2004-10-05 SP MTG46 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 450 ? SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #46 OCTOBER 5, 2004 RES. 495-497 5:20 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER BUDGET WORKSHOP Supervisor Stec-The main focus is personnel requests for additional people or upgrades that are in the budget. Every requested upgrade or additional person that a department head asked for in the tentative budget process was included without omission in the tentative budget. The only remaining positions that did not make it to the tentative budget was two additional requested positions in the Community Development Department. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Recreation Director Harry Hansen-Requested a new position of Labor/Motor Equipment Operator light equipment, the Recreation Commission supports the position. At present there are five maintenance men, a foreman, mechanic and three laborers, we need help to take care of the fifteen or so parks and nine hundred acres of park property that we are responsible to take care of twelve months a year, with that in mind I am requesting this new position. Would like to work with the Budget Officer to decide on a salary. Board agreed to new position. Reviewed pay for those that work out of title…the union contact states that if you use a piece of equipment for a period of time you get extra pay for it. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 495, 2004 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 451 Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an Executive Session to discuss performance and possible pay rate. th Duly adopted this 10 day of October, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 496, 2004 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves out of Executive Session. th Duly adopted this 10 day of October, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None No action was taken in Executive Session Councilman Strough-Spoke about the condition of the basketball court at the West End Park – Director Hansen-It is in a project account. Councilman Boor-How far are you going to get at Ridge Jenkinsville? Director Hansen-We have the bid for the design and planning for the Basketball and Tennis Courts and the Parking lot improvements, they want to start but it may not be done before the third project is started. Noted that the fencing has been started. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Discussion held regarding fleet- Highway Supt. Missita-In Community Development replace 97’ pickup with pickup Highway Dept.- SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 452 replace Jeep with truck in 2004 eliminate tanker replacing with a tandem Water Dept. replace 97’ with F-350 truck Discussed spring and fall clean up … requested two more part timers 18 weeks and two more full timers… discussed compactor lessen number of trips… Board agreed to two part timers Noted 95% of the increase in town highways is in the third and fourth wards…. Requested two MEO’s described the duties…hiring them in the first of the year. Board agreed to two MEO’s Highway Supt. Missita, noted that with existing funds will purchase the jeep replacement this year with funds not expended… Discussed the existing Highway Dept. building if they were to move the existing offices could be used for Animal Control, Fire Marshal and let the Planning Dept. expand… COURT Town Justice Bob McNally-Spoke to the Board regarding increasing the two Court Clerk’s salary…requested same rate increase as the Union is getting…. Board agreed Noted one of the busiest Courts in New York State…ranking #48. Brought into the town last year $280,000 in fines … (Councilman Brewer entered the meeting) Grade 5 Clerk- 10 years of service, second year of that grade, lost her over time status looking for $35,000 Board agreed to 10% increase…$34,484. Pt. Time Clerk-raise to full time overtime exempt and salaried…$21,840. Board agreed to full time job. Town Justice McNally-Judiciary law and Town Law each Judge is entitled to one exempt Town Court Clerk, the Court itself is entitled to one clerk and one deputy… SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 453 Part Time Court Officer-$12.17 per hr. service rate $20.99 scheduled for 3.5% increase Board agreed with changes. HISTORIAN Noted the Historian was not present…will discuss at a later date. BUILDING AND GROUNDS Discussion regarding upgrade from part time cleaner to full time…added increase $3,331. Discussed the need for more maintenance and cleaning work at the Court and at the site on Sunnyside Road the old Bay Ridge Fire House and catch up work at the main office. TOWN CLERK st Town Clerk requested grade change for 1 Deputy Town Clerk and st 1. Deputy Receiver…from 5 to 6…noted they are topped out at this time… Board agreed to change HISTORIAN Supervisor Stec-Noted this budget is very small, she had asked for more time, three days a week, not sure that is needed…we suggested an increase of a half day… $7,500. she has now noted that she would like to work two full days at $10,000. Councilman Strough-She puts in a lot of time with a lot of different programs all beneficial to the town, a lot of genealogy work and working with the Chapman and work on the Warren Co. Historical Society…I would like to see her get $15,000. Councilman Brewer-I do not feel it is appropriate to triple the salary. We have a responsibility with the budget and every thing we have talked about tonight no body said no to anything. Councilman Turner-The salary is now at $5,100. when she came here she agreed to a low profile salary no benefit no nothing, if she agreed to $7,500. that is where she should go. Councilman Strough-She would like to see $10,000. that would be fair. SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 454 FIRE AND EMS Budget Officer Switzer-Noted there is a time line we have to follow by th State Law, the budget was filed with the Town Clerk on the 27… Supervisor Stec-Noted that a figure has been placed in the tentative budget for review. Budget Officer Switzer-There is still time for you to look at that and get this number to a realistic number. Supervisor Stec-We may not have completed negotiations at the time of the passage of the budget but it would limit how much the contracts can add up to. We need to get a preliminary amount to the Fire Companies. Spoke to the Board about going on a less aggressive approach, it has no vehicle fund.. Budget Officer Switzer-W.G.F. and Qsby. Central their operations were left at what they currently are. Bay Ridge and North Queensbury I reduced by fifteen thousand dollars each and South Queensbury I brought their operations so their total that they would be receiving is a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Councilman Brewer-Didn’t we agree that we wanted to have one accountant for the fire companies? Budget Officer Switzer-Yes, and they were all notified of that. Councilman Brewer-Do we have a number for that? Budget Officer Switzer-It is not in their budgets it is in our budget part of that tentative budget I proposed thirty five hundred dollars per company and for ems. It will be put out to bid. W.G.F. asked for 512,677.00 that included the vehicle fund and we proposed 381,732.00 Bay Ridge asked for 376,392. that includes $40,000 in a restricted vehicle fund No. Qsby. Asked for 320,000 and Qsby. Central asked for 17% increase 546.323. which included a vehicle fund, South Queensbury asked for 180,000 which included a vehicle fund. Supervisor Stec-When you add these up it comes to 1.5 and you add that into the Workers Comp. And what not it comes in actually pretty close to what is in the tentative. Councilman Boor-We were at 1.3 something… Supervisor Stec-There were several formulas that we tried and they were coming in within a hundred thousand dollars … I think we owe it to the departments to get them a draft of the contract and a draft of the proposed budget. This is what we are looking at for a total financial package. SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 455 Board agreed to send the total budget to each fire company and ems squads. Supervisor Stec-The only thing that is different in what you have before you tonight is the vehicle fund is gone, we said we are going to honor their debt and we said we are going to honor your insurance so those are steady and then the operations is the only place that we changed. We need to know that we are going to raise enough in taxes to cover the contracts. Requested that the Budget Officer send a letter to each of the companies tomorrow… Budget Officer Switzer-Will hard copy or e-mail the letter that will be sent to the companies to the Town Board. LANDFILL Discussion held regarding the upgrade of employee before retirement of individual. Superintendent of Landfill James Coughlin-Reviewed the budget with the Supervisor everything is fine…in the budget I proposed to make Keith Sheerer a Working Foreman, I have been here twenty eight years and never had a working foreman I have done everything myself. Within the next year I plan on retiring and at that point someone has to be there to run the operation. My budget is six hundred thousand dollars and we are taking in over six hundred and fifty thousand dollars that is a million two hundred thousand that I am responsible for. Would like to see Mr. Sheerer made a Working st Foreman by January 1. Councilman Brewer-Questioned if this can wait until you retire, what happens when you are on vacation? Supt. Counghlin-He does just the basics he does not do bills or anything…he would have more of an incentive if he were paid to be a working foreman … Councilman Brewer-But if he knew he was going to be moved up when you retired to take your job, my problem with the move up is a union issue. I do not think we should move up without a compelling reason. I think we should start training them and maybe give the some kind of a bump but I do not think we have to move them up two positions. Suggested bumping him up a buck and a half an hour instead of three? Supt. Coughlin-Noted that is under Union … SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 10-05-2004 MTG. #46 456 Supervisor Stec-Questioned his concern do you train a whole year or train for three months? Supt. Coughlin-I think this is long over due but I never pursued it…Mr. Sheerer has been on the job for twenty nine years. Supervisor Stec- Noted he understood that you are trying to set up the organization for when you are done and give an incentive for a guy to learn, I am fine with that the only thing I question is do you do that a year in advance? Spoke about training for the last four months before retirement… Councilman Strough, Boor and Turner agreed to the upgrade… RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 497.2004 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 5 day of October, 2004 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury