electrical inspectionRK Date/Time 06/01/2020 14:31 15182731202ols .seeMIDDLEDEPARTMENTINSPECTIONAGENCY,INC
GCeniifes that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved asbeinginaccordwiththeNationalElectricalCode,applicable governmental,utilty and Agency rules in effect on the datenotedbelowandisissuedsubjecttothefollowingconditions,
Owner:Peter Hayer
OreuPant:Above Ground Pool “er2t3s Meadow Lane
Queensbury,Warren Co.NY
25 Meadow Lane
Queensbury NY 12804.-~”
‘Steven Reynolds ~'
F5)-Receptacles;1-1 112 HP Motor
PESUL~0 162-2920
lnmeciataly nll and void This catiicateaopkce only tothe use,occupancy end‘nmarship as incated herein.Upon a change hte oe,occupy or onnersngOfheproparyinatedabove,tis cereale sna be ined malted volebntheeventthatthiseatfeatebecomesvaisbaseduponthabovecondons,
This conticate appies to me elocrcal wing ta the electrical equipment stedaboveandieinsialationinspectedasofthesvenateddatebasedonavisualinspection.No waranty is expressed or inpied as the mechanical sels,ef GeAY nes ofthe equipment er any pertevar pupose,This cercale shalbevalidfrparteofoneyearromtheabovenoteddata.Should the electeal‘yam wich ts cerfcate apples be slered in any wey inluing Bato a‘ote Introduction of aditona lactial equpmant andlor th replacement of
any of he components instale ato!te above need datsI cefiale chal be
tn cartiicete may bs revaldated upon reinspecton by Mldgle DeparmentInspecéenAgency,Inc.An appicaon for inspecon must ba submited t MileDeparmentinspectionAgency,Inc.lo inate the inspection and revelsaton|Process.fos wil bo charped forth nonce,