1971-09-15 3Y. MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of -- Queensbury held on September 15, 1971, at 7:36 p. m. There were present: John Fitzgerald Charle s Sicard Charles Hutton Gordon Streeter being members of the Board, excepting George Kurosaka who was absent. On a motion by Charles Sicard, seconded by Gordon Streeter, the minutes were approved. In the matter of old business, Mr. Fitzgerald stated that Zayre Corporation's application for a special permit #,27 to construct a self-service gasoline dispensing facility, Route 9, Town of Queensbury, had been withdrawn indefinitely pending more information and resubmitting of application. Daniel Olsen appeared in opposition ',-- to this application. In the matter of new business, Mr. Fitzgerald read proof of publication of appli- cation for variance #,202 by MR. EDWARD K. DAVIS TO PLACE A PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL IN THE FRONT YARD OF DWELLING INSTEAD OF REAR. ON THE PROPERTY SITUATED AT FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD. TOWN OF OUEENSBURY. Appearing on his own behalf was Edward K. Daviso Mr. Sicard asked Mr. Davis if the area specified was wooded. Mro Davis answered yes. The Board reviewed pictures of the area. Mr. Streeter asked what the general location of the lot was. Mro Davis and Mr. Liapes explained that it was half-way between Bay and Ridge on the north side. The Board referred to the ordinance regarding Recreational Facilities, 40202. It was stated that the lot had been landscaped and the requirements met. ''"-- There was no oppositiono 39. The Board: '-' RESOLVED: application for variance .:ft202 by Edward K. Davis to place a private sWimming pool in the front yard of dwelling instead of rear, on the property situated at the Fann-to-Market Road, Town of Queensbury, be approved because of the physical condition of the property and the opinion of the Board will not adversely effect the character of the neighborhood. Mro Fitzgerald read proof of the publication of application for variance .:ft203 by GEORGE Ac AND BERTHA FINCH TO HARBOR A FARM ANIMAL (HORSE) ON A RESIDENTIAL LOT INSTEAD OF THE REOUIRED TEN ACRE PARCEL. THE PROPERTY IS SITUATED AT THE CORNER OF L UZER1NE AND NEWCOMB STREET. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. Appearing on his own behalf was George A. Finch. Mr. Fitzgerald asked Mr. Hutton if the necessary papers had been sent out to the property owners. The answer was yes. Mr. Streeter asked Mr. Finch how close the garage was from the front of Newac>mb Street. Finch replied 20'. Mr. Fitzgerald stated that they were not in violation of set-back regulations. Application was approved by the Planning Board. There was no opposition. Letter concerning the reason for the application and statmg that there was no opposition from neighbors is attached to the minuteso The Board: RESOLVED: that the application for variance .:ft203 by George Ao and Bertha Finch to harbor a horse on the property situated at 40 Luzerne Road, Town of Queensbury, be approved since it appears it will not be injurous to the neighborhood or otheIWise detrimental to the surrounding area. Now present at 7:50 po m., George Kurosaka. Mr. Fitzgerald read proof of publication for variance .:ft204 by KENNETH NASHOLDS TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 30' front set'back on the property situated at Rockhurst Road. Town of Queensburv. -- Mr. Na;holds, appearing on his own behalf, stated that the structure was to be ~O' a garage with an adjoining building (living area). Mr. Liapes stated that there was no objection to the adjoining building l:ìut that the set-back of the garage was in que stion 0 Pictures of the lot were reviewed. Mr. Streeter asked if the garage would obscure adjacent properties. Mro Liapes said no. No objection by neighboring property owners. Planning Board approved application. The Board: RESOLVED: that the application for variance *204 by Kenneth W. Nasholds to construct a garage less than the required 30' setback on the property situated at Rockhurst Road, Town of Queensbury, be approved since the granting of the variance in the opinion of the Board is necessary for reasonable use of the land and that the variance as granted by the Board is the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpo se. Mr. Fitzgerald read proof of application for variance *205 by the GOURMET RESTAURANT TO PLACE A SIGN LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 50' FRONT SET-BACK ON THE PROPERTY SITUATED AT ROUTE 9. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. Appearing for the application was Hamilton Hoffman of Signs of Progress, Inc., who submitted pictures of the sign which the Board reviewed. Mr. Kurosaka stated that the sign did not obstruct any views. The application was approved by the Planning Board. It was stated that the sign was not in place on a temporary permit. The Board: RESOLVED: that the application for variance *205 by Gourmet Restaurant to place a sign less than the required 50' set-back on the property situated on Route 9, Town of Queensbury, be approved on the grounds of hardshQp> and as long as the applicant occupies 1:iæ.id premises. Mr. Fitzgerald read proof of application for variance *206 by GLENDALE FURNITURE TO PLACE A SIGN LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 50' SET-BACK ON PROPERTY SITUATED AT UPPER GLEN STREET. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. '- Appearing for the application was Hamilton Hoffman and Dennis O'Keefe. It was stated by Mr. Hoffman that this sign was to replace a previous sign removed ~I. '- August 26, 1971 To Whom It May Concern: Our son, George A. Finch Jr., age 16, would like to harbor a horse and have the pleasure of taking care ~f it himself instead of boarding out such an animal. He has had a beautiful horse offered to him and if he could have it here, he would like to join the 4E for the horsemanship part of it. He is Quite interested in ranservation and Forestry which I am greatful; at least it will keep him off the streets and have a good life in the open and not concerned, at this time, with wheels and everything that goes with them. His studies at school now are centered around conservation work, as he wants to enter Wankeena College when he finishes high school. Horsemanship may not help him thru college, but if he does become a ranger, or does conservation work I am sure it would be a great advantage to him in his work. George has contacted all the neighbors around our lots and everyone is favorable of him harboring a horse on this property. I am sure that he will keep it as sanitary as possible. We as parents both work, mother at Uarren County Sheriff Dept. and father at Sears ~oebuck but we are willing to 1}.elp George keep a clean yard just as we have in past with other animals including pigs, chickens, rabbits, and etc. Our neighbors never complained, and I am sure we can keep it that way with just a horse. Ny son has worked and saved his money by planting gardens and selling the produce and working with me (his father) at my trade just to get this animal anò he will feel aui te badly if he is refused. We as parents would rather see George shoveling manure and keeping this place clean and have this animal ta love and care f~r than to see him pushing dope as many ather people his age, ahd all ages, are doing with no other interest in life. '- Thank you for your careful consideration in this matter. ~yr'.ulY yours~. ,/ ~~ a· f::::?Y~~ /~;& ~ ft~'~ Er. and Mrs. Ge orgef;'inch 1/ ..P. during the Route 9 reconstruction. The Board reviewed diagrams of the sign location pre~ented by Mr. Hoffman. Application approved by Planning Board. There was no opposition. The Board: RESOLVED: that the application for variance #206 by Glendale Furniture to place a sign less than the required 50' set-back on the property situated at Upper Glen Street, Town of Queensbury, b§f approved on the grounds of hardship caused by the relocation of Route 9. On amotion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Streeter, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. .~~/# Secretary '-