MINUTES of the public hearing of the Town of Queensbury
Zoning Board of Appeals held at the Town Office Building on
December ,18, 1968 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present:
James Keller
Charles Sicard
George Kurosaka
Allison Ellsworth
being the members of the board, excepting John Fitzgerald who
was absent for this meeting.
James Keller, the Secretary, presided in Mr. Fitzgerald's
The minutes of the public hearings held on November 20, 1968
and November 21, 1968, were presented to the board and upon motion
duly made by James Keller, seconded by George Kurosaka, and
carried unanimously, were approved.
The first order of business was the announcement by Mr.
Keller that the board was withholding decision on the Application
#62 by Harold Veeder for a blanket variance covering all unsold
non-conforming lots at Shore-Colony, and Application #5& by George
Miller to locate a seasonal dwelling on a non-conforming lot in
Shore-Colony; since the.XownAttorney has not had a chance to
fully absorb the memoranda3 of law submitted by Mr. Wayne Judge,
representing Mr. Veeder, and Mr. Cipollo, representing the members
of the Shore-Colony.
On Application for a Variance #66 by Cummings & Company,
the board also decided to reserve decision pending an opinion by
the Town Attorney.
In the Application for a Variance #68 by Stephen Lapham,
to remodel a barn to be used as a book store, it was announced:
"It is the opinion of the Zoning
Board of App~als and the Town
Attorney that the structure in
question was existing prior to
the enactment of the Zoning
Ordinance. The proposed use of
a retail book store is permitted
in a C-3 Zone, and this proposal
will up-grade the property and,
therefore, under the Zoning Ordin-
ance of the Town of Queensbury no
variance is required."
In the Application for a Variance #69 by Woodbury Lumber
Company to erect a building at Glen St. with non-conforming
setback lines, it was announced that the Planning Board approved
the application with modifications, recommending a four-foot
setback on the north line with appropriate landscaping and a
35-foot setback for the portion of the building closest to Route 9.
After discussion by the board, it was
RESOLVED that Application for
a Variance #69 by Woodbury
Lumber Company be granted;
to locate a commercial building
on a non-conforming lot in a
C-2 Zone on Upper Glen St.
subject to the following res-
trictions: the north side of
the building must be setback
at least 4 feet from the property
line, the north wall must be
painted, there must be adequate
planting along the north wall,
and the south west corner of the
building must be setback 50 feet
from the right-of-way. The board
feels that this proposal would be
in general harmony with the neigh-
This resolution was passed by Mr. Sicard, Mr. Kurosaka and
-- Mr. Ellsworth voting for; Mr. Keller voting against.
c¡ <1.
Application for a Special Permit #6 by Dorr-Martin to
build a seasonal travel trailer court on the former D & H
right-of-way on Farm-to-Market Road was then discussed.
The report of the Planning Board was read stating that
the Planning Board felt that the application did not fulfill
all the requirements for a special permit. The Zoning Board1s
decision was as follows:
"It is the finding of the Zoning
Board that operation of a travel
trailer park at the proposed location
would cause substantial injury to the
value of the adjoining property. The
proposal does not provide adequate
provision for the estimated traffic
from the public streets to insure the
public safety and to avoid traffic
congestion; there would be a potential
danger to the occupants, due to a lack
of adequate provisions for the passage
of emergency vehicles. Also, the
proposal would be in violation of
Section 2, Paragraph 6d of the Town
of Queensbury Mobile Home Ordinance
of July 23, 1964. Therefore, be it
RESOLVED the Special Permit #6 by
Dorr and Marguerite Martin be disapproved."
The next order of business to come before the board was a
public hearing for the Application #72 by Goldstock Sporting
Goods, to erect an oversized non-conforming sign in the Northway
Plaza. Mr. Albert Taylor, representing the applicant, stated
that the 631 panel of the building is divided into 3 parts and
the proposed sign would be flat against the building, and would
be facing into the parking lot of the plaza. The sign would be
approximately 401 x 21, with l' high lettering.
It was noted by Mr. Ferguson that no plan, picture or layout
was presented with the application.
There was no one else present in favor of the application,
other than Mr. Taylor, and no one in opposition. After brief
deliberation by the board, it was
RESOLVED that Application for
a Variance #72 be approved being
it is in general harmony with the
area, with the stipulations that
there be no flashing lights illum-
inating the sign, and that there be
no lights on the store front.
New business to come before the board was the Application
for a Variance #7- by Household Finance Corporation to erect a
sign in the Northway Plaza. Mr. C.L. Rahn of Household Finance
and Joseph P. Judge of Judge Sign Corporation were present in
favor of the application. Mr. Rahn said the sign had been
ordered and delivered in the belief that it would not be dis-
allowed. He said his company hoped to open for business before
the first of the year, and that they have been paying rent since
last summer. He also added that the sign is self-illuminating
and would not be visible from the road. Mr. Rahn asked whether
a temporary permit was possible, and Mr. Keller explainéd that
the board did not have the power to grant temporary exceptions.
After further discussion, it was decided that the application be
set for public hearing at the next meeting of the board on January
15, 1968.
There being no other business to come before the meeting,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, the
meeting was adjourned.
d 0- '1Y\.e-s. lI..\ ¥ ~ \\ ey--
. Secretary