1939-09-26 e.-VaUrr, Meeting: s tfiember 26th.1939
At& regular meeting of the Town BoardA of the Tlaw a. of Queens:bury,lield at the
Taws"Cld kft "offId6.in: said Twwn on the aboqe date at: 7.P.M.the following
members were present:.
Do. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor
Ralph Beets justt -M
Charles Nobles
Curt its Lamp son of
Merredith, Bentley Peseaeee
Bert Do Turns r Towni Clark.
Arthur Stone Shpts, of Highway also press. Minutes .of' lelaar Meeting At*,
22nd 193-9,and Spsec i'aIl Meeting Ang,26th;: and Sept 13th,1939 xread & approved, _
Mr ftscoit and: Mr, A.«Au nAon of Glens "Falls, called on the zboard, in re rd. to ere,
slaught®tr house on She.rmsit Ave,Bmaftl mile away- from dwelling -30Cal feett from
h i ghW,8y
. Letter from Mr Petrkins app>rovia the" arppo intime t'af Lacy AkIw.Trqznt
off ticar for 19°3:9-arid'. 19409 also a Better from State Traffic commission raelaitive
a. stop and go l ight:.ast Xv,,I .t io x Roa&t read :to the. boat.
Latter from Mr- ft'ir 20t relatsI-ve> to 'over flows into Laks wawa read to, boar4. ref are,
to? sanitary inspector«
Mr Bentley reports as eammittee aliout shifting. from locals. to meter and ask for
f ige rat•
RW0j=1joX NO 67 Introduced, by Mr keen. seconded by Mr Nobles*
It wais resolved that &V4.erinterdent" of North Glens Fallse Water 15iistrictf tae an
is hereby, a hi �*3 and d.iroated. to removed fire hydrants, from its present
location-in firms of Wilkie�se Cab�.� &L Rftta�t o� route 9. anal p
hyd t at .a: point about 2'5 feet - oft6rth of its present 1aeation.
Duly.#-acl'opte by the following voteee-
xysssw Mrt B6&m- Mr Nobles- - Mr, Larmpsesom� Mrr Be leyr- and Mr Fowler*
NbeE&:: None.
The Town ;hoard Aud!°itaed th:e fol.lemering; claims
_� . Nature of C ' 1iin Aunt, G 'aimed Amt,
Nama o alaa:im ant CC
206 Louis Si¢IVOMan Poor relief- Order
207, N.Y.P.& Liaght - C*r0 Street:'"Liight 3'8.16 38
208 Glens Falls Pcarseet Gb, Tax Roll Notice 5:16 5;
2W Louis, Mllve.rman Poor relief Order 2��' 2'
4ary ices= as . JUstic0m' a 0' 50
210 Curt-is Lamps am.. Board 8 Camtee Meeting 20; O 2;t
211 Curtia Lampauom
liQallfs Officer 54:78
21,2 Thomas Heall 10.
213, Richard Dravis Insp�t,of"E1.eect.Primary ,10;00
214 tNil,liams$ Law Hook Gb, .
Law,Btu e k 0 2000- 2.
2115 w W* Jones : Ina,on Varting- Machines 95-004 Not au8.
216 A«C.B Poor relief Orders 8.OQ>
u n 18:OG 18:
2117 F.J.,Crannerll �� n 33:00 33:
218 F.A.«Richardsson 37;
2.19a V11.Il. r, Pow�rs Services a a C'anstab.le> 37;90 24i
Z20 Charles Nobles Board Meetings 24,0(2
2ZL Charles Nobles Serv-ioe.s as- Justices. 40050 78�
Servtces ,as as . :�50
22:2 Charles N®blase. OCR 4�;
223 F.M.Moore ,Treas, Wit-rren Co,S..P.C*A, 42
224 Meredith Bentley r Bbarr& Idoetings 32%00.
Ong: mot iom meet ing .ad journed
it 1.
+ Af
3' t
d 7