final electrial inspection • ,., . lilECEOWLE TOWN OF 7._ QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES ..,...,.,, .ci.,:,,...:. . cum moNwEALTII ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE,INC. . . . • i. , Main Office I/6 Doe Run Road-Nlanhelm.PA 17545 '•'12., 1:4.1 .. MliNiC i PA 1„ CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL , ... . • •.... ••;.:::,, i Petot..-- .. , ,.!.....: :. : Permit No.. F32. :-........................Cert.N9 4 2 4 8 9 Cut in Card No. .;••• 1,i ',..;:::•-,,; . ..fq 9.,\•••••(.;: • . ..••''.' .!.i:•z. ? , Owner "Thefaay Ce.4 wrip a..c.-i....in. .. ..,,Location, , 8 ArirCiforac.c.re 4 ti s,„/ ?!.:....'. ..,l',.!. :'.. • . Installation Consisting of , ••:1•; i,...;•-s:.',;*. A 69.N.' C.e C,: akier.).0 c>5 cA-4.1,v4.....rx.A.a c— . •,: . ..... .. r•!.•.:,. . 1,...,43 I 01-1-et 6...„.-e. • . ,.., . .: '.•!.: : Installed By ..,1,..) 4,#.1,1 t•-. Lie. No. • ...,. .., . • '.'i ;..,..;- •• • . The conditions tbilowing governed the issuinicc of this cenificate,and any ccrtifiento previously issued is ...!, . ..„, cancelled:- !:k.•-* . ..• :::: 1%............ Tins certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the •:, t':-.`','.: introduction of additional cquiptnera or alterations.application shall be promptly made for inspection. ;li?.•''' . ..., • Inspectors of this Company shall have.the privilege of making inspections at any time. and if its . '••:,- ,•'z• • •• rules are violated,the Company qliall have the right to revoke this certificate. :::i$••• . ••:.;: :;•.;•:..... , Date G-2.5";2,(3 INSPECTOR v . .17,/,,ec-Vid.rier'"'" 15""'.... ... . . .. . .Member N.F.P.A.,I.A.E.I. . 4. _—____.--.....—,......_—.._.. ,..___ V89186L ZZ:II ONIZ/9Z/90 oiEwnw NON ZO 30VcI