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1939-08-26 SP
--. _. .. - -.. rxns:.exaxtx?uW..-.. - - •.. 1Tr`.,3'"`N. `1�-:....D. Resolution duly adopted by the following vote s- Ayess- Mr Been, Mr Nobles Mr Lampoon, Mr Bentley, and Mr Fowler, Noes* -None. The Town Board audited the following claims, No N"e of Claiment Nature of Claim lit, Claimed Ascot, lov�+� 189 Edward Sleight Assessor Service 53.66 53, 66 190 Charles Richards to it 57.26 57.26 191 Ernest Hillis if If 57.26 57.26 192 New York P,& Z.Corp• Str, Sighting 38.16 38.16 193 Dennis & Co, Inc. , Jury Lists 3111 3.11 194 Remington Rand Inc. , Ribbons - Portable 1150 2125 19 5 J.C. Chitty Printing Envelopes 2.25 41.55 195 Thomas Hall Welfare Officer 41.55 197 Dr. Rayner Poor Order 2.00 2.00 198 Nary Newcomb " 6100 6100 199 A.G. Brown 10.40 10.40 200 Meredith Bentley Justice= Services 63.55 37.15 201 Meredith Bentley Board Meeting 16.00 16.00 © Curtis Lampoon 08 12,00 Q Ralph Peen " " 18.40 8.43 2 Curtis Lampoon Justice Services 9.40 9140 205 Warren Co.,S.P.C.A. Contract-unlicense Dogs. 73.50 73.50 55.20 448 On motion m*#4fng adJ ourned Special Meeting .August 26th, 1939 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury, held at the Town Clerk' s3Office,in said Town.on the above date, the following members were present. D.Rlmer Fowler ,Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charlie Nobles " " Curtis Lampoon of 0. Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner 'Town Clerk ft S, James McPhillips, attorney for the Hudson Transportation Co. , Inc. , has appeared before the Board, and stated that the residents of s6,rj.TowA of queenebury, in the vicinity of West Glens Falls,have, on numerous occasion*, petitioned the-"'Hudson Transportation Company to operate a service from the west city line of Blens Falls to what is known as "Big May Road", on tke highway known as the " Glens Falls- Corinth Road ", and 71HI RFAS,the Hudson Transportation Company has advised the residents of said Hamlet of West Glens Falls that it would be willing, provided tke Town Board would permit, to operate a trial run into said territory for a period of nine monthas,to ascertain whether there was sufficient business to establish a route, apply for a franchise, and have the sane certificated by the Public Service Commission, and YAS ,the residents of said territory are desirous that the Hudson Transportation Co. , Inc. , establisk such trial route and request the Town Board to grant permission to Hudson Transjortation Co. , Inc. ,to operate a motor bus or motor vehicle route for the purpose of carrying persons and property for compensation upon,along and over the following streets,avenuess and public places in the Town of nueenaburyoWarren C.ounty,N.Y. ,for a period of nine months,as a trial run. After due consideration by the Town Board aL �r k '�. RESOLUTION No 61 Introduced by Mr Bentley,. seconded by Mr Lampsson, it was RESOLVED,THAT THE Hudson Transportation Co. , Ina, :be,and it hereby is pent. itted to maintain and operate,for a period of nine monthss,for the purpose of de, ermining whether or not to seek a franchtse,an omnibus or motor vehicle route'f( the purpose of carrying persons and property for compensation upon,along and ovi the followinf sstreets,avenues and public places in the lawn of QueensburypWarrer County,N.Y. , to wits Commencing on the 'Blens P'all's-Corinth Highway,at the west city line of M Fallss,the east town line of the Town of queenebury,where thesame connects with Broad Street,runningthence westerly along said highway through the Hamlet of lea Glens Falls to Big Bay Road,and in both directions. Duly adopted by the followit Votes Ayes:Mr Been, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampoon, Mr Bentley, & Mr Fowler;NsaessNone; A,letter was revived from P.A. Sullivan,Chairman of Demo Town Comittee we read to the board presrnting the name of and revcommending C.J'.Nealon .as Cust- odian of the Voting machines, also an application was revived from R.C. Davit as ausstodian,of the voting machines. RESOLUTION, No 62 Introduced by Mr. Nobles, seconded by Mr Been, VXIMAst by section #251 of the Election Law, the Board of Election are charged with tusk d of appointing custodians for voting machines and the Board of Election has reque the Town Board to make recommendationp. the Election Law provides for the appoint of onefron 'each mayor party, RESOLVED,That the Town Board hereby recommends the appointment of Custodi of Voting machines of R.Davis,a regular enrolled republican of the Town of Queen ury, & C.J.Nealon,regular Democratic of the 'Town of queensburypit is furtkar, RESOLVED,that the salary of said Custodian,be and hereby Is fixed at the annual salary of $50.00 Fifty Dollars,payable as provided by the Election Law,it further, RESOLVED,that such CustodUms perform all duties provided by the Elect, Law, as directed by the hoard of Elections, :Duly adopted by the following votep Ayesss Mr Been, Mr Nobles, Mr Aampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr,Fowler. Noes:None. On .motion meeting adjourned, Bert D.;' r er,Clerk. Special Meeting September 13tk91939 At,aspecial meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queenabury,held at the Towm Clerk's Office at the above dater 7 F,*M,tke following members were., present. D,31mer Fowler ,Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles V Curtiss Lampoon Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Charles Rivhardssassesor and Edward :Sleight,ehairman of Board of assesorss were . also present, RESOLUTION, No 63, Introduced by Mr Bentley, seconded by fir Been,WKER Charles Fike,Fan and Bill Catering Corp. tand 'William Chambers have instituted Certorari Proceeding against the 'Town ,Board of Asssseoore for reduction of assessm and, WHERYA ,the Town Board deems it for the best interest: of the Town to oppose said reduction. RFSOLV'IO,that Assessors be and hereby are authorized Lo engage Beecher S. Cloth.t kras Attorney to prepare proper defence in the above proceedingsa. IT,is further resolved that upon: recorramen+dation of the Board of *ssesso: that said Beecher S. Clothker be and is hereby authorized to engage counsel in said Proceedings, Duly adopted by the following votes Ayes: Mr Been, Mr Nobles„ Mr Lampson , Mr Bentley, and Ur Powlerp Noes:, None. t x�i1 k5f� t ti+1: A J{,`- yy55(( 11 RESOLUTION Nb 64. Ittrofteed by KroBeen. seconded by Nr* Nobles. U It..dd resolre:d that Ate.~ Bentley. be and Is hereby authorized and directed to cam. fOr*—with -I sd- of Water- Commitsi1on-sra of the Citjr of Gleams-Fa l.a.relat ive to the fneetallation of a water meter for the North Glens F&13Le Water District. 3 ;y 'adgpted 'by t'he folld* .lcte..- Ayes. qtr. Man. Mr. bles. Mr. Lampaon. Mr. Bentley,. and Mr. Fowler. RESOLUTION 6b, Litroduaed, by Mr Been., seconded by Ear. Nobles,„ it was resolved that;, WHEMS,an-applicantion has beezL received. from Frank Ricketts for water to his propreerty which is :in the W."t Glees F 1.ls Vlsitriict,ared WFMREAS,Thd water malw does✓"irmt extend westerly along main Sltreet ,to eaupp water to saU premises, there be, dt: RESOLVElY" Thee Superintandent of the 9le t GIlens Falls 1 ter D trict.,be an h6t.dby' is aiahot,22i _and' rirected'-to- extond the water main westerlF along Merin Str6o v.` far i§tar a of250 ."feet by laying a 2" Galvainzeed. Steel Pipe with fixture -at a "00.gilt not to 4kadeaa $' .00. DuV"-,, AdoptdS'by the-'folidwri3*- vote *4; y. .. . *en, Mr, Nobles,, Lampxon,, Mr' A4ntley,, and Mr Fowler, Nbes- Mane.s om motion meeting- adjourned. SPECIAL MEN T ING September 22nd,1939 h At a special meeting of the Town Bmrd of the To= of Queensbury held at the To 7own C26rkls off`i`ce -at T*P1*M`.vn the above ddatee,the following members were present. M.El.mar Fowler Supervisor r Ralph Been Justice Cha€rlew Nobles Curtis Laimprson of MeereditIt Bentley Peace Bert: V.. Turner 'Town Gle rk E dward :sleight dhairman of Bbard of Assessars ,Firnest Millis Assessor, a Bee:ch4 Clothier were valso present. A letter fvcrmr Mr Clothier wAs re" to the board and placed can file. 10 8 iH� NO 6 6.Iln t roduc eci by Mr. Ewene seconded by Mr. Be�tleey. - . REAS,On the 13th da� of Snpteembeer,l939,this. Bbard passedt. Resolution Nb 639 which resolution authorize the ftard of Assessors of said 'Tbwn:. to employ Beecher S.Clothier,as attorney to represent the Ebard of Assessors in sertiorari instituted by Marless Pike.,, Fan Bill Centering Corp. and William nCbambers, and WFMREAS.In a letter dated September 22nd,19399 ad Jieteei they Board that becausw of engagements in condemnation proceedings which are now .pend'ing for Warren County to acquire rights of way on the Warrensburg-Chestertown Highway that he would be unable to devotee or_opear and euf S i c lent t ims to the d6t6nee. of said r�roemeedi age; arui a stied that same her person be deeigm.ed as 'then attmc�e RES0LV.M$Tb t sa`l& R'esolut aa. No63,desto teed Beecher S. Clcethier,as attorney,of reecord,,be and the same he:reEby7 is amended by inserting the name3 'oi" Ir iph a. Turiwr who is hereby appointed attorney of reco rd with all the powers given, insaid. Resolut i on passed Seeptembe r,l3th,1939. Atovo- resolution duzly adopted by the following vote-0 Aye sa, xrqq ez -Mr Nobles- Mr Tramp Mr Bentley- anff Mk!'. Fowler- Noes. Nonee on mottion meetinX adjourned* Fort D. Turner Zi Mt 4,r�A p3 i E