1968-04-04 .:? ~ . ',-- MINUTES of a public hearing of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals held at the Town Office Building on April 4, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. There were present: John E. Fitzgerald James Keller Charles O. Sicard George Kurosaka Allison B. Ellsworth being all of the members of the board. John E. Fitzgerald, the Chairman, presided and the Secretary, James Keller, recorded. The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting held March 30, 1968 and upon motion duly made by Charles o. Sicard, ',--, seconded by George Kurosaka and carried unanimously, were approved. The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary on Application for a Variance #36 by Edward and Eleanor Reith for the construction of a dwelling on an undersized lot. Mr. and Mrs. Reith were present and there was no one present objecting. After dis- cussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was -' RESOLVED, that in view of the practical difficulty in using the lot since it did not meet the minimum lot dimensions required by the Ordinance; and that in the opinion of the Board strict application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the applicants of the reasonable use of their land, be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance #36 by Edward and Eleanor Reith be approved as requested. 30 '--- The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary on Application for a Variance 137 by Peter Merlow for the con- struction of a dwelling on a non-conforming lot on Indiana Avenue. Mr. Merlow was present and discussion was had with reference to the size of adjacent lots. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED, that in view of the practical difficulty of using the lot since it did not meet the minimum lot dimensions required by the Ordinance; and that in the opinion of the Board strict application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land, be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance 137 by Peter Merlow be approved as requested. The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary '-- on Application for a Variance 135 by A.C.Warner Co. for the construction of a sign within 50 ft. of the lot line. The report of the Planning Board approving the placement of the sign on an existing post was read. Stieg Reichert representing A.C.Warner Co. was present. William Richardson, Lawrence Newcomb, on behalf of his wife and Dr. Evelyn Harrington, and Leland Pierce representing Fred Hove", Inc. were present objecting. Considerable discussion was had with reference to the location of the post and the size of the proposed sign. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, Mr. Fitzgerald not voting, it was "- ,3 L '-~ RESOLVED, that with the concurrence of the Planning Board be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance #35 by A.C. Warner Co. is approved provided that the sign is relocated in such a way so that the pole and all parts of the sign and structure thereof shall be within the A.C. Warner Co. fence line. The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary on Application #34 by A.C. Warner Co. for the construction of a sign on Quaker Road within the 50ft. setback. Leland Pierce, Mr. Newcomb and Albert Cooms were present objecting. The report of the Planning Board disapproving the application was read. After discussion upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, with Mr. Fitzgerald not voting, it was '-- RESOLVED, that in concurrence with the Planning Board be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance #34 by A.C. Warner Co. be disapproved on the basis of highway safety because of possible obstruction of sight lines on Quaker Road to Corner of Glenwood Avenue from the south. The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary on Application for a Variance 138 by Naomi Maxfield for the construction of a dwelling on a Don-conforming lot. Mrs. Maxfield was present and there was no one present objecting. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was '-- RESOLVED, that in view of the practical difficulty of using the lot since it did not meet the minimum lot dimensions required by the Ordinance; and that in the opinion of the Board strict application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of her land, be it ORDERED that Application for a Variance 1138 by Naomi Maxfield be approved as requested. 31. The affidavit of publication was read by the Secretary '~ on Application for a Variance 133 by M.D. Management Corp. for the construction of an oversized sign on Route 9 and Quaker Road. Mr. Green representing M.D. Management Corp. was present as was H.K. Hoffman of Signs of Progress. The report of the Planning Board stating that they approved su'þject to certain modifications that the big sign should conform to square footage and the exit entrance sign should not be over 4SLtt. as called for in the above ordinance. Those appearing in objectiDn were William Richardson and J. Stechler. After considerable discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was '--- RESOLVED, that Application for a Variance #33 by M.D. Management Corp. be approved provided the free standing sign in the î~oposed location conform to the exis ting ~ requirements of the sign ordinance; and the entrance sign 12 inches by 48 inches is approved as proposed without the "u" shaped portion. ~er the conclusion of the public hearings Application for a Variance 139 by Joseph Dougher concerning an undersized lot at Lake Sunnyside was brought before the meeting and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED, that Application for a Variance I~ by Joseph Dougher be called for a public hearing on Wednesday, April 17, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. The Application for a Variance #40 by Nicholas Clemons, Sr. was the next order of business. Attorney William Mahoney representing Mr. Clemons was present and requested that he be ~~.3 permitted to withdraw the application without prejudice. The -- Board so approved. There being no other business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was adjourned. ~\ ~ - () (( ¡)@-¥L Secretary .\...... ~