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.Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT|Permits /Q Gre'2ete FeAPPLICATIONPermitFees$ tonon of Queer742BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice #Pr 518-761-8256 ‘ooProjectLocation:4 Hanneford Road Tax Map 1D #:240.8-1-30 Subdivision Name:"One CONTACT INFORMATION: °Applicant: Name(s};Mike Chrys Malling Address,C/S/Z:PO Box 298,Cleverdale,NY 12620 Cell Phone:_{518)3399-3559 land Lines J j Emait.memos705@gmait.com »Primary Owner(s): Name(s);Gamer Properties.LLC Mailing Address,C/S/Z:PO Box 296,Cleverdale.NY 12820 Cell Phone:_{__518_}339-3559 Land Line:_{) Email:memec?0S@gmail.com @ Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only «Contractor(s):Workers’Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Namefs): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address,C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_{)Land Line:_{) Email: **List all additional contractors on the back of this form ©Architect(s)/Engineer{s): Business Name: Contact Name(s}: Mailing Address,C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_{)Land Line:_{} Email: Contact Person for Building &Code Compliance:Mike Chrys Cell Phone:_{518 _)33%3559 Land Line Email i y Resse Rrwruary 2038 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE:Commercial x Residential ‘WORK CLASS: _X_Single-Family __Two-Family _Multi-Family (#of units } __Townhouse __Business Office __Retail ___Industrial/Warehouse __Garage (#of cars )___Other (describe,) ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE:ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: Ast floor.Ist floor:992 sf 2"floor:2"floor: 3°floor:3"floor:.Basement (habitable space):Basement (habitable space}:NONE Total square feet;Total square feet:992sf_ ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1.Estimated Cost of Construction:$919.000 2.If Commercial project,what is the proposed use:__ 3.Source of Heat (circle one):XGas Oil Propane Solar Other Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances &Chimney Application 4.Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan?YES X NO Explain: 5,Are there any easements on the property?YES =X NO 6.SITE INFORMATION: What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel?9100 sf is this a corner lot?YES No Will the grade be changed asa result of the construction?YES XNO What is the water source?PUBLIC X PRIVATE WELL Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system?Private pangs AadtiangAteratior sgahemnen engen -oh RECLARATION: 1.Lacknowledge that na cosstructian shail be commenced prior to issuance of a valid germit and wih be completed within a 12 montn period, *expiration date the permit may be renewed,subject tovwIftheworkisnotcompigtedbythe+ fees and departmert agprava ng materials a’e a tue and compete statement endfor3.|certify teat the application,plans and suppe: descrigt on of the work proposed,that al werk will be performed -n accardance with the NYS Buidi-g Codes,'ecal building laws ane ordinances,and -n conformance with Iacal zoning regulations. 4.|acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilivies propased |,or my agents.wll obtain a certificate of eccupancy 8,lalso understand that l/we are required to provide an as-built survey by alicensed -and surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance o*a certificate of occupancy. have read and agree to the above PRINT NAME:Michael Chrys f SIGNATURE Pig —_————DATE:4-17-2020 Reed Reseaty 2009nistentenspSack Most Widely Accepted and Trusted: ICC-ES Evaluation Report |.ESR-4073.sae EoseRe Ra Derytt ey DIVISION:07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION:07 23 OO—THERMAL !NSULATION 0 REPORT HOLDER: DEMILEC (USA)INC, 3315 EAST DIVISION STREET ARLINGTON,TEXAS 76011 EVALUATION SUBJECT: HEATLOK®HFO HIGH LIFT SPRAY FOAM INSULATION "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Posicy Council (WSSPC}Award in Excellence”A Subsidiary of © on Reparts are st ep be constrnen erlors vibe subcet trane,by ICC Evaluation 9 LLC,express or implied,as sings or ener =@oFastyayproductcower Copyright ®2018 {CC Evaluation Service,LLC.All rights reserved. waRACEaiCC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-4073 issued August 2017 Rovised May 2018 This report i subject to renezal August 2018. Dee Rs ea +.((800)423-6587 |(562)699-0543 A Subsidiary of the Intemational Code Councit® DIVISION:07 00 00--THERMAL AND MOISTURE walls of Type #Il Ik or IY construction when uses 35 PROTECTION described i Secticn 4.5, Section:07 21 0—Thermal insutation 30 DESCRIPTION REPORT HOLDER:34 General Deniilec Heatiox"”HEO proguct 1s a right.medium-densiyDEMILEC(USA)ING.spray-apolied cellular polyurethane foarr plaste insulation3515EASTDIVISIONSTREETinstalledas2componentofwallassembles,ceilingsARLINGTON,TEXAS 78011 oars,crawispaces and cavitas <f ‘oofs.Tha foam plastic(217)540-4800 insulatior.=a two-component.closea-cell,one-to-one oyfernsAevoumespray‘ar system wrth s nommal density of 2.0 pef (32 <gim.The insulation =eraducad in the “aidEVALUATIONSUBJECT:by combing a palynenc wosyarate (A component vath °3 poyymenc resin blend (8 component).The msulationHEATLOK™HFO HIGH LIFT SPRAY FOAM INSULATION omporents have a shelf Mle of six months when stored 1 lo.EVALUATION SCOPE faciory-sealed contamers at temperatures between StF (10°C)ana Ber (26 C. Compliance with tha following codes:3.2,Surface-burning Characteristics: 2618,2018,2012 and 2009 Internationa’Biting ——_Demilec Heatlox”HFO produc.at a maximum thickness of ‘Gode*ABC)=4 inches,(202 mm}and 2 naminal density of 2.0 pef 22 kglm’)has a flame spread index of 25 or less and 2 smoke-<ieveloped index of 460 or lass when tested in accordance with ASTM €84 (UL 724},There are no 2018,2012 and 200%Infernational Residential IRC} 2018,2015,2012 and 2008 snernaucra Energy thicknass limitations when insulation «s covered by a code- Genservavion Gode®(IECC!prescribed 15-minute thermal barner. Property evaluated:3.3.Thermal Resistance (Revaluae): Demilec Heztiok*HFO product ha: (R-valve},ata mean temperature cf thermal resistance=Surface-numing characteristics thersF(24C,as shawn, 1 Prysicat properties in Table 1 1 Thermal resistance 3.4.Vapor Permeance: @ Attic and crawl space installation Demiec Heatlok®HFO has a vapor permeance of 41,0 perm sr greater aad lags thar 19 poms whan applied1Watervaportransmissieralaminmutof>-nch (26.4 mm)theiess and may ce ©Ar petmestlity used whero a Class Ill vapor revarder is required by «ne applicable code 1=Extoriar walls in Types |tirpugh IV constiuraionisnTyp‘ah TY construrii 34.Air Permeability:20 USES Demitec Heatlok”HO foam plastic insulation.at aDerelecHeatiok”HFO closed celf spray foam 8 a spray:rninimum ‘1-inch (25.4 myn}thickness,is considered ai-apolia¢palyurethane foam olastic insulation uses 38 3 smpermeable insulation m1 accordance wilh 2018,2018 ancrovstructuralthermalinsulztngmatenalinTypes|I,lll,2012 RC Section R806.S (2009 RC Section REUE.4)and IM are V construction under the IBC and mn dwellings unser 201 IBC Section 1202.3 [2015 IBC Section 1203.3]based the IRC.Tha insulation is intended for use in wall cavities,gn testing in accardanoa with ASTM E283, Ncorceiling assemblies or attics ard crawl spaces wher installed in accordance wiih Sache 44,Under the [RG 36 Blazelok TBX Intumescent Coating: ang 2018 and 2075 IBC,‘he instlaton may be used as ar--Blazelox™TEX inlunescent coatirg (see b impermaabia insulation wien inslallad in accordance win manufactured ky TPR”Corpcratiar -s 2 cne-comoorient Section 36.The insulation also may be used h exterior —waterbased liquid coating.The coating is sunsliag in SE Tae tangent & Covent 2016 ICG Evol es Seno LLG,All gh resme age sat ESR-4073 |Mos!Widely Accepted ano trusted -gallan {19 |)pals and 56-gallon (208 L)drums and has a Shalt life of (1)year wien stored in Iactory-sealed containers at temperatures ketveen 48'F (7G)and 86 F fecken 3.7 DC 345 Intumescent Coating: DC 315 intumescent coating (see.\ manufactured by International Frrepraof Techriolagy,Ine. is @ waterbasod coating supplied in Sgallon (191 palsandS6-zallon {2081}drums and tas a shelf te of o-e (1) year when stored ir factory-sealad conaires at temperatures between 50°F 1°0%C)and 80°F {24°C} 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 44 Design: Demitec Heallok®HEO product must be anstalies in accerdarce wth the manufacturer's publishad :netalation ingriveliens and this repo,A copy of Ce Manufacturer's ‘ublshes installation instructions must be availableatall tines on the jobsite during installation. 4.2 Application: ‘The insulation is spray-apelied on the jobsite singequenantidentifiedinthemanufacturersoublshed ingtatation instuctors Tne Demilec Heatlok”HFO product ‘tust be applied we the ambient and,substate femperature Is between SCF (20Ci and 10°F :28°C: The insulation must no:he used 1 areas tra Have @ maximum service temperature greater than 180 (22;‘The ‘oam plastic iastlation "must rot be usec:in alectrical outlet er junction boxes or n continuous contact with rain or aatar Tne substiata must be frea of maisture,tras:o° ite.loose scales,cust,cil and grease.or cuntamnates the will interfere with adhgsion of the spray foam insutatior. The Demles Heatlok®HFO picduct may be appled in pasees raving a maximum thickness of 6!inches {185 mm oer pass.When "mult pla passes are requirea Subsequent passes can he sprayed once the core temperature drops below 100 ¢37.7°C) 4.3 Thermal Barrier: 4.3.1 Application with a Prescriptive Thermal Barrier: Demilsc Heatlok®HEO rasvlation must be separated from he inte’or of the building by an approved mnermal barrier of “Jeirththick (12.7 mre)gypsem wallboard or an equivalent thermal bamer complying with and instalten in aecardance with the applicable coae excep where the installaton complies with the requirements set for”in Section ¢,3 2,Whan installation is within an attic ar cra! space as descnhed in Section 4.4,¢thermal harrer-s nct equred between the foam paste and the atve or craw! space,but 1S fequired between the ingulavon and the interier ofthe bulking There +s an thickness lim whes installed betund a code pressibed thermal barrer except as noid In Secon 4.424 43.2 Application without a Prescriptive Thermal Barrior:Heatlok”HFO spray (cam insulation may oe installed without the prescrptive *Semnute thermal barrar or ‘gan bamer descrbea in Section 43."o Section 44.4.respectively when installacos :s -n accordance wih tha following The insulation must be covered on ail surfaces with a tite protective caating ai "xe minimum thickress se: foeth is Table 2 maximum instslied thickness of the insulation must not excead the thickness sat Forth in Table 2. 4.3.3.The coaung must be applied over the insulation in accardarca with the coaiing manufacturer's instructions Page 2 of 4 and respective IGC-ES evaluatian -eport for tha coating and this -eport 44 Ignition Barrier ~Attics and Crawl Spaces: 4.4.1.Application with a Prescriptive ignition Barrier. When Demiec Heatfok®HO insuitcr.is installed withrn attics o craw!spaces whare entry 1s rade only for service of utilities,an ignition barrier must oe installed in accordance win IBC Section 2503 4.1.6 and IRC Sec:.07s RS1G4.3 and RSI8.5.4,a6 applicable,except wher the installation s in accordance wth Section 44,2,The igntion barrier musi be consistent wilh the reqsirements for the type of construcsor required oy the applicable code and must be snstaled ina manner so that the foam plastic insulation ss nat exposed.Tha attic cr craw!spaco area must be separated fom the interior af the bualding by an approved 1S.minute thermal barrier as desenbed in Section 43.1 Demiles Heatlak”HFO ansulanon,a5 described in ths section,may be stalled in unvented attics sn accordance with 2078,2015 and 2012 IRC Section R8D6.S [2009 IRC Section R806.4)or 2918 IBG Section “202.3 [2015 IBC Section +298.4]. 4.4.2 Application without a Prescriptive Ignition Barrier:Where the spray-appited insulation is stalled -n accordance with Section 4424 the following coadtions apply a)Eney te the attic or crawl space -s to only servicetities,and na storage is perrrttes, by There are no interconnected attic or craw!space areas. ©)Alrin the attic or craw!space is not circulated to other part of the building. 1d)Attic ventilator is provices wher required by 2018 IBC Section 2202.21 f20*S,2012 and 2009 IBC. Section 1203.2;or IRC Secuon R808,excent when aximpermeable ineutation is perritted -n unvenied ates i accordance with the 20°IBC Section 1202.3, [20°S 18C Section 1203.3]sr 2018,2018 and 2012 IRC Section RBOB.5 (2009 IRC Secton RE06.4) 6}Unaer-ioor (era space)ventilation #s provided when required by 2018 (BC Section 1202.4 [2015 IBC Section 1208.4 (2012 and 2008 IBC Section 1203.2)] oF IRC Section R408.1,a8 applicabie. f)Combustion aw is.proviaed,-n accordance with {informational Mechanreal Coos Section 70% Application without a Prescriptive ignition Barrigr:In attics and crawl spaces Demilec Heatiok”HEO insulation may be spvay-applied to the underside of root sheathing andlor rafters.and to vertical sufaces and the underside of floors as descnbed in this section.The thickness of the foam plastc apefed :c tha undersica of the overhead surfaces (roof sheathing.rafters and the underside of floo’s}rust not exceed 7 fe inches (184 mr), The thickess of the foam plastic applied ta vertical surfaces must not exceed 11't inches (286 mm},The attic fr crawl space must be separates from:the snterior cf the building by a2 appraved ternal barner as described n Section 31. 44.3 Use on Attic Floare:Semiec Heatlok”HFO isuksuan may be installed at @ maximum thicknoss.of7gsnches(184 mm)between and over isis in attic gars.The Demilec Hoatlok”HFO insulation must be separated from ihe inteaor of the building by an approved thermal barner. mACCESS 2020 Residential Cade of Now YorkState First Printing:ry 2018, CHAPTER 3 BUILDING PLANNING 316.4 Thermal barrier. Unless otherwise allowed ini...bi!%,foarr plastic shall be separated from tae interior of a building ey anapprovedUhermalbaerierafvotlessthianYa-inch {12.7 mm!gypsum wallboard,2%/22-Inch (18.2 mn?wooe structural panel or amaterialthatistestedinaccordancewithandmee:s Ine acceptance criteria af bath the Temperature Transmission FieTestandtheIntegrityFireTestofFF 7 7 OPY |LEC Copyright ©ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 06/22/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with JCC.Na further reproduction af eisteibution authorized,Any Unauthonzed repreduction or distribution és @ Viotation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil ard criminal penalties thereunder. Ni premiuniACCESS 2020 Residential Cade of New YorkstotFirstPrintng:Now 2019 CHAPTER 3 BUILDING PLANNING RI16.5.4 Crawl spaces, the thermal barrier specified in Svs tis +4."Is nal required where all ofthe following appiy 2.Crawl space accoss is “equired by~a2,Eatty is made only tor purpases of repairs ar maintenance, 3.The foam plastic :nsulat-on has been testad in accordance with ss.7%P16 6 ar the foam plastic insulation Is protected against ignition using one of the follavmg igrstian barr er materials 3.1.VYypinch-thick (38 mm)mineral fer insulation, 3.2.He-inch-thiex (6.4 mn}wand siructural panels; 3.3.Yp-inch 19,5 mn)particleboard, 3.4,Upineh (6.4 sn)hardboard 3.5,pinch (9.5 mm)aypsum board, 2.6.Corrmsion-resistant steel having a base metal thickness of 0.016 inch (9.406 mm} 3.7.Up-inch (6.4 mm)tiber-cement panel,soffit ar backer board, Copyright ©ICC All Rights Reserved Accessed by David Hatin an 06/22/2020 pursuant to License Agreement with ICC.Ho hurther reproduction er distribution authorized.Any Unautnorizes reproduction or distriuution isa vielation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and ‘riminat penalties thereunder. Map Retererce Ridge Road. MapPatepains\ Michael Chrys Studer 3 oun of Gucarsbn}Cony oC kae—n |Oerarues 7919 |FILE COPY |