electrical inspection0670172020 14:31RXDate/Time
un,1.20202:147M DI.
Gartifies that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved asbeinginaccordwiththeNationalElectricalCode,applicable governmental,utlity and Agency rules in effect on the dateNotedbelowandisissuedsubjecttothefollowingconditions.
Owner:AGL Homes
Occupant:oneOYSgle Family Dwg.
AGL Homes
3338 State Road
Caledonia,NY 14423
Steven ReynoldsNo.1474301199551,
100 Amp.Service Equipment;#2 Service Conductor
‘hia ceniete applies tothe eletical wing to me eectical equipment Htad
above and the instal ispecies 6 of te above noted date Besar ona vauel
Inspection.No waranty is expressed or implied as 1 tie mechanical sa,of
Cenoy 0 frees of the equipment fer ary parieuar purpose.Ths cerifets shal
be vale fo a oer of one yuar kom the above note sale.Should tha elcticlsjserowhichtiscerseateappsbeataredinanywa.elusng but nat ni28,Me invoducton of accor elacvcal equpment andor the replacement of
‘any ofthe components installed as ofthe abcve noted dato,his cerifste shel be
Morals adirondack
Queensbury,Warren Co.NY
immediately nul ans vod.This caniate apples only to te use,cecupancy and
‘onnership as weated herein.Upon a change in the ws,occupancy or ownershipthepropeIndeatesabove,ti cortione shall be immediatly nul ana void
In tne event hat tis corticate becomes inva Bases upon the above candies,
Deparment Inspecton Agency,Ino.to initate the Inspection and revelation
Process.A foo wil be charged for Bis serdee