2004-03-08 SP MTG12
Special Town Board Meeting, 03-08-2004, Mtg #12 405
MARCH 8, 2004 RES. 156
6:30 P.M.
Mike Shaw, Deputy Wastewater Superintendent
Ralph VanDusen, Water/Wastewater Superintendent
Chris Round, Executive Director of Community Development
Sharon Borgos, Executive Assistant
Cathy Radner
PRESS: Glens Falls Post Star
SUPERVISOR STEC called meeting to order….
MR. MIKE SHAW, Deputy Wastewater Superintendent spoke to the Town Board regarding a 1989
design plan idea to sewer Bay Road, north of Cronin Road to the Town Office Building… Noted
that there’s been one extension and most likely there will be more… The town should have a clear
direct plan that when a developer comes to the town, we can provide them with something that the
town wants… Would like the Town Board to consider hiring an engineering firm to do a
conceptual study to sewer the Bay Road Corridor from Walker Lane north to the Town Office
Building, including parcels across the road… Town Board held discussion and agreed to go ahead
with hiring the engineering firm to do the study…
Town Board held a discussion regarding request by Mr. VanDusen, Water/Wastewater
Superintendent to attend the New York State AWWA Conference being held in Saratoga… Noted
that Bruce Ostrander, Deputy Water Superintendent and other members of the Water Department
will be attending some sessions… Town Board agreed to request.
Supervisor Stec spoke to the Town Board regarding a letter of support for the Phase 2 Cedars senior
housing project, noting that Marilyn Ryba is now writing the letter and will provide copies to the
Town Board for their approval…
Supervisor Stec noted that he received a letter from the Associations of Adirondack Towns and
Villages requesting the Supervisor to sign and return supporting a Resolution to develop a
Comprehensive Snowmobile Plan. Will provide copies to the Town Board for their approval…
Special Town Board Meeting, 03-08-2004, Mtg #12 406
Supervisor Stec referred to letter from Baybridge that the Town Board has received, noting that he’s
looking for board’s approval before signing….
Bill Lamy, Deputy Superintendent –Department of Public Works
Paul Dusek, County Attorney
Stu Spiegel with O’Brien & Gere
Fred Champagne, Supervisor-At-Large
(Summary handout to the Board – on file in the Town Clerk’s Office)
Spoke to the Town Board regarding the Wastewater Management Alternatives for North
Queensbury Sewer, reviewing nine alternatives identified for evaluation… Two options that would
be ultimately considered, the No Action and the Discharge to Halfway Brook options…. Discussed
funding options…spoke on the age of the existing septic tanks…
Councilman Boor-Representing the constituents of Ward 1 noted that he does not support the
proposal for No. Qsby. Sewer..need to identify the problem…
Warren Co. Supervisor Champagne-Noted that no one has studied the southern basin, Pilot Knob,
Discussed the documentation by O’Brien and Gere, discussed alternative options, and financing,
and bring SEQRA Documents up to public hearing standards need to know if the Town wants to
move in this direction, noted there are other projects that the seven million dollars could be steered
to … the County needs to know the direction the Town is going…need to let the Warren County
Sewer Committee know by March 23., cannot move forward
Warren County Attorney Dusek-Reviewed the procedures needed to bring this to the public,
specifying issues that need to be readdressed from the previous documents due to length of time
that has passed since these issues have been addressed some documents go back to 1991.
Councilman Strough-spoke on the need for a more comprehensive review and program for Lake
George, all the communities should be doing the same thing. Spoke to the Board regarding
pesticide usage around the lake, possible cause of pollution…need a plan for usage…
Supervisor Stec-Noted he will have something in writing from the Town Board to the Committee
by March 23. on the Board’s wishes.
Discussion to be held on Personnel Issues facing the Town such as salary structure and grading
schedules that may be handled by Warren County Personnel.
Mr. Rich Kelly-Warren County Personnel Director-Proposal to aid the Town in classifications
Looking to get the positions titled correctly…noted that we will not come out with a salary
recommendation…we do give an idea where the position falls in other agencies. Desk audits are
done in an initial classification review.
Discussion held regarding Health Officer and duties … Town Counsel noted Town Law defines
certain positions and the minimum duties that they have to perform and it might give us some
leeway about what additional duties they may perform.
Discussion held regarding how the board administers raises….noted generally a town salary chart is
a ten year range, with the understanding that after ten years they are capped. Noted there is a
difference between a grade and cost of living increase. Spoke about the use of an outside
Mr. Kelly-Will check with other municipalities to see what their salary structures are and grades and
present them to the Town Board.
Special Town Board Meeting, 03-08-2004, Mtg #12 407
Agreed to by the Town Board.
Discussion held regarding the creation of the temporary position of Temporary Budget Officer the
Board is looking to go through a selection process, to advertise for that we need a job description to
make this a permanent Budget Officer, non civil service, management, accountable to the Town
Board position …Mr. Kelly noted that generally a budget officer is an appointed position it is rare
that would be in anything but an exempt position, the person would serve at the pleasure of the
appointing authority.
Noted if the accountant held the temporary position of budget officer you could leave her permanent
position vacant as an accountant and allow her the opportunity to go back to that, you have to grant
her a leave of absence from the existing civil service permanent appointment. To create a new
position you would have to do a duty statement, noted budget officer is not under civil service, you
as the Town Board would assign the duties.
Discussed that the employee handbook should be reviewed. Mr. Kelly noted that he will review the
handbook and make recommendations…
Discussion held regarding having a fall back position, noted that many of the managers do not have
fall back positions if their current position is eliminated.
Update on Court Positions, memo sent to Warren County Personnel suggesting a local law
establishing in addition to a clerk assigned to each justice a court clerk and a deputy court clerk that
we can get the four positions there all exempt. Board agreed to go ahead with a proposed local law.
Discussion held regarding Animal Control Officer and residency…can amend Local Law which
creates the position and add a section the Town feels that if there is not a viable candidate in the
Town, County residence is sufficient…no action taken…
Update CSEA-would like to have a meeting…issues: one grievance regarding retirement issue,
issue regarding proper classification of equipment…would like to meet in April, the Supervisor and
one other Councilperson. Need to update forms and internal processes, what is a grievance and what
isn’t, what happens in each stage…Have them get us an agenda at their convenience so that we can
consider it on our schedule…
Mr. Dave Wick updated the Board on Glen Lake Reclamation – started project last season, 1 st
hydraulic dredging project in Warren County – dredging ran from August 12 to October 20 an
average in the beginning of six hours per day to the end of the project is was approximately three
hours per day…3,000 cubic yards of material out of Glen Lake , benefiting recreation shore line
reclamation and fish habitat benefit…
Completed six to six hundred and fifty feet of shore line…2003 the project cost $64,000 … 2004
projected budget-2 months of dredging approximately $33,000. includes everything back to pre
project condition…$33,000 minus the 11,000 from the Town of Queensbury there is a short fall of
22,000 for the project. Discussion held on dewatering material usage, noted two companies are
looking at it, also contacted Qsby. Highway and Recreation Dept. to see if they had a use for it,
noted problem with retrieving the material…Councilman Boor-Noted that the Glen Lake Assoc.
may be coming before the Board requesting funding for removal of aquatic plant life, did not want
the 22,000 to negatively impact this project…Mr. Wicks-noted they will need the money before
June to start up the dredging project…discussion held regarding the storage on town property of the
dewatering material to be used for Recreation projects as top soil… Board agreed that they are
committed to the dredging project, will need time to find the extra funding.
Special Town Board Meeting, 03-08-2004, Mtg #12 408
Supervisor Stec-Glens Falls Road work…awaiting to be contacted by the City for more
information… Re: Artium tinting-three quotes received-will ask Chuck Rice for more details on the
tinting…how dark it will be and how long it will last… Re: BayBridge Ltr. asked for responses
from the Town Councilmen… Re: Planning Board/Zoning Board referrals-Asked Chris to have an
agenda at a workshop on this… Re: Paintball-meeting at West Glens Falls Thursday night at 7:00
P.M. Mr. Scott Brandi will be making a presentation … RE: Capital funds - Highway building
and Capital Improvement on West Mt. Road widening…to be discussed at a later meeting.
RESOLUTION NO. 156, 2004
SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor
that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Town Board
Duly adopted this 8 day of March, 2004 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec
NOES: None
Respectfully submitted,
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town Clerk-Queensbury