plot planGuvore AeNUE 2 TOWN OFTOWNOFQUEENSBURY sasedan ULONG DEBRAERY BUILDING &COQES.DEPT.in Coat sha escaaeReviewedBy:Iracatng ine Bans 2nd specications are in Date:Newnan Stato,'e Building Codes of ENTIONHOMB OWNER EHPleaseassureyouaréfamiliarwiththePool| Enclosure requirements ic to your pool. |You are required to méet all applicable codes regarding swimming Pools,spas &hot tubs <at the time of inspection.r 3Sn00 uy wd 2 Ney ed hd? ECEIVEireTOWNOF[we|BUILDING &CODES 2s382oa3€5a39°2 wo25g Q =z 3 3 Uv So8 : NnoNn°o S7Z-6T S62