Respite Care Facility
Permit Date:160 Aviation Rd
Permit Number:New Commercial Bldg 5295 sf
Construction Site:
1160 Aviation Road
Queensbury,NY 12804
Tim Bartiett
Tri Counties,inc.
22 Corporate Woods,5th Floor
Albany,NY 12211
United Cerebral Palsy Assoc of the
John Van Oort
Studio Seven Architects
PO Box 16364
Albany,NY 12212
comEeeComplisnce:1.4%Better Than Code Maximum UA:348 Your UA:343
The %Belter or Worse Than Code index reflects how close to compllance the house ls based on code trade-of rules
IRGOES NOT provise an estimate of energy use of cos relative toa minmum-code home
Assembly Sore
Craw!1:Solid Concrete or Masonry
Wall height:4.7"
Depth below grade:4.0"
Insulation depth:4.7°
Wall 1:Wood Frame,16*0.c.
Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 2:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 3:VinyliFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 4:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Wall 2:Wood Frame,16"0.¢
Window 5:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Wall 3:Wood Frame,16"0.c.
Wall 4:Wood Frame,16°0.c
Window 6:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 7:VinylFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 8:Vinyl/Fibergiass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
Sa eo eS
Report date:02/27/20
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Cerpe NimasvetaaeadWindow9:VinylFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Door 1:Glass
Wall 5:Wood Frame,16"0.
Wall 6:Wood Frame,16"0.
Window 10:Vinyi/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Wall 7:Wood Frame,16"0.
Window 11:Vinyi/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 12:VinylFibergiass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 13:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 14:Vinyiibergiass Frame:Double
Wall 8:Wood Frame,16"o.c
Window 15:VinyliFibergtass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Wall 9:Wood Frame,16"o.c
Wall 10:Wood Frame,16"o.c.
Window 16:Vinyiibergiass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 17:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Window 18:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Side Lite:Glass
Door 3:Solid
Wall 11:Wood Frame,16"0.
Wall 12:Wood Frame,16"o.<.
Window 19:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E
Celling 1:Raised or Energy Truss
uw 03003
2B 0250 «6
a 210 0.0005721232100000576
3 0300 4
675 21.0 0.0©0057-36
1B 0300 4
B 0300 4
a 0300 3
1B 0300 4
123-210 00 00576
B 03004e2100000573
288 21.0 0.0 0.05712
B 0300 4
B 0300 4
3 0300 4
7 02502
2B 01704
61 210 00 00573
123-210 00 ©0057 6
B 0300 4
4123 19.0 30.00.0202
Compliance Statement:The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other
calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in
aeScheck version 45:5 ante comply wen the mandatory requirements sted inf Bgsphect Inspection Checklt
Ton)T,Afe eeurrcet GaWe-T.2[27/2020asignatureDat
New Respite CareFacilityProjectTitl
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REScheck Software Version 4.6.5
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code:2015 IECC
Requirements:41.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table Is provided.
Section |T T
GP"|Prenapeconmannevew Mong rtind Fe Yonied compe?_commentsAesumptionksaie|eneqo,sash vate[103.1,Construction drawings and Cicompties Requirement will be met.
103.2.documentation demonstrate Oboes Not[PRI energy code compliance for the Not observebllildingenvelThermalsservable8eongngorvelape.GotApplicableenveloperepresentedon
construction documents.---/
103.Construction drawings and complies
103.2,documentation demonstrate OpoesNot403.7’energy code compliance for
IPR3P lighting and mechanical systems.ChNot Observable
le Systems serving multiple Oot Applicable
dwelling units must demonstrate
compliance with the IECC
Commercial Provisions._
1,Heating and cooling equipment is Heating:Heating:complies
sized per ACCA Manual S based —_Btu/hr.Btu/hr.Ooes Not
gn loads calculated per ACCA Cooling Cooling NotobservableManual|or other methods Btu/hr Bturhr Cnetapotcanieapprovedbythecodeofficial.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 |High Impact (Tier 1)|2 [Medium Impact (Tier 2)3 |Low Impact (Tier 3)
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility Report date:02/27/20
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
Section |T
Plans Verified Comments/AssumptionsPeiancoraneo|aeoo402.2.11 Unvented crawl space wall Re Cicomplies
FO7}insulation R-value.Ro Ro OboesNot8(NotObservabletoooiGinotAppticable303.2 Unvented crawl space wall complies
Fos}*insulation installed per Oboes Not
Unvented crawl space c
See the Envelope Assemblies
able for values
Requirement will be met.
OiNot Applicable
at inuous complies
fFO8K "vapor reterderinstaled over Oboes Not
exposed earth,joints overlap=
and sealed,extending at Eset cnsarvabte
up and attached to the INot Applicable
402.211 Unvented crawi space wall in in Tcomplies
FO10}!insulation depth of burial or CdoesNotdistancefromtopofwalCotObservable
303.2.1 Aprotective covering is installed es[FO11?to protect exposed exterior
insulation and extends@aminimumof6in.below grade.Not Observable
id BiNot Applicable
403.9 Snow.and icemelting system[
FOI2P controls instalies
8 (Not Observable
ONot Applicable
Requirement will be met.
See the Envelope Assemblies
table for values.
Requirement will be met.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 [High impact (Tier 1)2[Medium impact (Tier 2)[3 [Low impact (Ti ier 3)
02/27/20ProjectTitle:New Respite Care Facility
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
Report dat
Page 4 of 10
Section |#
Framing /Rough-In Inspection
Req.ID |a'
402.1.1,Door U-factor.
1402.1.1,Glazing U-factor (area-weighted
303.13 U-factors
FRA!are determined in accordance
with the NERC test procedure or¥
taken from the default table.
402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal ba
FR23}"”installed per manufacturer's
402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built
FR20}'is listed and labeled as meeting
AAMA WWDMAICSA 101/15.2/A440
or has infitration rates per NFRC
400 that do not exceed code
402.45 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures
FRI6}?sealed at housingjinterior finish
and labeled to indicate 2.0 cfm
leakage at 75 Pa.
403.3.1 Supply and return ducts in attics
TFRI2}!insulated >=R-8 where duct is°
hes in diameter and >=
R-6 where <3 inches.Supply and
return ducts in otherportthebuildinginsulated>=
diameter >:
for <3inchesindi13.5 Building cavities are not used as
TFRISP ducts or plenums.
403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids
FRL7?above 105 #F or chilled fluids
below 55 $F are insulated to 2R--
403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC
4035.3 Hot water pipes areinsulated to
Automatic or gravity dampers are
Installed on all outdoorairintakesandexhausts.
Plans Verified
Field Verified
Value Complie:
Cdees not
Not Observable
Ovot Applicable
Oboes Not
Not Observable
Onot Applicable
CiNot Observable
Giniot Applicable
O complies‘
does Not
Not Observable
Cinot Applicable
Oboes Not
Not Observable
Not Observable
Cboes Not
Not Observable
Cdoes Not
Not Observable
Cinot Applicable _
Oot Applicable
not Applicable
See the Envelope Assemblies
table for values
See the Envelope Assemblies
table for values.
Requirement will be met.
Requirement will be met.
Requirement will be met.
Requirement will be met.
2 [High impactier)[2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility
Data filename:C:\Users\Customer\Dropbox\CFDS Project\Aviation Road Facility\Construction
Admin\Energy Report.rck
3 [Low impact (Tier 3)|
Report date:02/27/20
Page 5 of10
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 [High impact(ier 1)[2.[Medium impact (Tier2)|3 [Low Impact(Tier3)|
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility Report date:02/27/20
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
Plans Verified |Field Verified+Insulation Inspection ValueValuephat303.1 All installed insulation is labeled
INI3P°or the installed R-values
o provided,
Wall insulation R-value.Ifthis is a R-Re
2'5,mass wall with at least %of the)Wood ClWoos4022.6 wall insulation on the wall E]Mass [MassTINS]exterior,the exterior insulation Steer Oo steel
@ requirement applies (FR10),
303.2 Wall insulation is installed per‘
Na manufacturer's instructions.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
T[Migh impact (Tier 1)[2 [Medium impact (Tier 2)
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility
Data filename:C:\Users\Customer\Dropbox\CFDS Project\Aviation Road Facility\Construction
Admin\Energy Report.rck
3[Low impact (Tier 3)
Cicomplies Requirement will be met.
Dpoes Not
Cicomplies See the Envelope Assembles
Cbece net «table forvatues
Ocomplies:Requirement will be met.
Oboes Not
Not Observable
GiNot Applicable
Report date:02/27/20
Page 7 of10
Section |Plans Verified FieldVerifiedbabes|vee [ae402.1.1,Ceiling insulation R-value.R R.
og (1 Wood (Wood
aoeae Ol steel Ol steel
303.1.1.1,Ceiling insulation installed per
303.2"manufacturer's instructions.
iF2)"Blown insulation markedevery300%
402.23 Vented attics with air permeable
FI22P insulation include baffle adjacent
to soffit and eave ventsthatextendsoverinsulation.
402.2.4 Attic access hatch and door
F3}*insulation 2R-value of the
adjacent assembly.
402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa.<:ACH 50 =
FIL7yP ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and
Sa3'ach in Climate Zones 3-8.
4033.4 Duct tightness test result of <=4 ___cfm/100 efmvi00
Flay cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft?fe
3 cim/100 fe2 withoutairhandler@25Pa,For rough
tests,verification may need to
occur during Framing inspection.403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/i00 efmi00
Fi27}!determine air leakage with ew ®
either:Rough in test:Total
leakage measured with 2
pressure differential of 0.1 inch
fg,across the systemincludingthemanufacturer's air handler
enclosure if installed at time of
test,Postconstruction test:Total
leakage measured with >
pressure differential of 0.1 inch
tg,across the entire system
including the manufacturer's alr
handler enclosure.
403,3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated[
i2é}?by manufacturer at <=2%of
design airflow
403.4.1 Programmable thermostats Ae fk
FIOP installed for control ofprimaryheatingandcoolingsystemsand
intially set by manufacturer to
code specifica “aie403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed
FILO ‘on heat pumps.
4035.1 Ci
FILIP systems have automaticoraccessiblemanualcontrols,
Not Observable
CONot Applicable
Odoes Not
Not Observable
ONot Applicable
Not Observable
ONot Applicable
Not Observable
Not Applicable
Requirement will be met.
See the Envelope Assemblies
able for values.
be met.
Requirement will be met.
Requirement will be met.
High impact (ier 1)|[B [low impact(Tier 3)
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
Report date:02/27/20
Page 8 of 0
Section |Fura verted |Fel voraa |T|Final inspection Provisions cempiens|teotmanieisaliniaesiesNaeotvamos|camels?|Contre}
403.6.1 All mechanical ventilation system Ocomplies
FI25F fans not part of tested and listed Opoes
ne e Gai arches re beau se ates
Not Applicable
403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat Cicomplies
FI26?through one-or two-pipe heating Oboes Not
systems have eutdoorsetbock
contro!to lower boiler water Not Observable
temperature based on outdoor Oot Applicable
4035.1.Heated water drculation systems ~Clcomples
F287?have a circulation pump.The OboesNotsystemreturnpipeisadedicated;
return pipe or a cold water supply {CINot Observable
Pipe.Gravity and thermos-Ont Applicable
Syohon circulation systemsarenotpresent.Contras for
Circulating hot water system
pumps start the pump with signal
for hot water demand within the
sutomatically turn off thepumpnenwaterIsincirculationloop
is at setpoint temperature and
no demand for hot water exists
403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems iComplies
FI29P comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL OboesNotia'eamvelsanataaajteergyptthe ne Observable
heat tracing to maintain the CNet Applicable
Seared ater tempeaturteonsmnt:ee .a|403,5.2 Water distribution systems that complies }
FI30F have reclrculat tion bumps that oes Not
Paty eater for shed eter
Bapuy ipe Sock tothe ested not obsevati
water source through a cold INot Applicable
water supply pipe have
wove angsea4035.4 Drain water heat recovery units,~Ocomplies
FI31?tested in accordance with CSA Oboes Not
855.1,Potable water-side
pressure loss of drain water heat EINor Observable
recovery units <3 psi for INot Applicable
individual units connected to one
fr two showers.Potable water-
side pressure loss of drain water
heat recovery units <2 psi for
individual units connected to ~
fixtures oF 7596 of permanent Clboes Not
fixtures have high efficacy lamps °.
Does not apply to low-voltage
CNet Observabl
lighting,Cnot Applicable
Fuel gas lighting systems have co
F123 —_no continuous pilot light.Oboes Not
e [NotObservableotApplicable
pact (Tier)[2 [Medium impact(Tier 2)|3 [Low impact (Tier 3)
Project Title:New Respite Care Facility Report date:02/27/20
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Admin\Energy Report.rck
J"|Final inspection Provisions|Plans Verified|Field Verified |Comp|&
Req.ID|i ci
tate |401.3 Compliance certificate posted.Ocomplies
cFI7P Oboes Not
NotObservableiisaoeONotApplicable303.3 ‘Manufacturer manuals for Ccomplies
F118 mechanical and water heating OboesNotSelenahovebeenprovidedAOUNeOiNotApplicable
Requirement will be met.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
a [HighimpactTier 1)
ityProjectTitle:New Respite Care Fa
Data filename:
Admin\Energy Report.rck
2i]Medium impact (Tier2)[3[Low impact (Tier
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N 2015 IECC Energy
Efficiency Certificate
Insulation Rating Card
Above-Grade 21.00
Below-Grade Wall 14,00
Floor 0.00
Ceiling /Roof 49.00
Ductwork (unconditioned spaces):
Ce eraser)eared sHGc
Window 0.30
Door 0.17
Becueeecraecat Sree
Heating System:.
Cooling System:
Water Heater:
THERMAX™Heavy Duty Insulation
THERMAX"Heavy Duty Insulation
The Dow Chemical Company
Dow Building Solutions
200 Larkin Midland,MI 48674
11866-583-BLUE (2583)
Fax 1-989-8324465
THERMAX"Heavy Duty Insulation consists
of a glassfiberreinforced polyisocyanurate
foam core faced with nominal 4 mil
embossed white thermoset coated
aluminum on one side and 1.25 mil
embossed aluminum on the other.It can be
installed exposed to the interior without a
thermal barter.
THERMAX"Heavy Duty offers high,long-
term R-value’.The facers help prevent
water and water vapor intrusion into
the insulation foam,and allow the foam
to stabilize at a higher Revalue.Used
in conjunction with the appropriate
joint closure system for the application,
THERMAX™Heavy Duty Insulation with
its low perm rating helps to reduce
moisture condensation within and
behind the insulation,
Basic Use
THERMAX"Heavy Duty is designed as an
insulation and interior finish system for
walls and ceilings in metal,wood post
frame,and concrete or masonry buildings,
4s governed by building codes.The tough
4 mil white embossed aluminum surface
of THERMAX"Heavy Duty makes ita
durable insulationjfinish choice for use in
moderate-impact areas,and it can be
pressure-washed up to 2,000 psi with
a IS-degree or greater spray tip (at 3°
minimum distance).Maximum length is
30 fe.(9:1 m)and a maximum thickness of
3 inches (762 mm).
Applicable Standards
THERMAX™Heavy Duty meets ASTM
1289 ~Standard Specification for
Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate
Thermal Insulation Board,Type f,Class 2.
Applicable standards include:
C203 ~Standard Test Methods for
Breaking Load and Flexural Properties,
of Block-Type Thermal insulation
209 ~Standard Test Methods for
Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board
C518 —Standard Test Method for Steady-
State Thermal Transmission Properties by
Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
1621 Standard Test Method for
Compressive Properties of Rigid
Cellular Plastics
2126 -Standard Test Method for
Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to
Thermal and Humid Aging
96 Standard Test Method for Water
Vapor Transmission of Materials
D1623 —Standard Test Method for
Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties,
of Rigid Cellular Plastics
TABLE 1:Sizes,R-Values And Edge Treatments For THERMAX™Heavy Duty Insulation
Nominal Board Thickness (in)Eo
Board Size)Se4x8/4 x12
axg/ax ta
Contact you ow sil forivornation at ferent ales ender ses an ead time rquiremanis.Ntal product
izes ao mio alrgions."
eae means eit to hat flow:The higher the ah the geste the insulating power Stables Rvalee @7S'F
aan tempertire determined in accordance with ASTM C516,Reuss expressed in e2sh F/B,STi n cee menses
Physical Properties
THERMAX™Heavy Duty exhibits the typical
properties and characteristics indicated in
Table 2 when tested as represented.
Environmental Data
THERMAX"Heavy Duty is manufactured
with a zero ozone depleting potential.
The use of THERMAX™Heavy Duty
helps reduce the carbon footprint of
commercial buildings.
Fire Protection
THERMAX™products should be used only in
strict accordance with product application
used in a building containing combustible
materials,may contribute to the spread of
fire.For more information,consult MSDS
andjor call Dow at 1-866-583-BLUE (2583).In
an emergency,call 1989-636-4400,
Code Compliances
THERMAX™Heavy Duty complies with the
following codes:
2009 International Residential Code
ORC)Section 316
30°Exposure High,425°Thick,4’Wide,
When Installed as Described in the
Current Edition of FMRC Approval Guide
THERMAX"products are covered
under Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
UL file R5622
UL 1256 —Fire Test of Roof Deck
Constructions,Roof Deck Construction
No.120 and No.123
UL723 (ASTM E84)Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials
The following designs are 1,2,3 or 4
hour wall rated assemblies as listed in
the UL Fire Resistance Directory:U026,
Fire Performance Evaluation of TABLE 2:Physical Properties of
pie aetna ysical
Heavy Duty Insulation
Incorporating THERMAX™Insulation
Taved in ‘Accordance With NFPA 285,Compressive Strength(t),ASTM D1621,psi,min,|25
2006 Edition (UBC 26.9,intermediate \
ae a tory ane Flexural Strength,ASTM C203,8oUSSNeaoeHeamanshiltyof|Wate:Absorption,ASTM C200,%by
volume,max.|on |
Interior Materials Passenger Cars,_—|_Weter Vapor Permeance,ASTM E96,pam,max.<0.09
Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles,saximum
Trucks and Buses (Docket No.3-3;|
Use Femperatire,F 280
Notice 4)Light Refiectenoe,
Ught Spectrophotometse %|5ContactyourDowsalesrepresentativeorlocalauthoritiesforstateandlocalbuilding
code requirements and related acceptances.
Boards of THERMAX™Heavy Duty are ‘THERMAX"Heavy Duty insulation is Dow can provide technical information
lightweight and can be sawed or cut with manufactured in several locations and isto help address questions when using
a knife.They install quickly to walls and distributed through an extensive network.THERMAX™Heavy Duty.Technical personnel
Ceilings inside and outside of purlins,For more information,call 180-232-2436.are available to assist with any insulation
russes or bar joints.Butt joints must be project.Call $866583-BLUE (2583}.
installed over structural members.The 7.WARRANTY
surface ofthe insulation at all joints must Fifteen-year limited thermal warranty _—_10,FILING SYSTEMS
be continuously sealed with tape or with is available.Contact your Dow ‘
one of Dow's join closure systems.representative for
ContactalocalDowrepresentativeor‘8 MAINTENANCE.
access the literature brary at www.Not applicable for more
specific instructions.
ines.nGanada or Technical information:‘
The Dow Chemical Company Dow Chemical Canada ULC 41-886-583-BLUE (2583)(English)
Dow Building Solutions Dow BaiingSabon 4-800-383-6210 (French)
200 Larkin Center ,For Sales Information:
Midland,Ml 42674 Clip abTaPsut 1-800-232-2436 (English)
1-800-565-1255 (French)
nen reprint nnn geng git nsreyrnaeona,venue eaaneneweaierionaentteane icp Som mn gan»a ina
tence Doote Sony
etme the Dow Oem Canary (Ow)en ied campy tow Fame 04018-0715 COP
COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb
Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Project Information
Energy Code: 2015 IECC _
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road
Project Type: New Construction p° 0829�'
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:
160 Aviation Road Tim Bartlett Fusion Systems Engineering, DPC
Queensbury, New York 12804 United Cerebral Palsy Association of 634 Plank Road,Suite 203B
the Tri-Counties, Inc. Clifton Park, New York 12065
22 Corporate Woods Blvd 5th Floor 5186210533
Albany, New York 12211
Additional Efficiency Package(s)
Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations.
Allowed Interior Lighting Power
Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed
(ft2) Watts/ft2 Watts
1-First Floor(Multifamily) 4123 0.46 1892
2-Basement(Multifamily) 4123 0.46 1892
Total Allowed Watts= 3785
Proposed Interior Lighting Power
Fixture ID : Description / Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/ Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixture Watt.
1-First Floor(Multifamily)
LED: Fixture A:Other: 1 53 17 922
LED: Fixture D:Other: 1 25 10 250
LED: Fixture C: Other: 1 20 9 172
Total Proposed Watts= 1344
Interior Lighting PASSES: Design 64% better than . .-
Interior Lighting Compliance
Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,
specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been
designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version COMcheckWeb and to comply with any applicable
mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist.
Name-Title Signature Date
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date:_05/05/20
Data filename: Page 1 of 5
� r S
COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb
Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Project Information
Energy Code: 2015 IECC
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road
Project Type: New Construction
Exterior Lighting Zone 2 (Residentially zoned area)
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:
160 Aviation Road Tim Bartlett Fusion Systems Engineering, DPC
Queensbury, New York 12804 United Cerebral Palsy Association of 634 Plank Road,Suite 263B
the Tri-Counties, Inc. Clifton Park, New York 12065
22 Corporate Woods Blvd 5th Floor 5186210533
Albany, New York 12211
Allowed Exterior Lighting Power
Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts
Watts/ Wattage (B X C)
Front Entrance(Entry canopy) 208 ft2 0.25 Yes 52
Rear Entrance(Illuminated area of facade wall or surface) 288 ft2 0.1 No 29
Total Tradable Watts(a) = 52
Total Allowed Watts= 81
Total Allowed Supplemental Watts(b) = 600
(a)Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces.
(b)A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable
Proposed Exterior Lighting Power
Fixture ID : Description/ Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/ Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixture Watt.
Front Entrance (Entry canopy. 208 ft2):Tradable Wattage
LED: Fixture A: Other: 1 4 18 70
Rear Entrance (Illuminated area of facade wall or surface. 288 ft2): Non-tradable Wattage
LED: Fixture B: Other: 1 6 8 48
Total Tradable Proposed Watts= 70
Exterior Lighting PASSES: Design 89%better than code
Exterior Lighting Compliance
Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,
specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed exterior lighting systems have been
designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version COMcheckWeb and to comply with any applicable
mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist.
Name-Title Signature Date
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 2 of 5
COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code: 2015 IECC
Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.
# Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C103.2 ;Plans,specifications,and/or ;❑Complies
[PR4]1 calculations provide all information ;❑Does Not
with which compliance can be
;determined for the interior lighting ❑Not Observable
:and electrical systems and equipment :❑Not Applicable
;and document where exceptions to
the standard are claimed.Information
!provided should include interior
;lighting power calculations,wattage of;
bulbs and ballasts,transformers and ;
control devices.
C103.2 ;Plans,specifications, and/or I❑Complies ;
[PR8]1 :calculations provide all information UDoes Not
with which compliance can be
;determined for the exterior lighting ;❑Not Observable
:and electrical systems and equipment t]Not Applicable
;and document where exceptions to ; ;
;the standard are claimed. Information ;
!provided should include exterior
;lighting power calculations,wattage of
;bulbs and ballasts,transformers and
control devices.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 3 of 5
# Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
C405.2.1 ;Lighting controls installed to uniformly;❑Complies ;
[EL15]1 reduce the lighting load by at least :❑Does Not
50%. ;❑Not Observable
;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.1 ;Occupancy sensors installed in ;❑Complies ;
[EL18]1 :required spaces. ;❑Does Not
;❑Not Observable,
❑Not Applicable
C405.2.1, ;Independent lighting controls installed ;❑Complies
C405.2.2, per approved lighting plans and all :❑Does Not
3 ;manual controls readily accessible and
[EL23]2 ;visible to occupants. UNot Observable
;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.2. ;Automatic controls to shut off all ;❑Complies
1 .building lighting installed in all ;❑Does Not
[EL22]2 ;buildings.
,❑Not Observable
;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.3 ;Daylight zones provided with ;❑Complies
[EL16]2 :individual controls that control the ;❑Does Not
;lights independent of general area
lighting. ;❑Not Observable
;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.3, ;Primary sidelighted areas are ;❑Complies
C405.2.3. :equipped with required lighting ;❑Does Not
1, ;controls.C405.2.3. UNot Observable
2 ; ;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.3, ;Enclosed spaces with daylight area ;❑Complies
C405.2.3. under skylights and rooftop monitors :❑Does Not
1, ;are equipped with required lighting
C405.2.3. ;controls. ,❑Not Observable
3 :❑Not Applicable ;
C405.2.4 ;Separate lighting control devices for ;❑Complies
[EL4]1 specific uses installed per approved ;❑Does Not
;lighting plans. ;❑ ;
, Not Observable;,
;❑Not Applicable
C405.2.4 ;Additional interior lighting power ;❑Complies
[EL8]1 allowed for special functions per the :❑Does Not
;approved lighting plans and is ;
;automatically controlled and UNot Observable
;separated from general lighting. ;❑Not Applicable ;
C405.2.5 ;Automatic lighting controls for exterior;❑Complies
[EL25]no0 :lighting installed.Controls will be :❑Does Not
;daylight controlled,set based on
;business operation time-of-day, or ;❑Not Observable
reduce connected lighting >30% :[]Not Applicable ;
C405.3 ;Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ;❑Complies
[EL6]1 face. ;❑Does Not
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 12 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 4 of 5
# Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C303.3, Z Furnished O&M instructions for ;❑Complies
C408.2.5. "systems and equipment to the :❑Does Not
2 building owner or designated
[FI17]3 representative. UNot Observable
;❑Not Applicable
, I
C405.4.1 ;Interior installed lamp and fixture ;❑Complies .;See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values.
[FI18]1 :lighting power is consistent with what :❑Does Not
:is shown on the approved lighting
;plans,demonstrating proposed watts ;❑Not Observable
are less than or equal to allowed ;❑Not Applicable ;
C405.5.1 :,Exterior lighting power is consistent ;❑Complies ;See the Exterior Lighting fixture schedule for values.
[FI19]1 with what is shown on the approved :❑Does Not
;lighting plans,demonstrating ;
,proposed watts are less than or equal ;❑Not Observable
to allowed watts. ;❑Not Applicable ;
C408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for ;❑Complies ;
1 electric power systems within 90 days []Does Not
[FI16]3 �of system acceptance.
;❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.3 ;Lighting systems have been tested to ;❑Complies
[17133]1 ensure proper calibration, adjustment, :❑Does Not
;programming, and operation. ;
❑Not Observable:
[]Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 5 of 5
._.. _.. o= .. .. r.... ...w .�.a.�. r .e�:�«_. c. tiw
COMcheck Ifit, A. CO CE kWeb
Mechanical Compliance .Certificate
�Af NEw
Project Information C�PQ�lCAM 0�
Energy Code: 2015 IECC 7t
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road r_ W
Location: Glens Falls, New York
Climate Zone: 6a 3
°•08290 �C9
Project Type: New Construction Ate. SIO�`P�
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:
160 Aviation Road Tim Bartlett Fusion Systems Engineering, DPC
Queensbury, New York 12804 United Cerebral Palsy Association of 634 Plank Road,Suite 203B
the Tri-Counties, Inc. Clifton Park, New York 12065
22 Corporate Woods Blvd 5th Floor 5186210533
Albany, New York 12211
Additional Efficiency Package(s)
Reduced interior lighting power. Requirements are implicitly enforced within interior lighting allowance calculations.
Mechanical Systems List
QuantitySystem Type & Description
1 HVAC System (Single Zone):
Heating: 1 each-Central Furnace, Gas, Capacity=40 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency=96.00%Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00%Et or 78%AFUE
Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity= 24 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception:
Proposed Efficiency= 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER
Fan System: F-1 SUPPLY FAN--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes
FAN 1 Supply,Single-Zone VAV, 805 CFM,0.5 motor nameplate hp, 0.0 fan efficiency grade
1 HVAC System (Single Zone):
Heating: 1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity= 60 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency= 96.30%Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00%Et or 78%AFUE
Cooling: 1 each-Split System, Capacity=42 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception:
Proposed Efficiency= 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER
Fan System: F-2 SUPPLY FAN--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes
F-2 SUPPLY FAN Supply,Single-Zone VAV, 1415 CFM, 0.8 motor nameplate hp,0.0 fan efficiency grade
1 HVAC-System (Single Zone):
Heating: 1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity=40 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency=96.50%Et, Required Efficiency: 80.00%Et or 78%AFUE
Cooling: 1 each-Split System,Capacity=30 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser, No Economizer, Economizer exception:
Proposed Efficiency= 14.00 SEER, Required Efficiency: 13.00 SEER
Fan System: F-3 SUPPLY FAN--Compliance(Motor nameplate HP method) : Passes
F-3 SUPPLY FAN Supply,Single-Zone VAV, 1015 CFM, 0.5 motor nameplate hp, 0.0 fan efficiency grade
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 1 of 10
Mechanical Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement. The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,
specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical systems have been
designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version COMcheckWeb and to comply with any applicable
mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist.
Name-Title Signature Date
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 2 of 10
COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code: 2015 IECC
Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.
# Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C103.2 ;Plans,specifications, and/or ;❑Complies
[PR2)1 calculations provide all information QDoes Not
with which compliance can be
;determined for the mechanical ❑Not Observable
systems and equipment and ❑Not Applicable
!document where exceptions to the
;standard are claimed. Load
calculations per acceptable
;engineering standards and
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact.(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 3 of 10
# Footing/Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Req.ID
C403.2.4. ISnow/ice melting system sensors for ;[]Complies
5, Sfuture connection to controls.Freeze :E]Does Not
C403.2.4. t�protection systems have automatic
6 Icontrols installed. ;ONot Observable
[FO9]3 ;E]Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 4 of 10
# Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ;❑Complies
C404.5.1, to pipe length and volume :❑Does Not
C404.5.2 t requirements. Refer to section details. ;❑Not Observable
[PL6]3 fffff ;❑Not Applicable
C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ;❑Complies ;
C404.5.1, Ito pipe length and volume ;❑Does Not
C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details. ;❑Not Observable
[P.,L6]3, '
❑Not Applicable
C404.5, Heated water supply piping conforms ;❑Complies
C404.5.1, to pipe length and,volume ;❑Does Not
C404.5.2 requirements. Refer to section details.[PL6]3 ;ONot Observable
❑Not Applicable
C404.6.3 S Pumps that circulate water between a :❑Complies ;
[PL7]3 'heater and storage tank have controls T❑Does Not
that limit operation from startup to ;
<=5 minutes after end of heating :❑Not Observable
cycle. ;❑Not Applicable
C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ;❑Complies ;
[PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls :❑Does Not
that limit operation from startup to ;
<=5 minutes after end of heating ;❑Not Observable
cycle. :❑Not Applicable
C404.6.3 Pumps that circulate water between a ;❑Complies
[PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls ;❑Does Not
that limit operation from startup to
<= 5 minutes after end of heating ❑Not Observable
Icycle. ;❑Not Applicable
C404.7 ')water
Water distribution system that pumps :❑Complies
[PL8]3 ,water from a heated-water supply :❑Does Not
pipe back to the heated-water source
through a cold-water supply pipe is a ;❑Not Observable
demand recirculation water system. ;❑Not Applicable ;
jPumps within this system have
;controls-that start the pump upon
receiving a signal from the action of a
user of a fixture or appliance and ;
3limits the temperature of the water
,entering the cold-water piping to
104°F. ;
C404.7 ;Water distribution system that pumps ;❑Complies
[PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply :[]Does Not
pipe back to the heated-water source ;
through a cold-water supply pipe is a ;❑Not Observable
demand recirculation water system. ❑Not Applicable
Pumps within this system have
controls that start the pump upon ;
receiving a signal from the action of a 1
user of a fixture or appliance and ;
limits the temperature of the water
entering the cold-water piping to
;104°F. ;
11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 5 of 10
# Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C404.7 j Water distribution system that pumps ;OComplies
[PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply :ODoes Not
pipe back to the heated-water source
through a cold-water supply pipe is a ;❑Not Observable
demand recirculation water system. Not Applicable
Pumps within this system have
controls that start the pump upon
receiving a signal from the action of a
user of a fixture or appliance and
limits the temperature of the water 1
entering the cold-water piping to
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 6 of 10
# Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C402.2.6 ;Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of;❑Complies
[ME41]3 ;sensible heating panels have ;❑Does Not
#insulation >= R-3.5. :❑Not Observable',
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.13;Unenclosed spaces that are heated ;❑Complies ;
[ME71]2 use only radiant heat. ;❑Does Not
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.3 ;HVAC equipment efficiency verified. ;❑Complies ;See the Mechanical Systems list for values.
[ME55]2 i !❑Does Not
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.6. ;Demand control ventilation provided ',❑Complies ;
1 :for spaces>500 ft2 and >25 ❑Does Not
[ME59]1 ;people/1000 ft2 occupant density and
;served by systems with air side I❑Not Observable
economizer, auto modulating outside :❑Not Applicable ;
;air damper control,or design airflow
>3,000 cfm.
C403.2.6. ;Enclosed parking garage ventilation ;❑Complies
2, has automatic contaminant detection- :❑Does Not
[ME115]3 and capacity to stage or modulate
fans to 50%or less of design capacity. ;E]Not Observable
❑Not Applicable ;
C403.2.7 ;Exhaust air energy recovery on ;❑Complies
[ME57]1 ;systems meeting Table C403.2.7(1) ;❑Does Not
and C403.2.7(2). ;❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.8 Kitchen exhaust systems comply with ;❑Complies
[ME116]3 replacement air and conditioned ;❑Does Not
supply air limitations,and satisfy hood!
;rating requirements and maximum ;❑Not Observable
*haust rate criteria. ;❑Not Applicable ;
C403.2.9 ;HVAC ducts and plenums insulated. ;❑Complies
[ME60]2 Where ducts or plenums are installed �❑Does Not
in or under a slab,verification may ; ;
;need to occur during Foundation ❑Not Observable
!Inspection. ;❑Not Applicable ;
C403.2.9 ?Ducts and plenums sealed based on ;❑Complies
[ME10]z !static pressure and location. :❑Does Not
;❑Not Observable:
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.9. #Ductwork operating >3 in.water ;❑Complies
1.3 ;column requires air leakage testing. U❑Does Not
[ME11]3 ;❑Not Observable
s ;❑Not Applicable
C403.2.9. ;Ductwork operating >3 in.water ;❑Complies
1.3 ;column requires air leakage testing. :❑Does Not
[MEll]3 ;❑Not Observable 1
:❑Not Applicable
C403.2.9. }Ductwork operating>3 in,water ;❑Complies ;
1.3 column requires air leakage testing. UDoes Not
[ME11]3 ; UNot Observable
❑Not Applicable
11 High Impact(Tier 1) 12 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 7 of 10
, e
# Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Req.ID
C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ;❑Complies ;See the Mechanical Systems list for values.
6 of individual zone boxes have static :[:]Does Not
[ME110]3 'pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable
2 ;❑Not Applicable
C403.4.4. Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ;❑Complies ;See the Mechanical Systems list for values.
6 �of individual zone boxes have static :❑Does Not
[ME110]3 pressuresetpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.4.4. #Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ;❑Complies :See the Mechanical Systems list for values.
6 of individual zone boxes have static :❑Does Not
[ME110]3 }pressure setpoint reset controls. ❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.2.2. 'Air outlets and zone terminal devices ;❑Complies
1 !have means for air balancing. ;❑Does Not
[ME53]3 ;❑Not Observable:
❑Not Applicable
C403.5, 'Refrigerated display cases,walk-in ;❑Complies
C403.5.1, )coolers or walk-in freezers served by UDoes Not
C403.5.2 remote compressors and remote i
[ME123]3 #condensers not located in a 1❑Not Observable
I condensing unit, have fan-powered :❑Not Applicable ;
;condensers that comply with Sections ;
C403.5.1 and refrigeration compressor; ;
Isystems that comply with C403.5.2.. 1
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 8 of 10
# Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Req.ID
C303.3, Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC ;❑Complies
C408.2.5. systems within 90 days of system UDoes Not
3 acceptance.
[F18]3 + UNot Observable
t❑Not Applicable
C403.2.2 ;HVAC systems and equipment ;❑Complies ;
[FI27]3 ;capacity does not exceed calculated !❑Does Not
j loads.
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ;❑Complies ;
1 a controlled by a thermostat control. ;❑Does Not
[F[47]3 Minimum one humidity control device Not Observable
per installed
humidification/dehumidification ;❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ;❑Complies, ;
1 controlled by a thermostat control. ;❑Does Not
[FI47]3 'Minimum one humidity control device
per installed ;❑Not Observable;
humidification/dehumidification ;❑Not Applicable ;
C403.2.4. IHeating and cooling to each zone is ;❑Complies ;
1 controlled by a thermostat control. :❑Does Not
[FI47]3 Minimum one humidity control device UNot Observable
)per installed
humidification/dehumidification Z❑Not Applicable ;
C403.2.4. #Thermostatic controls have a 5 °F ;❑Complies
1.2 deadband. ;❑Does Not
[FI38]3 i :,[:]Not Observable;
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. ;Temperature controls have setpoint ;❑Complies
1.3 joverlap-restrictions. - :❑Does Not
[F[20]3 UNot Observable;
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. ,,Each zone equipped with setback ;[]Complies2 )controls using automatic time clock or 1❑Does Not
[F139]3 {programmable control system. ❑Not Observable
1❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F ;❑Complies
2.1, y(heat)and 85°F (cool); 7-day clock, 2- UDoes Not
C403.2.4. ;hour occupant override, 10-hour
2.2 ;backup UNot Observable:
[F140] :❑Not Applicable 3 ) ,
C403.2.4. ;Systems include optimum start ;❑Complies
2.3 !controls. ;❑Does Not
[F141]3 ; ;❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. Systems include optimum start ;❑Complies
2.3 controls. UDoes Not
[FI4,1]3 1❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. ;Systems include optimum start ;❑Complies ;
2.3 Icontrols. ;❑Does Not
[F141]3 UNot Observable
❑Not Applicable
1 High lmpactffier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 9 of 10
, e
# Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
&Re .ID
C408.2.1 ;Commissioning plan developed by ;❑Complies
[FI28]1 registered design professional or :❑Does Not
;approved agency.
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.2.3. ;HVAC equipment has been tested to ;❑Complies ;
1 lensure proper operation. :❑Does Not
[FI31]1 ;❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.2.3. ;HVAC control systems have been ;❑Complies
2 jLebLed to ensure proper operation, 1❑Does Not
[F110]1 ;calibration and adjustment of controls.1❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.2.4 ;Preliminary commissioning report ;❑Complies
(F129]1 completed and certified by registered !❑Does Not
;design professional or approved
;agency. :❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
,C408.2.5. Furnished HVAC as-built drawings ;❑Complies
asubmitted within 90 days of system ElDoes Not
1[FI7]3 ?acceptance.
ff ;❑Not Observable
[]Not Applicable
C408.2.5. ;An air and/or hydronic system ;❑Complies
3 balancing report is provided for HVAC :❑Does Not
[FI43]1 systems. ;ONot Observable
❑Not Applicable
C408.2.5. ;Final-commissioning report due to ;❑Complies
4 .building owner within 90 days of :❑Does Not
[F130]1 ;receipt of certificate of occupancy. ;
,❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)'
Project Title: New Respite Care Facility 160 Aviation Road Report date: 05/05/20
Data filename: Page 10 of 10
Mr.John O'Brien
Code Enforcement Officer,Town-of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12804 A
Via email to
October 7,2020
Engineer's Certification of New Septic System Installation— 160 Aviation Road,PN 19025.
Dear Mr. O'Brien-
This letter is to certify that the construction of the onsite individual underground wastewater
treatment and disposal(gravity fed conventional septic) system has been constructed in general
conformance with the provisions of the approved design plans.An as-built sketch of the installed
system with field measurements is attached for future reference.
If you have any questions or require anything further information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
P, t
Kurt Bedore,PE O�OFEgg10NP�
KB Engineering& Consulting,PLLC
Cc: T. Bartlett,Owner rep,via email
J,VanOort,AIA,Architect,via email
T,Albrecht, Sr.,Hilltop Construction(GC),via email
PO Box 210, 105 Lakehill Road, Suite 2
Burnt Hills,NY 12027-9432
Cellphone: 518-669-4091 email: kbedore@nycap.rr.ccom