MINUTES of the public hearing of the Town of Queensbury
Zoning Board of Appeals held at the Town Office Building on
January 21, 1970, at 8:00 P.M.
There were present:
James Keller
Charles Sicard
Allison Ellsworth
being members of the board, exception John Fitzgerald and
George Kurosaka who were absent for this meeting.
James Keller, the Secretary, presided in Mr. Fitzgerald's
The minutes of the public hearings held on December 17,
1969, were presented to the board and upon motion duly made
by Charles Sicard, seconded by Allison Ellsworth, were
The first order of business was the announcement by
Mr. Keller of application #150 for a variance of CARROL'S
EQUITIES CORP. wishina to erect two sians laraer in area
than is permitted in a C-2 zone on the property situated
at Northaate Shopping Center. Town of Queensburv. Appearing
for Carrol's was John Brewster, engineer for Carrol's. Mr.
Brewster advised the board that they proposed to put a new
sign to harmonize with the new Carrol's look, the sign
b~ing necessary for consistency. It is their desire to
achieve a national Carrol's with the same format.
Mr. Keller asked if the new sign would be at the same
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lócation as the existing one, to which Mr. Brewster replied
affirmatively. Mr. Ellsworth questioned the area of the
sign and Mr. Sicard wondered about a flasher. Mr. Brewster
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stated that the sign would be lighted starting at the bottom
and going up in sequential lighting (not really flashing.)
Mr. George Wein, representing Mr. Hessler of Northgate
Shopping Center, told the board that Mr. Hessler understood
that the present location of the Carrol's sign is at the
opening of the parking area and would create a hazard as
far as people using the center. Mr. Hessler stated that
it is about 10 ft. into the new driveway (according to the
State plans for the widening of the road.) Mr. Brewster
replied, "To my knowledge, we have not been informed by the
State and Carrol's would not build a sign in the center of
an existing driveway. With this new knowledge, I am sure
we will have to find another site for it. If this is the
case, I have not seen the State and wonder why they have
~ not communicated with us." There were no other appearances.
Mr. Keller stated that the board would take this into con-
sideration when they worded the resolution. The Board:
RESOLVED: application for variance No. 150 by
Carrol's Equities Corporation to erect two non-
conforming signs located in the Northgate Shopping
Plaza, be approved as follows: The free standing sign
may be located on the existing base or 15 feet from
the new R.O.W. The approved sign shall be a Model
No. 6800, 25' in height, the sign shall be erected
without the neon tubes and without the "Crispy French
Fries" and "Triple Thick Shakes" signs. The fascia
sign is disapproved.
Mr. Keller then read proof of publication for application
#151 for variance of SUN OIL COMPANY wishina to place a sian
laroer than is Dermitted in a C-2 zone on the DrODertv
situated at Route 9 and Glenwood Avenue, Town of Queensburv
and in conjunction with this application for Special Permit
#17 of SUN OIL COMPANY who wishes to erect a sign with a
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flashing arrow on the property situated at Route 9 and
Glenwood Avenue. Town of Queensburv. Appearing on behalf
of the application was Richard Cronin, p.O. Box 1192, Albany,
New York¡ for Sun Oil. Mr. Cronin started by saying, "I
must apologize for misleading the Planning Board as they
are concerned with the placement of the sign. I lead them
to believe that the base would be on the property line and
this is wrong. The base of the sign is actually going to
be 9ft. in Same size sign and poles. This is somewhere in
the vicinity of 88 sq. ft. figured from top to top and
point to point. The actual sign would be somewhat smaller.
Special permit would be for a flashing sign."
8:22 p.m. - Mr. Fitzgerald now present.
Mr. Cronin continued, "The base would set approximately 9
ft. from the property line which means using our 16 ft.
sign. The overhang would not be over the edge of the pro-
perty; in fact, would be one foot within the property
limits. It would actually be a total distance of 19 ft.
from the road." "In no way do we feel that it could create
any kind of a hazard whatsoever."
Mr. Fitzgerald asked if it would be a revolving sign.
Mr. Keller questioned the height. Mr. Cronin replied, "A
total 28ft. but on a 19 ft. pole. We hope that we will be
able to put it on a 16 ft. pole this time; however, it
would probably be a 19 ft. pole...Weare not asking for a
revolving sign this time."
Appearing in opposition were Mr. and Mrs. Fred G.
Bascomb, owners of property at 635 and 637 Glen Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldswait of Glenwood Avenue were also
in opposition and seconded Mr. Bascomb's remarks.
Mr. Keller advised that the Planning Board had dis-
approved the application for a flashing arrow and approved
the application for an over-sized sign. There were no
other appearances. The Board:
RESOLVED: application for special permit #17 by Sun
Oil Company to erect a flashing sign on property
located at Upper Glen and Glenwood Avenue be disapproved
in that insufficient grounds for granting a special
permit have been shown.
RESOLVED: application for variance #151 to erect
an oversized free standing sign of 87 square feet in
area each face located 1 foot from the R.O.W. on
property located at Glenwood Avenue and Upper Glen
Street. The location as applied for is approved
being a practical difficulty exists. The over-sized
sign is disapproved.
Mr. Fitzgerald then read proof of publication for
application for variance #152 of STATE BANK OF ALBANY who
wishes to construct a Drive-in banking facility less than
the 50' setback requirement on the property situated at
Northwav Plaza. Route 9, Town of Queensburv.
on behalf of State Bank was Mr. Jack McAndrews who told the
board that since their appearance before the Planning Board,
they had made modifications. He referred to a letter
from Cale of Glens Falls which follows:
"Mr. Jack McAndrews
Kurosaka & McAndrews
8 Holman Street
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Re: Variance for State Bank of Albany
Dear Jack:
The first opportunity we get which will probably be
early spring, we will agree to reline the lot as per your
Also, it is imperative that the bank be placed as per
your layout and this is just a short distance from where
the bank was originally planned.
If there is anything further, please call.
Gerald Levin
Vice President"
Mr. Keller asked about the total number of parking
places under this plan.
Mr. McAndrew, "1226 available parking spaces."
Mr. Keller, "Size of each?"
Mr. McAndrew, "Same as originally approved."
Mr. Fitzgerald, "Is that the minimum which is permitted?"
Mr. McAndrew, "It is adequate. I don't know if it
would be the minimum."
Mr. Fitzgerald, "What does the Zoning Ordinance require?"
Mr. Keller quoted the regulation, 6.601, p. a
"Size and Access Each off-street parking space shall have
an area of not less than two hundred (200) square feet,
exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be of
usable shape and condition. Except in the case of dwellings,
no parking area provided hereunder shall be established for
less than three (3) spaces."
Mr. McAndrew, "250,000 sq. feet for total space."
"1226 parking spaces with 250,000 sq. ft."
Mr. Keller, "Does Cale intend to take any step. íegarding
traffic control?"
Mr. McAndrew, "Yes."
Mr. Fitzgerald, "Wi¡l there be anyone to supervise the
flow of traffic?"
Mr. McAndrew, "This is something I have no jurisdiction
over. "
':;0 b.
Mr. Fitzgerald, "In other words, you are adding to
this particular space over and above the original appli-
Mr. McAndrew, "This is a proposed expansion for some
future date."
Mr. Fitzgerald, "I am concerned about the occupancy
and number of retail operations utilizing the same number
of parking spaces,"
Mr, Keller, " It is my understanding that there is an
easement for the State for the erection of a sign. "
Mr. McAndrew, "The easement will not be taken and the
State will put it outside the property."
Letter from New York State Department of Transportation:
"January 8, 1970
Robert Castle, President
Cole Glens Falls, Inc.
Mohawk Street
Herkimer, New York 13350
Dear Sir:
Re: PIN 114200
Glens Falls - Lake George, SH 417
Warren County
In reply to your letter of November 25, 1969 and Mr. McAndrews'
telephone call of January 6, 1970, we wish to advise you
that we have restudied the sign location and find that it
can be removed from in front of your property.
We hope this will help in your development planning.
Very truly yours,
Frank J. Fuller,
Regional Director of Transportation
Richard Edwards
Associate Civil Engineer
cc: J. Grady
R, Simberg"
Mr. Roger Gebou from the County Highway Department
appeared and stated, "We have studied the plan and think
there is going to be a traffic hazard in the years to come."
He continued, "The County owns Quaker Road and we feel
there is going to be a traffic hazard. We have had a lot
of accidents and feel this should not be here."
Mr. McAndrew, "There would be a problem there in any
Mr. Allison ElLsworth, "There is one there ~."
Mr. Keller, "I feel the whole development of the site
is not conducive to a good traffic flow."
Mr. McAndrew, "What would you propose to do?"
Mr. Keller, "Put the bank on another sit$."
"We were promised action one year ago to control the
parking and the only thing done was paint some white lines,"
There were no other appearances.
The Planning Board disapproved on the grounds that this
would create a dangerous traffic condition in an already
dangerous area.
When Mr. McAndrew asked for suggestions as to what
could be done, Mr. Fitzgerald replied, "We are not in a
position to make recommendations. Ours is a judicial
function and can consider only if a variance is needed.
I think you should direct your questions to the Planning
Mr. Sicard, "There is supposed to be a provision
for a fire access road behind the buildings from Route \9."
~ 08:
Mr. Fitzgerald, "Again, it is not our province to
plan. It is to consider the application for a variance
as things are."
The Board:
RESOLVED: application for variance No, 152 by State
Bank of Albany to erect a Drive-In Bank 6 feet from
the R.O.W., located in the Northway Plaza, be disapproved
in that insufficient grounds for granting a variance
have been shown.
There being no other business to come before the
meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unani-
mously, the meeting was adjourned.
c3o."'18S UJ· \2e-1\er
Cole Development Co.. Inc.
Cole· Lockport
Cole· Oneonta
Cole - Potsdom, Inc.
Cole - Rome. Ine
F ALL 5,
January 19, 1970
(315) 866 - 6850
Mr. Jack McAndrews
Kurosaka & McAndrews
8 Holman Street
Glens Falls, N. Y. 12801
Re: Variance for State Bank of Albany
Dear Jack:
The first opportunity we get which will
probably be early spring, we will agree to
reline the lot as per your layout.
Also, it is imperative that the bank
be placed as per your layout and this is
just a short distance from where the bank
was originally planned.
~f there ~s anything further, please
" ~"'].""" .~. ,"'~ ........
Gera ld Levin
Vice President
District 1: 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12205
January 8,1970
Robert Castle, President
Cole Glens Falls, Inc.
lYlohawk Street
Herkimer, New York 13350
Dear Sir:
Re: PIN 114200
Glens Falls - Lake George, SH 417
Warren County
In reply to your letter of November 25, 1969 and IYlr. IYlcAndrews'
telephone call of January 6, 1970, we wish to advise you that
we have restudied the sign location and find that it can be
removed from in front of your property.
We hope this will help in your development planning.
Very truly yours,
Regional Director of Transportation
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Ric~d Edwards
Associate Civil Engineer
ec: J. Grady
R. Simberg
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