314.92 RESOLUTION ABOLISHING TWO HOUR SICK LEAVE RESOLUTION NO. 314, 92 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Michel Brandt WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mrs. Susan Goetz Attorney Dusek-There is a letter in your packet addressed to the union concerning a union contract matter. It's really just a matter of under the current contract there is two provisions dealing with sick leave, personal leave, two hour increments that is set to expire in June. I heard that there was some interest in the board in just addressing the issue in terms of just dealing with it one way or another. I proposed a letter which, I would recommend that the letter be sent so there is no confusion as to what your desires are in terms of either extending or not extending the time. Now, the letter does include both sick and personal, you may not want it both sick and personal, you may want just sick or personal or whatever. But, I just put a general draft together and I'm looking for the boards input on it. Councilman Caimano-I read this and my preference is to keep it as sick. I can't imaging taking sick leave in increments, but I certainly can personal leave. Supervisor Brandt-Don't forget personal leave can be done at four hour increments. I talked to both the Highway Department, Water Department, and some of the departments in the Town office building. Unanimously the people that were working troops would like to get rid of this. In limited cases its working, but on the whole its not working. The recommendation from each department head involved said, do away with it. I would propose it as a resolution. I guess is what we really need to do to find out where we are int he consensus yo send this letter telling both personal and sick, what yo you call it sick leave in two hour increments. Councilman Monahan-I think personal leave was done originally with the thought and at one time it was four hours and we thought that was a little unwielding. If somebody had a doctor appointment or dentist appointment why should they have to lose a whole half a day for going to a doctor or dentist. That's why the two hour came up for that type of stuff. Councilman Caimano-But, now we're hearing that they want to get rid of it completely. Councilman Monahan-I don't know if the employees are, apparently departments heads are. Supervisor Brandt-I'm sure the employees don't want too, but I feel we have a responsibility as an employer. I feet its not working, it's not cost effective and we should get rid of it. Councilman Tucker-What takes it to move it? Supervisor Brandt-So I'll offer it as a motion. Councilman Goetz-I'll second it. Supervisor Brandt-Any discussion? Will you take a vote. Duly adopted this 1st day of June, 1992, by the following vote: Ayes: Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Caimano, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Brandt Noes: Mrs. Monahan Absent:None