1939-07-18 SP , " The Towh J%ijLA Audited The Following Claims _.�.. o Claimant ore o Claim Amt,of Claim Amt, owed 147 N,Y.P,& Lgt, Corp Street Light 38,16 38.16 148 Fowler Lept,Store Flags 11,05 11,05 149 Fitzgerald . Hotel Poor Order-ru & m1, 1,75 1175 150 Dr,Bannon to " Office Call, $.OGf 4.00 151 Dr, Annie M. Hull " " Call on Patient6.00- not audited 152 Thomas Hall Welfare Officer 50.6f 50.r-'P 153 Thomas Hall Fare-R,R,& B.Davis 4,75 2.75 154 Charles Nobles Board Meeting 24,00 24.00 155 Charles Nobles Justice Serve. 26,40 26.40 156 Edward Sleight Assess-or Sere, 167.34 167,34 157 Charles Richards " a 162,96 162,96 158 Ernest Hillis 176.34 176.34 1.59 Mtaside Free Libry, For Decoration of Mt,Side Free Libry, 100.00 160 Bert D. Tuner Clerk Services 60,00 ; No+t° ►t dpi ted 161 Meredith Bentley Board Meeting 4.00 4.00 162 Ralph Been " it 4,00 , 4.00 163 7D.Elmer Fowler it to 4.00 4,00 164 Theodore Turner Rental 37,50 37,50 165 W.I. Powers Killing of 2 Dogs 8.00 8100. 166 Curtis Lampson Board Meeting 4,00 4,00 167 F.J. Crannell. Poor Relief Orders 4,00 4,00 168 H.Russell Harris " " 6.50 6.50 169 Lucy Akins Serv,Truant Officer 200,40 2001 006 170 Curtis Lasr,pson Justice Servo, 9,40 9,,40 171 Win, L. Powers Constable Servo 36.02 36.02 $14 7 7 9 _........__. . $/0 46"0 9 On motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner Ton Clerk AeSpecial Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury,keld at the town Clerk' s office in said town, on the 18th, day of July„19399 All members being present except Mr Bentley, Resolution No,52 introduced by Mr Nobles, seconded by Mr Beer WH12FA.S, This Board passed resolution No,46 on the 27th, day of June, 1939, and WEMPFAS,the Highway Law has been amended and sections therein referred to have been re-numbered and amended, RESOLVEN That said Revolution No.46 passed on said day be and hereby is rescinded, .Above resolution duly adopted on following votes Ayess Mr Been - Mr Lampoon- and Mr Fowler Noes: None, Mr Bentley absent. RESOLUTZON,NO. 53 'introduced by Mr Been seconded by Mr Nobles: WHEREAS,The Town Board of the town of queensbury has made a statement showing the probable cost of extra- ordinary repairs to town road running westerly from the state highway, PO�� �} �y� $(y' Im 5#q R S { 0,e,f§5,51,6 4 �g J• Route 9, at or near the foot of Miller Hill and known as the .Aviation Road# pursuant to tke provisions of Section 269 of the Highway Saw , and WHERUS,Said Town Board deems said road unsafe and dangerous for travel by reason of being conitructied of gravel and by re,s or: of extreme dry weather and greatly increased travel to and from the Aviation Field, rrleiC- , creates a cloud of dust , making it impossible to see an autoroblie or vehicle for any distance, and to avoid any serious accident or liability on the part of the town, said Town Board deem it necessary that extra - ordinary repairs be wade to said road9which is less than two rods wide, ,by oiling and re-surfacing tke same for a. distance of four - tenths of a mile and that the probable and estimated cost of impkro)ing and repairing said road will be about Twelve Hundred Dollars, (41200.00 , RESOLVED,That pursuant to the provisions of the statute, tkere be and hereby is appropriated and made available for said purpose tke sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars, ( $1200.00 ),it further RESOLVED, Tkat the Supervisor be and hereby is authorised to borrow on--the faitk and credit of said town the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars($1200)0 and to execute certificate of indebtedness for said sum, payable Marsh 191944 with interest at the rate of four-per-sent, it is further RESOLV3DtThat the Town Clerk shall make a copy of such statement and transseit and present such statement, as provided by said Section 269 of the Highway Law. . Annesced resolution was duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Been, Nobles, Sampson Fowler. - Noes: None. absent Bentley. On Motion Mee,.ting Adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk, ;f c ( {y 1 pro