1968-01-17 ~o. ..-....-........... ;- '--- MINUTES of a public hearing of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals held at the To~m Office Building on January 17, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. There were present: John E. Fitzgerald James Keller Charles O. Sicard George Kuros.c!k.a. Allison B. Ellsworth being all of the meübers of the board. John E. Fitzgerald, the Chairman, presided and the Secretary, James Keller, recorded. The Secret.r;ry read the minutes of the public hearing held December 19, 1967 and on motion duly made by Charles o. Sicard, '----- seconded by George Kurosaka and carried unanimously, were approved. A copy of these minutE:S 't-Jere given to Hr. Willia.m Richardson in respons: to his request but the Chairman stated that this u<.'¡s a special case and that no regular practice of giving out copies of its minutes was cOll.î:er:rI>lated. The Secretary read the notice of public hearing vñ1ich appeared in the Glens Falls Times and Post-Star on January 6, 1968 on Application for a Variance #27 by M D Management Corp. for the construction of a drive-in restaurant of the type knOÝn1 as I1Neba" on an undersized lot. Appea.ring for M D M8..I.""lagement Corp. ';7;]5 Hr. Green, Mr. Lebowitz and Attorney John l1annix. A.ttorney 'Jilliam Bacas \Vas a130 present representing James and, Bertha ...;1-- '---- , , ----- '-- "--- Q\, ..,.,.......~-_._-.._..-.~.--.--_.....------~"-,.~" Xanthoplos,adjoining lando~vners, who had no objections. TI~c map was reviewed and discussion 'tvas had wi th reference to the lot size, parking and the effect of the widening of the road by the State. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED, that in view of the practical difficulty of using the lot since it did not meet the minimum lot dimensions required by the Ordinance; and the fact that the lot had remained the same as it had existed before zoning; and that in the opinion of the Board strict application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the applicant óf the reasonable use of his land, be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance #27 by M D Management Corp. be approved as requested. The Application for a. Variance 11 Â3 by Cleo Rogers for the construction of garden apartments was presented to the Board. Attorney William Bacas and Mr. James Houghton were present repre- senting Mrs. Rogers. Discussion was had with reference to the plans and several maps 'i¡ere reviewed. Mr. Houghton gave the Board a copy of a letter 'tvritten by John O. \:Jebster dated December 1, 1967 with respect to the disposal system. Upon motion of James Keller, seconded by George Kurosaka and carried unanimously, this matter was referred to the Planning Board for their report. It was pointed out that it appeared that George J. Boivin had not yet submitted any additional information to the Planning Board on his Application for a Special Use #1 and on motion duly made by James Keller, seconded by Charles o. Sicard f· J "-- "---- ~ ~,:{ . ;~';J ..L-- ,..","~~_. ,--·______,__.____·~,~.....,.,w,......,;.,.,.~ I .1.~. and carried unanimou.sly, his Application for a Special Use 1H VIas rej ected. The Zoning Inspector reported that R. George Wiswall of Glenwood Avenue had applied for a building permit to enlarge his animal hospital, a non-conforming use. The enlargement would not exceed 50% of the floor area as it existed at the time of passage of the Ord~nûnce. After discussion, upon motion duly made by Charles o. Sicard, seconded by George Kurosaka and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED th2.t the proposed enlargement of a prior non~coDfor~dng use by R. George Wiswall to his anim;::.l hospital on Glemvood Avenue, not to exceed 5C';~, of the floor area as it existed at the time of dle Ordinance, be and hereby is approved pursuant to Section 8.304 of the Ordinance. rnere being no other business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made by George Kurosaka, seconded by Allison B. Ellsw'orth, and carried unanimously, it was adjourned. .' \. \ t\ L/""'" (r <.........-.....".}..""J--.._.... U-J,. ,,__ ~Z.X;"') -.-...... . . Secretary