1939-12-26 �a Resolution N. 769 Introduced by Mr. Lampdon, ,seconded by Mr. Noblest WKXHFAS9 the Pep*#- Cola ]bottling storks has made application to the North Glens Falls Water District for a 1-3,/2 stater tap. RESOLVED that the superindendant of the said Water District be and hereby is authorized to cause said tap to be made upon the payment of the tap fee of 140.00 andJ38. 00 for the meter. :Duly adopted by the following vote- AYES- Mr. Neent Mr, Noblest Mr. lampsont Mr. .Bentley and Mr. fowler Noes- None. on motion meeting adjourned A*rt D.. Turner CI rk• REGULAR MEETING December- 2:6th.1939 Regular .Meeting of the, Tom Board of the Town of Queensbuty held at the 70mm Clark'a OffIm imn said town pam the abare date at T&P M, f oat lowing. members were presents: D,E mer Fowler Supervisor Ralph $eels Justice of Peace- Charles Naftles:- Cantle Laupsom w n Meredith edi.th B t l"'ey Bert 14TUMUOr 'rata Mork a Arbhtet Sitomme and new. &eie¢t .t of hi-ghmy also presents, minutes of Noavember 28th.# end.. special.. meeting. of Doe 6th,read and, approveal Copy letter from County Superintendent , ZOWit to TOR, Tieklepaugh read to the board whivh advise Mr Ticklepatu& that dme to the, difference in price with other tractors was: excesvive, an&. wmstldnot be approved for that reason. K. Clifford -Salesman,. for Caterpillar for Ctterp.illar spoke brefliy for Caterpillar Tractor, REW LU.T'ION No 7T Int rod uc ecl by Mr Benf3e y , aer-onEed by Mir fto% lift, want resolved theft Resolution # T4 and T5_addpted- Dec 6thp 1939 be ant the same are hereby rrecindedy- Du1y- aftpt. ed. by the fallowing- vot0- Ajes-.Mr Been. M rr Ndbtes-- Mr- tampsm. Mr and Mr Fowler. N�oera -Naas. � S ry Ri. 1 11-24-36-10,000(6-30M) Resolution T = ...... ..........O! !,ir �......... ........................................... ... Secondedby--...W-k......�................................................................. The Town Superintendent of High s is DoerebyauthoriZed to rchj�a under Sec- tion 142 of the Highway Law from........ . ... .... . . with approval of the County Superintendent of Highways: .yK-�•�s�•....F.'•..-.•:-.•••......... ......J .. `-L..�K•-- .... .....1M�I�i �w... ...I...................................J....................._..._......... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. for a total price of... .. . . . . . ................. � � ... .. . .. - _21W-)� ( c , .�.. ..Q.... ). f. o. b.................. ........................11....... --77-V.... ............................................................ The terms of payment ar as follows: Trade-in allowance on........................................................................................................................$... tW,....._.. Checkfor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The balance or net price in amount of$.. `.f D...:...........to be paid by.............. L1.!�.-t..................... Certificates of Indebtedness as listed below: First: payable...... / r.....19...... .. Second: !>.....; payable...... ... ... ...... ........... ..........19.... �1 Third: 0.....; payable...... ........19... 6 Fourth: f 11.R..lt v.....; payable......� �......- --_..... 19..1��.7' Certificates to bear interest at interest to be payable annually, se - a�x y. Certificates and interest payable at. and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are hertmv authorized and directed to issue the above Certificates of Indebtedness in accordance with Section 266 of the Highway Law. Vote of Town Board .... .. . . - .�! " aC.w►...17 ."_..........__._......_....._...._......_.....Supervisor _ ....................._...._...._...._.........._...._ ....._.................... .........._.....Justice of Peace ........................ .. .. . ....................... ...._...._....................................._.........._...........Justice of Peace t^..t.................... .....................__ __.._. .....--........._............_............_......_.....Justice of Peace Y�I /1�.. ........ ..._............. ............._......................_............_.........................Justice of Peace 3 3berebp Cer ' p tljat the above is a true copy o resolutions passed by the Town Board ofthe Town of............................................................................................at a meeting held................................................... ....................................................._...._................................._...............................................Town Clerk Townof......................._..........----.............................................................................. Countyof................................................................................................................................................ t+� k id, fit yy�� Ada r u-24-36-10.000(s-s954) � r 4 Resolution ' ';V&e..A6&? Z.......................+. ......................... -! "Seconded by....._........... ...1?!al The Town Superintendent of Highw ys is hereby authorized to purchase under Sec- tion 142 of the Highway Law from_--._--Z.1 .a...Tra.tar-...Ple.....Inc.*.........................-.................. ... with approval of the County Superintendent of Highways One La Plante - Ohaate Hydraulic &now Plow V E with w ;ng .... ---alp . ........................ ................................................................................................... at t aGnm t* CQ r...�ame...=-Mtad...Qn...9...k2rao.tar...Q.Qmplat.a................................. .. ...:......................--------..............-------......................................_....................................:....................----..-.............-..................-..................-..........._..- £or atotal rice of. ' !® t '...FouP_Hundred Dollars _ana --------uu/ uO dollaa$. p �. - ..................... ( 24uu-s.V9.................), f. o. b................ / � . .._.....-.... z...................... .. ..- The terms of payment are as +ollows: Trade-in allowance on......................................................................................................................... .............................................. Check for .......: .. ! ........... .--. The balance or net price in amount of$2.4uu...uc)............to be paid by......... , t ! .......................... Certificates of Indebtedness as listed below: First: payable.......' .... 19... Second: 0.�.0. .......; payable.......', sr-----....19-.�.0.1- Third: ....li.L2,0.-.D..1?.......; payable........ .. .... / cr 19...1 Fourth: ...4--1.�P--....A.-!2....; payable........ 1....6 .....19-..�� Certificates to bear interest at �� ;.interest to be payable annually, Certificates and interest payable at. .._.../ v!.G,f7rt'�, �"'��� �p and the Supervisor and Town Clerk are reby authorized and directed to issue the above Certificates of Indebtedness in accordance with Section 26/66 of the Highway Law. Vote of Town Board _ ............ .. `_ G. ..-_.................._...............Super%i3or ..............................-.........................��'�'... ��__......._..................._-..................:Justice of Peace - _.......................... . ! ...�� ........._..................................justice of Peace t!...........................��� ', !fir--._ ...._...._............ .- .__t..............._.._ ...........Justice of Peace .................................................................................._...._..........---.........................._...........--------_....._.-...-_...--Justice of Peace �ytrj ! e� ttt the above is a t�cop of r esolutions passed by the Town Board ofthe Town of.............................................................................................at a meeting held.........................................._....... .................._......................_...._............................................................................Town Clerk Townof........................................................................................................................._.........._...._..._ Countyof............................................................:................_---....................................................-......... 7 2 CA R& I UTI01 . # 86. ,Mk2t rO Ott ' big Mr. Betsy �e d by M� Mr Le�rgaam� It wxv rerser .. ,t iartt lee Fall: N"LOML . . and ` God- zy, e ar Is hereby r � . the Mu pmervIs n � af tba �.o.t . R�e resbujy any, azX m1l moneys, f Qb �� here a h� d i reated. to deposit suit T*vm lu ,aim Bank. Dtvly, adopted° by the follower vate Ayef : M �r Steno- Mir Nobles - Mr Lam m Mr B ley - Mr EOr�er, Nape$:-w Naa REMLUTIW NO al Int,r by, Mr Bstle y smacced by Mr It was rvgalveC. that; the f a:LLtug MmO&._gerefnae .,, to b.a an& .are hereby apROin teC Inv aeotO:rs of elactkiou _Lar .tha. Town of Queextsbury, Year 1944 &: 1941 DiS1t�#I' j -..Jr L11 iamm .... D.e�cxerectta° Imvap ectmr �� • $1xllu .. G14€r+ec Ts��:� mZZE-0 D�G, E Clam e a M G o hti,t a 1 inaPe c t r A fig ~ , ,. Macr3,om martinizzer. Irsmagactor Mfe,* Bid<RI11 E` fc x#3f Robert *tt Rfty B'fb Dams rat�t� I ctomr Lois Hems R.egublU t Thare c E. Deeamick Diet:#' 4-- G*rtrmTg c"Mchim._ D:eanmcr+atui.c Iasp,eat;ar N F� S Re rblic0m, Tmpetetar Duly adopted by the fall . A" es: fi Breo Mr Nobles • Lem n:r. - fir g. ..._ ► Few APaaattimmm af $twn On="Wtar, was r to t b «end . F. HSlI four, apgG. m tment or doe RMLUrIQN Int:rm ... by l�r 8 ' St was realved: that pz1LFh: H:t,T ba ate._.is h ta7. . $ z . M�" 8e� for the yentr Of` 19412,- D y, __, & s,...e=tssrstar �J . .- Mr Btem - Mr Nobles � b t.he, f 'hawing eater- Nam.- Nana. LaUpSiM,_-, Mrr B`Mt . ..__ .Mr Fowler The Board A' it .an& A3.1swed G'la,tmaa. am Faallawee a }F.°lW: Na ms m C ;iana3 at e o r claim 8.i Q}s i lr i�tm L. POMSS K i11 mt. Deng 4100 � 4.00 trt Ili L. Po Gon r�l a. aarviae 135492 .35-092 IYal }r Foerlar _Maetingo 8,00 8,t00 1 Meerae�tth_ S. 8. BeutZAy Boar& me . ..00 8.00 2 ReT IN e¢ou Chi tta et &. 8.au , meet� D. Foa ,err 1 .0E! 12.00 Percentage—G...T,tt?and 238, OZ- 238.1 02 4" sown L+umpe��oa Rent P a l.ling- Pla cm 300-00 3a. Otl Curt:ie Lam9sam wmittaa. Meetings 12.00 1Z 00 5 ftr t. . Lam. 6 1�� Jtxat.lca..__S.aavfiace. 18,-5.0 18,5 7 Assue',of._. Tov a. Des_ orMembe.rshig._ 28,,00 25.00 B' Charles Nablav Justleet- Sarria _ 37.00 37.,00 9 &irdk,Undwtrs ,&Rq.wlty Corp._ Truck_ Izm 164.00 1.6.x;.00 D Adrrdk,Udwrtre & Rew ty Corp. Trucit I�su.ranca 16,4.00 164,, 00 1 eeney Rleciawdelli R lief, 8,50 8.,.5.p 2 Louis S-ilverman Poor 5- William_ Brayton[ Poor 4: rig 61.40 6�0 N;X.F• L� ht OwP St'ree't i t s 3x,16 3.8416. W.M.J.Saurpxe E1ec:tio*- Insp.ect.or. 41100 wloz� .weI h Poarr Rallaf r 7,20 7.20 i7 Lteiis S.ilvermsn, Poo Ha1w, 30 3196 5 ',rodk j Ud'wrt rs-,,&c HtwI ty- Corp, 3 ipery 1--sor Baum._ 201WOOnot .audited------Und wrt rs a Cmsp a f Beat D, Tsar Post._far. of ieer 49,25 .Hart e�u"I 5 Th*MUS Hall Weld: Officer 4469 43,69 Louis S ilv a rman Poor Ra-lief alga; MUM, On motion meeting Bort 170, Tae r t x