1974-04-17 ,,251 April 17, 1974 ~)The Queensbury Zoning Board meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. There were present: Jack Fitzgerald Charles Sicard George Kurosaka Dick Sanderspree Charles Hutton being members of the board. On a motion by George Kurosaka seconded by Dick Sanderspree, the minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Variance #345 Stephen Letizia - Chalet Susse Internaticnal Attorney Case Prime said a representative from the company had been de- tained and should have arrived at Glens Falls airport at 7:00 P.M. and asked for a short delay. There was objection from the åudience but Mr. Fitzgerald said he would wait one-half hour. Variance #347 - Mario Migliore zoned R-4 - Tabled until next meet- ing. Variance #348 - Norman Marincic zoned R-3. Wishes to use one apartment of a two apartment building for a real estate office. Mrs. Marincic appeared and said they would also like to put a 2' sign show- ing it was a real estate office. The Warren County Planning Board app- roved and the Town Planning Board approved. No one appeared for or against this variance. Charles Sicard made a motion that application for Variance #348 be approved in accordance with the Warren County Planning Board and .~ the Queensbury Planning Board. Seconded by George Kurosaka. Unaminous. ....... Variance #349 - Enlarge a non-conforming use at Lake George Travel Trailer Park Zoned R-4. -2- ~s8 This variance is for construction within an existing travel trailer '- park including an indoor pool, one more outdoor pool, T.V. rooms and more laundry and restrooms plus six additional tennis courts. Attorney R. Stewart and Mr. Victor King, owner appeared. Mr. Ste- wart made it clear to the board that this application is not to enlarge the park, just add inside facilities on the easterly side of the park. Mr. William Woolsey, who lives opposite the present entrance to the park appeared in objection. He was opposed mainly because of the heavy traffic problem the park has brought to route #149. Mr. Woolsey asked how many extra sites they would be putting in and Mr. Stewart said that they would not be any extra sites just enlarging facilities, as they now have 320 sites. Mr. Paul Morris, who lives across the road from the park was also in opposition stating that this was breaking down the zoning law. Mr. Fitzgerald "Anyone who had an operation in existance before zoning went into effect, has to stay the same - nothing is changed." "I recommend you attend the Town Planning Board meeting where they are presently going over zoning if you think this is strictly a residential area." Mr. Kurosaka spoke and said this trailer park is on the main route The Town Board approved and the Warren County approved both without any comments. George Kurosaka made a motion that we approve the application in agreement with the other two planning boards. The was seconded by ~Charles Sicard. Unamimous. -3- ;). ~1 '- Special Permit #50 - Zayre Corporation zoned C-3. George Kurosaka disqualified himself. Attorney William Bacas appeared for the applicant. Zayre Corporation would like to renew their one year extension to be able to operate gas pumps. Mr. Bacas said that at a public hearing held February 1972, an application was approved subject to beautification and that no non-conforming signs be erected. The major concern at that time was about traffic safety cautions. He said they had met requirements of beautification committee and everything has been done in respect to this permit. Mr. Sicard - "ls there any comtempla tion of any more building1" Mr. Bacas ~ "no." Mr. Raymond Bodenweiser, owner of Alpenhaus Motel appeared in favor of granting Zayre what they are asking. The Warren County Planning Board approved and the Town Planning Board also approved. Mr. Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the application for Special Use #50 to operate a self service gasoline dispensing facility. The Board finds: 1. The use is one specifically enumerated in the district. 2. Such use will not be prejudicial to the character of the area. 3. The Board determines that there is appropriate provision for access facilities adequate for the estimated traffic from pub- lic streets and/or highways and that there are pedestrian walk- ways so as to insure public safety and to avoid traffic con- gestion . 4. That there are full adequate parking areas and off-street J.. (p 0 -4- -- loading spaces, in conformity with the proposed parking require- ments of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Queensbury and all other related ordinances. 5. That suitable planting or screening as required by the Town Planning Board has complied with. 6. That such us e is of the same general character as, or will not be injurious to, the surrounding neighborhood or district. 7. (Applicable uses that would permit two or more principal structures on the same lot). That such structures are so arranged so as to permit diversification in the location of building and to improve circulation facilities and other site qualities while maintaining adequate standards for public health, safety, welfare and convenience. Variance #345 - Stephen Letizia zoned C-l Chalet Susse International permited only in a C-3 zone. This variance is to build a 60 unit motel on a tract of land at the Corinth Road exit of the Northway. They are also asking to be able to erect a sign posting rates on the outside of the bui lding . Mr. Tom McCormick, surveyor, showed the board plans of the project explaining just where the motel would be built if approved. He also explained that this parcel of land is the only C-l zone in the area and zoning takes place right on the boundary line. Mr. Richard Lion, vice president of Chalet Susse arrived late and ~ spoke regarding the sign as being their trademark of motels ~etting people identify with the motel. He said this is a new chain of motels J&I -5- in New England and appeals to families and traveling salesman. '-' A question regarding sewage and drainage was raised and Mr. Prime said they had not looked into this yet because they wanted to see if they get the variance first. Mr. Sicard raised a question about the possibility of rates going up. Mr. Lion said they could operate less expensively than other motels because they do not have a lobby (Just a place to register) and many other fancy facilities. Mr. Hutton said he was familiar with the one at.White River Junction and said the motels are kept very well and would have no objection. Attorney Prime said as long as Queensbury is presently going over '. ,their' guidelines regarding sizes of signs he would like a continuance of the sign portion of the application. Mr. Fitzgerald raised an objection and told Mr. PrUne that he felt there were many people who showed up at this public hearing just because of the sign and should be heard. Dexter Campbell, who lives on Connecticut Avenue came forward and wanted to know how close to Connecticut Avenue this motel would come. Lew Cuddeback, President of the Lake George Motor Court Association appeared and asked Mr. Lion if Chalet Susse would still build a motel if they weren't allowed to erect a sign and Mr. Lion said they would. Mr. Cuddeback read a letter, representing sentiment of 132 Lake George Motels and 28 motels in Queensbury saying they were going on re- cord as being strongly opposed to the sign requested by Chalet Susse International to advertise the price of accommodations at its proposed --- motel at Northway Exit 18. Cuddeback based the objection on possible "Price Wars" which Çould :2((,). -6- be started by such a sign. Use of prices, Cuddeback said, "would con- stitute an unfair competition to those MCA members in an area just six --- miles away." He had reference to motels in Lake George, where there is a law prohibiting sign advertising of prices. Mr. Cuddeback said MCA members "can and do cperate without price advertising," and added, "there is a new law which requires that rates be posted at the registration desk. This is where the traveler can and should find out the rates and the services offered by any parti- cula r motel." Mr. Raymond Bodenweiser, who lives on Route 9, was also strongly against the price on a sign. He said if we let one motel come in with prices posted on the outside of the building, we will have to let others. Webster Coon - Owner of Marine Village Motel and also a member of the Lake George Motor Court Association wanted to go on record as con- curring with Mr. Cuddeback. Mr. Jack Gray of 34 Bonner Drive, Queensbury who has done fesibil- ity studies violently opposed any prices on a motel service sign. Nancy Veeder of Lake George opposed to any sign that would list rates. Ken Haygood, Manager of Sheraton Motor Inn was interested in the size of the sign saying that the Sheraton was only allowed so many feet in width and height for a sign. He also objected to the rate advertis- ing. Mr. Millard Smith stood and said he was very confused at this point whether the application for variance and the sign application were one '-- or was the board going to act on two separate applications. -7- :¿~3 "-' Mr. Charles Hutton, Secretary, spoke and said that the board couldn't act on the sign application because of the wording in the newspaper art- icle for the public hearing. Attorney Prime withdrew the portion of the application regarding the sign but asked for this to be brought up at another meeting. Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Prime that the application for constrûction of the motel will stand but his client would have to reapply for the sign application and a new public hearing would have to be held. The only sign that would be allowed would have to be attached to the build- ing. '- Several people objected and requested that all objections that were heard at this meeting remain on record. Walter Kormas of Mount Royal Motel appeared in objection to the sign listing rates. Mrs. Segal, owner of Highway Hosts, Motel was very much in objection to the sign saying that cut rate prices would be cut throat and would hurt everyone. Joseph Brown, owner of Brown's Motel objected to the price adver- tising also. Rose Craine felt that everything said in this meeting should be left on the record. Millard Smith was concerned about what happens when the application for the sign comes back. He wanted to know if it would have to go back to the planning board before it comes back to the zoning board. Mr. Fitzgerald - "Yes", and let me make it clear that this cannot be kept on the record legally. Anyone can withdraw application at any time. This information will be available to anyone at any time on tape -8- J'i if they want to hear it. The public hearing on this matter is closed. George Kurosaka made a motion that we approve application for '- construction of the motel provided that there be no mention of prices on the outside of the premises, that the beautification committee be contacted along with the Department of Health for approval of the sanitation system. This motion was seconded by Dick Sanderspree. - Unanimous The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. --<~ /~. Charles T. Hutton Secretary ~