electrical inspectionRX Date/Time un,1.2020 2:14? 06/01/2020 MOL 14:31 Geortifes that the electrical wiring to the electrical ¢ being in accord with the National Electrical Code,noted below and is issued subject to the following Owner: conditions. AGL Homes Occupant:caine» OUP aye nate Family Dwg, icant: q Aen AGL Homes 3338 State Road Caledonia,NY 14423 L ‘Steven Reynolds 147430119953 Equipment: 100 Amp.Service Equipment;#2 Service Conductor ‘This cenieae applies to the electieal wieng tothe sactical equipment listedaboveandteinstalationInspectedasofthabovenoteddatebatedonaviews inspection.No waranty ic expressed or moles as fo the mechanical asl.ef‘lancy o ness ct the eaulpmen for ary parte purpose.Ths erica shah be valid for @ poo of ene year rom the sbove noted date.Should the electrical system 10 which tis cerefeate apps bs ahared in ary way,eluding but nt lifo,me iioducton of addtional electee!equmant andr the telecemedt of ‘ay tthe components insaled a8 of ts above nota dete,is eareta shal ba 15182731202 MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY,INC. ‘quipment listed below has been examined and is approved asapplicablegovernmental,utlty and Agency rules in effect on the date P.002 Date:#12:95/22/2020 Location:Oat a7 Eimhurst Queensbury,Warren Co.NY 7 Immediately put and void This ceniicate apps oly to the use,oooupancy and junermip as incated herein.Upen a change inthe use,ccupancy 07 ownership‘ofthe propery Indeated above,this cenifcate anal be immediatly ul and vole inthe event that ths enriato becomes invald based upon te ebove conattons,tis cartiieste may be revalidated upon reinspection by Midale Department Inspection Agancy,Ine.An application for inspecoon mut bs submines fo Meo?Deparment Inepection Agenay,Ine.to Iitate te inspection and revalidation rocens A foo wil be charged for Dus eee,