engineer's letter 169 Haviland Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Hutchins Engineering Phone: (518) 745-0307
Fax: (518) 745-0308
May 12, 2020
Town of Queensbury Town Board P— O - 250'2z
Board of Health
742 Bay Road
Queensbury NY 12804
Re: James & Patricia Round
34 Pershing Road
Tax Map ID: 302.14-1-74
Dear Supervisor Strough & Town Board Councilmen:
This office represents Mr. & Mrs. James & Patricia Round with respect to the pursuit of
wastewater variance for installation of a replacement absorption bed. Presently the home is
served by an existing 1,000-gallon concrete septic tank and an Eljen In-Drain bed which is in
failure and there is no location within the parcel where a compliant wastewater system can be
Presently the house is served by a 10 ft wide by 22 ft long Eljen In Drain bed, which is in failure.
We are proposing reuse of the existing 1,000-gallon septic tank and install a new 10 ft wide by
40 ft long stone absorption bed.
Relief is requested for the installation of the absorption bed less than the required 20 ft from the
applicant's foundation and less than the required 10 ft from the north and east property lines.
Enclosed please find nine submission packages for this project. We respectfully request, if
possible, that this item be placed upon the agenda of the next town board meeting. Please
contact me if you have any questions or if you require additional information.
Best Regards,
Thomas R. Center Jr., P.E. P''� 2 3 4
Associate - Design Engineer � �,
Cc: James & Patricia Round �L Nto