RC-0084-2020Office Use Only _ Permit REDO s¢C620 permitfee:$35 72 Rec.Fee:$§_GSO.DO 2Y// @ i) 142 Bay Road.Queensbuy,NY 124 P:518-764-8256 wrwueensbury pt Invoice Project Location:Lot 4 Blackberry Circl Tax Map #:__289.18-1-35.4 Subdivision Name:__Blackberry Circle TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013:$850 recreation fee for new dwelling units:single family,duplexes/two-family, muttiplefamily,apartments,condominiums,townhouses andior manufactured &modular homes,but not mobile homes.This is in addition to the permit fee(s). CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicant: Name(s):__Ryan Wid Mailing Address,C/S/Z:__19 Bickberry Lane,Queensbury Cell Phone:_(£18 __)307-0130 land line:) Email:___ild@gmailcom Primary Owner(s): Name(s):Michael &Yvonne Wid Mailing Address,C/S/Z:__19 Blackbery Lane,Queensbury Cell Phone:_(_518__)951-0506 Land Line:_(518 _)793-9344 Email;__mkewid00@gmail.com Oi Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contractor Name(s):Creative Spaces i,LLC Contractor Trade:General Mailing Address,C/S/Z:19 Blackberry Lane,Queensbury Cell Phone:_()_307-0130 Land Line:_() Email:__‘pwild@gmail.com List all additional contractors on the back of this form Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name:___A Solid Build Contact Name(s):__Jeremy Femet Mailing Address,C/S/Z:1007 Elizabeth Street,Mechanicvile,NY 121168 Cell Phone:_(_5*8_)_810-4461 land Line:_() Email:___asolidould@gmaiicom Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:__Jeemy Femet Cell Phone:_{518 _)810-4461 Landline:_{} Email:___asolidbuiid@gmail.com Pringle Structure Packet whiz re PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE:__Commercial _*Residential WORK CLASS: X Single-Family __Two-Family Multi-Family #of units __) Townhouse _Business Office _Retail _Hotel/Mote! Industria/Warehouse __Garage(#ofcars__)__Other(describe ) STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE:GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAG! 1 floor:_1,828 1 floor:875 2"floor:2"floor: 3 floor:-Total square feet: Basement (habitable space): Total square feet:1.828 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1.Estimated Cost of Construction:$__200,000 2.Proposed use of the building:home 3.If Commercial or industrial,indicate the name of the business: 4.Source of Heat:Gas Oil Propane Solar Other:__geothermal Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances &Chimney Application,one per appliance) 5.Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan?YES (@O)Explain: 6.Are there any easements on the property?YES @O) 7.SITE INFORMATION: a.What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel?_379, b.Is this a corner lot?YES c.Will the grade be changed asa result of the construction?YES.“@O) d.What is the water source?PRIVATE WELL e.Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system?_Private Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019 DECLARATION: lacknowledge that no construction shall commence priorto issuance of a valid building permit and work will be completed within a 12 month period. 2.Ifthe work is not completed by the ‘year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3.I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,focal building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4,|acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed |,or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5.|understand that live are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities priorto issuance ofa certificate of occupancy. have read and agree to the above: a PRINT NAME:f;n wesvawamones2cVahyles!ep ore [20 lear, S v Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019, Office Use Only FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE &Permit;RC-Comd-2O2H CHIMNEY APPLICATION Permit Fee:$. Invoice #: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 wwwaqueensburynet Lot 4 BlackberryCircleProjectLocation Tax Map ID:289.18-1-35.4 w Room of Install:_Great Room Planned Install Date:_May 2020 ONE APPLICATION PER APPLIANCE* CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicant: Name(s)Creative Spaces Il,LLC Mailing Address,C/S/Z:__19 Blackberry Lane,Queensburry Cell Ph.:_(_518_)307-0130 Land Line:__() Email:_‘pwild@gmail.com : Primary Owner(s): Name(s):Michael &Yvonne Wild Mailing Address,C/S/Z:19 Blackberry Lane,Queensbury Cell Ph._(_518 )951-0506 Land Line:__(_518 )793-9344 Email:_mikewild00@gmail.com Ci Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only Installer/Builder:Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s):_Cfeative Spaces Ii,LLC Contractor Trade:General Mailing Address,C/S/Z:_19 Blackberry Lane,Queensbury,NY Cell Phone:_(_518_)__307-0130 Land Line:_() Email: Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:_Ryan Wild Cell Ph.:_(518_)307-0130 Land Line: TTEmail:pwild@gmail.com Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2018 FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION: TYPE OF DEVICE: Stove __Fireplace Insert __Fireplace Fuel Fired Equipment (Garage Only,18”clearance per IMC 304.3) X Fireplace,factory built** Manufacturer’sname:__Majestic Model #s_Quartz 42 ) SOURCE OF HEAT: Wood __Coal __Pellet _X Gas CHIMNEY INFORMATION: Masonry (require plans to be submitted): block __brick _stone Flue: tile ___steel _size,in inches Material*: X double-wall __triple-wall_—__insulated Manufacturer’s name:Model #:) ADDITIONAL INFORMATIO! 1.Two inspections are required.A rough-in inspection,prior to installation and a final inspection,after installation. Manufacturer's installation manual must be available at the time of inspection. Masonry fireplaces &chimneys require plans to be submitted. Twenty-four (24)hour notification is required for inspections. Workers’Comp insurance information is required with this application, vrenr Declaration:Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention &Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements.The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,regulations and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow the inspector to enter the premises to perform the required inspections. have read and agree to the abov PRINT NAM dw \w sionarure:Wt 3.9 oare:_o lalroes Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2018 Office Use Only. owe PermitSEPTICDISPOSALPERMITAPPLICATIONPermit Fee:5.Involce Septic Variance?Yes 1742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8255 www.queensbury.net Tax Map ID #:_289.18-1-35.4 Project Location:Lot 4 Blackberry Lane Applican Name(s):Creative Spaces Il,LLC Mailing Address,C/S/Z:19 Blackberry Lane,Queensbury Cell Phone:_(_518_)307-0130 Land Line:) Email:___rpwild@gmail.com Primary Owner(s): Name(s):Michael &Yvonne Wild Mailing Address,C/S/Z:19 Blackberry Lane,Quewensbury Cell Phone:_(_518_)_951-0506 Land Line:_() Email:__mikewild00@gmail.com CO Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only Contractor:Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s):Ryan Wild Contractor Trade:General Mailing Address,C/S/Z:_19 Blackberry Lane,Queensbury Cell Phone:_(_518 307-0131 Land Line:_( Email:__rpwild@gmail.com Engineer(s): Name(s):Tom Nace Mailing Address,C/S/Z:___Haviland Road,Queensbury Cell Phone:_()Land Line:_() Email: Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:___Ryan Wild Cell Phone:(518)307-0130 Land Line:_(d Email: Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019, of bedrooms:|X gallons per bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes 1980 or older|150 Installed?(circle one) 1981-1991 130 ‘Spa or Hot Tub Yes Installed?(circle one) 1992-Present|110 2 410 220 a@ PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography |Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature X Sand Loam Chay ‘Other (explain:) Groundwater ‘At what depth? Bedrock/impervious material|At what depth? Domestic Water Supply _XMunicipal __Well if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is__ft.) Percolation Test Rate:per minute per inch (test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: Tank size 1250gallons (min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System ‘Absorption field with #2 stone _|Total length ft.;Each Trench ft. Seepage Pit with #3 stone |How many:;Size: Alternative System |Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity?tank size 7 #of tanks. NOTES:1.Alarm system and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2.We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved.The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions.3.As-built drawings must be submitted prior to the inspection,if there has been a change to the submitted plans. Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void.|have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. n pawrname:_Kut J)DATE:biosVOoc)(SIGNATURE:ws OJ)pare;3(2\[2020 Principle Structure Packet Revised February 2019 ProjectSummarytHmuennsor:Entire House WebREPS,LLC 1200 eand Nene 49 Blackborry Lano Lot4Mar08,2020 Kenneth D.Puxinas18BlackborryLane 22966 Prone 00.810:3200 Fax 88-0712000_Emal:ranual@vebrepsisn com Wh:ww soutien com Lanse: CACDS4709aaleur) For.Mike Wild,Creative S; 19 Blackber ine,Queer Phone:518-951-0506 FaxNAEma:mikewild00@gmail.com Notes:19 Blackberry Lane queensbury,NY 12804 Lot 412804 Design Information Weather:Queensbury,NY,US Winter Design Conditions Outside db 3 °F Inside dbDeDesignTD73°F Heating Summary Srugure 40381.Btn437Btuhealvent(125:cfm)9864 Btuh OutsideairHumidification 9601 Btuh Piping 0BtuhEquipmentload60283Btuh Infiltration Method ‘Simplified Construction quality ‘Semi-ightFireplaces0 Heatir Coolir Area (®)3268Solano()2362121080Arcapgsttour0.19onEquivAVE(cin)6 39 Heating Equipment Summary Make Water-Furance 5 Series Trade 500411 Model NDV/NDHO64Ht AHR ref 8570180 Efficiency 82700PHeatinginputHeatingoutputossStn Temperature rise ‘37 °F Actual air fow 1361 dm Airflow factor 0.033 cfrvBtuh Static pressure 0 inH20, Space thermostat Cpacity balance point =0°F Backup: Input=0 KW,Output 0 Btuh,100 AFUE Summer Design Conditions Outside db 85 °F Inside db 15 °F Design TD 10 °F Daily range M Relative humiaity 50 % Moisture difference 26 grb Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure (28328Btu236BlunCehalvent(116 chm)1207 Btuh Outside air Blower 1707 Btuh Use manufacture’dalamutiEgjapmensanefoa Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing 1.003147 Btuh Stucture 7307 Btuh Ducts 366.Btuh Central vent (116 cf)2025 Btuh Outside air Equipmentiatent oad 9697 Buh Equipment Total Load (Senr+Lat)41174 Btuh Reg,total capacity at 0.76 SHR 35 ton Cooling Equipment Summary Make Water-Furanoe 5SeriesTradeSOA Sond NOVINDHO64H1 AHRIref 8570180 Eficiency 1429EER Sensible cooling 36850 Btuh Tatent cooling 1637 Buh Total cooling 48487 Bun Actual air flow 4361 am Airflow factor 0048.ciyetuhStaticpressure0inoLoadsensibleheatratio076 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 20!=Hy ‘igh Sute8 Unters 2019 100,16 RSLT6008ACER.Spaces Ni 8 Blaser Lanecup Cale =MB FrontDoor eas:N 0e0-Mar 7 120130, Page Manual S Compliance Report sete th Mackborry LaneLotAEwrightsoftDate:Mar03,2020,ne Entire House By:Kenneth D.Puzinas Plan:19 BlackborryLaneWebREPS,LLC 1800 82nd Nenu Sute $203,\oro Beach FL32966 Prone 8008103280 Fax 888-071-2009 Ena:manual@webropsssa.com A:www actucedgncom iceno:CACDSATOO Project Information For Mike Wild,Creative Spacesi49BlackberryLane,Queensbury,NY Phone:518-951-0506 Fax NA Email:mikewildOO@gmail.com Cooling Equipment Design Conditions Outdoor design DB:846°F Sensiblegain:31477 Bun Entering coll DB:77.1°F Outdoor design WB:=70.6°F Latent gain:9697 Btuh Entering coil WB:63.7°F Indoor design DB:‘75.0°F Total gain:41174 Buh Indoor RH:50%Estimated airflow:1361 cim Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype:WSHP. Manufacturer.Water-Furance 5Ser Model:NOV/NDHO64H1 Actual airfiow.1961 im’ Sensible capacity:36850 Buh 117%ofload Latent capacity:11637 Btun 120%ofload Total capacity:48487 Buh 118%ofload SHR:76% EreteDesignConditions Outdoor design DB:-25°F Heat loss:60283 Btuh Entering coil DB:63.1°F Indoor design DB:70.0°F Manufacturer's Performance Data at Actual Design Conditions Equipmenttype: WSHP Manufacture.Water-Furance 5Ser Model:NOV/NDHO64H1 Actual airflow:1361 cin Output capacity:84253 Buh 140%ofload Capacity balance:58 °F Supplemental heat required:0 Btuh Backup equipment type:Elec stip Manufacturer:Mode Actual airfow:1361 im Output capacity 0 KW O%ofload Temp.rise:OF Meets all requirements of ACCA Manual S. 20201712940=tH wrightsore-=SOFT oy.suteo Unters!2019 180,16 RSL T6096aeFRRsespacesWG)9SldberyLanesyp Cale=MUB FrontDoor wens BROAN BROAN®ERV200 ECM Part no,ERV200TE 50 to 210 CFM (0.4 in.w.g.) THE FUTURE OF FRESH AIR The whole home ventilation system is centerpiece of today’s energy-efficient homes.Broan introduces its new HE that combines the best performance with the best energy efficiency to provide resher,purer air your home ata lower overall operating cost.That's Pure Efficiency. The ERV200 ECM Is the perfect solution for mid to large size homesinneedforthemostenergy-efficient ventilation solution. Up to 210 CFM at 04 in.wg. High efficiency energy recovery core with a sensible recovery efficiency of 8496 at 32°F and 65%at -13°F German-made ECM*motors Minimal power consumption of 22 W and 2.9 CFM/Watt at 64 CFM, Merv 6 grade filters and optional HEPA fitration Electronic balancing and no balancing dampers Electronically Commutated Motor. REPAIRSAND MAINTENANCE The ERV200 ECM high output ECM motors are permanently lubricated. The electronic circuit board eliminates electromechanical parts, reducing repair time to a minimum. WARRANTY The ERV200 ECM is protected by a 5-year warranty on parts only,except for the energy recovery core,which is covered by a 10-year warranty, with the original proof of purchase. Available at ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR Controls ssts—‘_S..C(‘CS(C;*W The exclusive VTOW main wall control is the only compatible wall control tobe used with the ERV200 ECM. At installation,use the VT9W main control to perform electronic balancing,whitout balancing dampers! Optional auxiliary controls also available;for more details,refer to the User Guide -Main and auxllary wall controls avaliable at wwrw-broan.com. Option HEPA Filter 22528 Additional 03 in.wg,static pressure a highest speed to be considered. Refer to the HEPA filter instructions for more detals im ™Defrosting System nus Femme The ERV200 ECM uses a unique defrosting method.No negative pressure is created by air exhausted tothe outdoors,as the airs recirculated into the house, helping to prevent any backdraf. Use the VTOW to choose one of the 3 defrost modes available,according to your needs: Standard (factory set regular mode) Plus (extended defrost for colder areas) Discretion (keeps the same speed when performingdefrostaperformingventilation) Dinos oc nres 7a ATSreeSmwoanoDiscrrnonPuss e [moe]am ma Ta [Gems]Tem andies|andien|toro|vas [vero|vans|vsns|isna watie-27|4w0-17|890|95|1690|620|12720-|vans WSie20|swe|ewo|ap0|veo|190|vos|10720‘ 15|laws [eso|ao|1550|wo|v000|ros mare|man No DEPROST Outdoor temperate rend by a thermistor located nade the unk nat esha tom outige por Requirements and standards Complies with the UL 1812 requirements regulating the installation of Energy Recovery Ventilators Complies with the CSA C22:2no.113 Standard applicable to ventilators Complies with CSA C444 requirements regulating the instalation of Energy Recovery Ventilators Technical data was obtained from published results of tests relating to CSA.C439 Standards HV certified and ENERGY STAR®*qualified This product eamed the ENERGY STAR®by meeting sic energy efficiency guidelines set by Natural Resources Canada and the EPA.It meets ENERGY STAR® requirements only when used in Canada, Dimensions:ERV200 ECM at NOTE:Au unrs rome WERE CATED TO 4 SE EETTE Bon setahdoo.We (ie Semea vane anArmornw -Te ‘rwemon (E02 6°onMeren TO 7” 1043 mm); 3 95 my“-(LOO beeeae4:Fresh a 70 abn Pom=| ome [10mm VENTILATION PERFORMANCE FAN CURVES ACCORDING TO SPEED Expo|NerSume ‘Geos RF 2 I some Pmasunt|"An iow SorBersPalma[low [whe]ow [wh [us]om|win gs letEchoust25-01 [ii0}333|396 [vir]236|aor [113]239"|206350-02 [107]226|3e4|108]229|30s [08]250_|391So75|03 [vos]219|372 [105|203|377 [105-292 [37 *| joo}04 [99|210 357 [ror]214|364 [ror 213|362 Ff —125|05 [96 203|34s|97 |-206-|-350_|97|205-|348 é iso[cos far [tea a30 95L1971335oa[197 [335é175}07 [er [145 [314|09|106|aif a9|108|319 g zoo|os|ex|177|301 [a5|179|304|65|179|304 Pa \ 225|09|79|168|205|81|171|290|81|171|290 7 \ 250 [10|75|159|270|76 162|275|76[161|273 ° 27s {11[71 [151|257 |72]153|260|72[152|258 .°head ==~ von com (Us =nx0.4719) Enercy PERFORMANCE Fuuycoceoreser]Nev Am Fiow|Poe,‘Aerancet|Uren mcr!ROM 50 CFM TO MAGMUM SPEED. se][us[om [athe mm 0-32 [30]64|105]77 0-32 [55 117]199|a3 0|32 [0]170]289|83 25-15 [30]64 [109]36 25|-13 [55 ]117]1991 66 35.|95 [30]64 [109]21 58 58a *Indicates total recovery efficiency,not sensible recovery efficiency. slglalelalale| HE f ale lelelslele le 35|95 [oa]v36]231]53 a7 NOTE:Al specifications are subject to change without notice. SPECIFICATIONS Model:ERV200 ECM+Optional HEPA Fier sEnergyRecovery Core:Part Number:ERV200TE +Insulation:Expanded polystyrene Gencmaseaen a oie ae Total Assembled Weight (including +Mounting:Suspension by chains and springs Exchange surface.136:(126mm) polymerized paper core):96 Ib,(43.6 kg)‘or wall bracket system “Weights 26 b.(11.8kg) Oval shaped ports:fit 6"round ducts +Supply and Exhaust Blower Motors:“Type:Counterfiow Drains Optional "2.German-made ECM motors *Material:Polymerized paper Protection type:Thermally protected Warranty:10 years« Gore Fiore2washableMervfers+VT9W wall control offering 5 manual modes:+Unit Electrical Characteristics: Housing:Pre-painted stee!Recirculation,20 MIN/H,Continuous,Smart Volts Frequency Amps Watts. and Turbo 20 60H 22135, REMARKS BRGAN Broan NuTone LC 926 Wes State Set Harr W027 (17-962 7525 worwibroan.com 'ERVZ00ECMa160602,tt mes 2 Wu JLT Building Services, LLC 700 Indian Road Fort Plain, NY 13339 518-925-7718 jltbuildingservices@gmail.com Blower Door Test Results Report Test Date: May 6,2021 Client Name: Mike Wild Client Address: 19 Blackberry Lane Queensbury,NY Test Site Address: 19 Blackberry Lane Queensbury, NY Test Data Area Tested [cult]: 35,652 cult Infiltration Rate Results[CFM@50pa]: 449 cfm50 ACH50#as tested at 50 Pascal: .76ach 2018 Code N1102.4.1.2 requires 5 3ach Based on our test results your building.................. PASSED Air Infiltration Testing for 2018 IECC Residential Code Provisions and 2020 NYS Energy Code R402.4.1.2 I certify the above information as performed in accordance with Resnet/ICC380,ANSI E779 or ASTM E1827 protocols,and BPI standards using up to date calibrated Retrotec equipment models#5101 and#DM32 as required. Thank You for choosing JLT Building Services LLC. Jim Telfer BPI ID#5058106