1973-08-15 c:;)1~ '-, MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on August 15, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. ( There were present: George Kurosaka, Acting as Chairman in absence of John Fitz- Gerald Charles Hutton, Secretary Dick Sanderspree Charles Sicard being the members of the Board. On a motion by Mr. Sicard, secon- ded by Mr. Sanderspree, the minutes of the July meeting were app- roved as read. In the first matter of old business, William H. Taft, #297, there were no appearances and was adjourned. Second item of old business, #312, Bruce Wiederspeil, Miller Hill. Sold property and new owner to reapply. Third item - Special Permit #43 - Robert Silver. A deferr- ment was a'aked. Mr. Hutton said they had received a letter from William Bacas, attorney for the above asking for this deferrment. Additional couments were heard from Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mesko (who live directly across from where the Go-Cart establishment would be erected.) Mrs. Mesko stated that Mr. Silver is working all kinds of gimmicks to get this permit through. These people were very much in opposition to this. Mrs. Ventor, of the King Hendrick Motel, was also present in opposition to this. These people were questioned by members of the board and Mr. Sicard said they would be notified when a rehearing would be set. NEW BUSINESS Variance #319 - Marshall Seelye, Quaker Road and Highland .,J'f -2- Avenue to sell travel trai1e rs in a C-l zone. Marshall Seelye was "-'-' in attendance. Mr. Seelye stated that there was no differential between the travel trailer variance and the mobile home variance. He said he intends to have the Silver Eagle Trailers to sell. Mr. Seeyle.... "1 would like to have two or three trailers on the property to be there for people to look at. If 1 had any more than two, 1 feel that they should be parked down in back instead in front of the building. These trailers would be 8' x 28'." Mr. Hutton....IIAre you planning on having any repair work done on these trailers?1I Mr S 1 "N" . eey e.... o. Mr. Hutton....IIWould you be handling accessories such as awnings, etc.?" Mr. Seeyle...."No, unless they were ordered special with the trailer. Mr. Seeyle also brought up the problem of parking at his auction house. A letter was read· by Mr. Hutton that was written by Mr. Seeyle to the Queensbury Town Board stating in part that... In the interest of the community, no parking signs should be placed in various spots on Highland Avenue and Quaker Road. No one appeared in opposition to this. The Town of Queens- bury Planning Board approved and the Warren County Board also approved. ~'6 -3- The Board: "- RESOLVED: Application No. 319 by Marshall Seeyle to sell travel trailers in a C-l zone on the property situated at Quaker Road and Highland Avenue in concurrance with the Queensbury Planning Board and Warren County Planning Board. The final matter of new business was: Variance #320 Cale- Glens Falls, Inc. Quaker Road and Upper Glen. George Kurosaka disqualified hLmself and Charles Sicard chaired this portion of the meeting as Cale-Glens Falls is a client of Mr. Kurosaka's. Cale-Glens Falls would like to expand their shopping com- plex some 21,800 square feet. Those appearing in behalf of Cale-Glens Falls Were: Robert Castle, Gerald Levin, Jack McAn- drews and Wes Turner. Mr. Castle was the main speaker and said that in 1969 an application was made and a permit was granted to extend the shopping cen~er. They presented the exact same plan that was approved before. They want to connect the two sections between Trends Unlimited and Howlands togetber. He stated that the park- ing situation had been studied and decided to eliminate the center roadway and make traffic flow in front of buildings only. Mr. Castle stated that various signs are to be erected in the parking lot to direct the traffic. They want to beautify the shopping center more with flowers, grass, etc. Mr. Castle said that parking for employees is to be in the rear of the five new stores. Mr. Sicard asked for comments from the other members and the congested parking was discussed. Mr. Castle stated that there should be enough room for 1000 car park- ~Jb ~- ing at peak times of the year. They will provide outside parking '-- policemen. No opposition appearing. Mr. Castle said the fire department has approved their putt- ing in two additional hydrants because of the entrances. Fire Chief Bertram Martin was in attendance and had no opposition. The Warren County Board disapproved and the Town of Queens- bury Board, approved subject to providing adequate fire hydrants. The Board: For the Zoning Board to override the decision of the Warren County Board, they must have a majority plus (1) whlch is the State Law. We, therefore, feel that we cannot act at this meet- ing becasue of this reason. We respectively ask that you ask for an adjournment until the next meeting. Mr. Castle asked the board if they could have a special meeting before the next meeting. Mr. Hutton told him he would have to contact Mr. Fitzgerald to see if this could be arranged. Mr. Cas~le said they would like to get this matter taken care of becasue of the weather factor. Cale-Glens Falls asked for an adjournment until a later date and would contact Mr. Fitzgerald to set up a meeting. The Board: RESOLVED: Application #320 by Cale of Glens Falls for ex- pansion of the Northgate Shopping Plaza be adjourned until September meeting at request of the applicant. -5- ...- ( There being no further business, upon motion duly mad e ',-- and seconded, the meeting was adjourned and a statement was made that this was the shortest meeting in the board's history. ~~ ;-~ Secretary '--, ;)IÎ