1974-06-26 SP
June 26, 1974
A Special Meeting of the QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS was held
June 26, 1974 at 7:39 P.M. There were present:
Jack Fitzgerald
George Kurosaka
Charles Sicard
Charles Hutton
Dick Sanderspree
being the members of the Board. Meeting called to order by Mr. Fitzgerald
The minutes of the last meeting were not read.
Variance #357 - Allyn Fehl - Route 9 Zoned C-3 to place a free standing
double faced sign 2 ft. front setback in lieu of the required 50 ft. set-
back on the property situated at Route 9.
Mrs. Fehl did not appear. There were no appearances, for or against.
Mr. Fitzgerald made a motion in favor to approve in view of the fact
that the contours of the road create a mutual hardship whereby her business
,-can not be seen from the road. This was seconded by C. Sicard - Unanimous.
Variance #359 - Theron G. Egley - to continue making and selling
handmade hunting knives in a barn after the sale of his residence on the
property situated at East Sunnyside Road.
George Kurosaka took over the meeting as chairman as Mr. Fitzgerald
disqualified himself.
Mr. Egley was present and said he had sold his home and was going to
relocate in North Carolina but wanted to use his shop during the summer
months. He also showed the board some photographs of how he has improved
the barn and what he has put into it. He has no employees, no retail trade.
He is no longer living on the premises. He would only be operating in this
barn about three month a year. Due to his daughter's bronchial condition,
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he and his family has to move south.
Mr. V. Zeiller, a neighbor, said he had no objection to Mr. Egley
continuing his business. He said his wife owns all the surrounding property
~-which is 70 acres. His wife is a real estate broker. He said the board
shoùld consider the investment that Mr. Egley has made and should be kept
and not lost.
Silvia Duer, who lives across the road from Mr. Egley objected. She
said if we let this business continue in the area, other businesses will
follow. She said she had not appeared at the meeting with the original
variance was granted because she throught this was a hobby. She a Iso æi.d
this is a very good residential area and should be kept this '~ay .
Mr. Egley spoke and said that when he applied for the original var-
iance he had talked to the neighbors, Mrs. Duers included, and she had no
objection then.
The Town Planning Board approved this application on the condition
that it would not go out of the family, and Mr. Egley agreed that it would
A letter was read from Mrs. Florence Hewitt, a neighbor in objection.
Mr. Henry Myott, who lives adjacent to Mr. Egley objected. He said
he understood that this was a hobby also, but when he sees how much Mr.
Egley has invested into this business, it looks like it is no longer a hobby.
Mr. Sanderspree - "How long have you had this business there1"
Mr. Egley - "Since May of 1972.
Mr. Myott said that since Mr. Egley has started· the business, his
T. V. and radio have been bothered with S:atic.
Mr. Kurosaka - "What is the size of the machinery you have.
~r. Egley - "Everything is on 220 amps, the same as an electric stove.
æs. Celia Myott was in objection saying also that Mr. Egley had said
ould be a hobby only.
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Mr. Lawrence Sutter who lives across the road said he had no obj ection
and has had no trouble with Mr . Egley or his business. He said as long as
he had put so much into the business) he should be able to keep it.
Mr. Egley said that Mrs. Fehl could not be at this meeting but she
had no ob j ecti on.
The Warren County board approved with no comment.
The board adjourned for a private session.
A motion was made by Charles Sicard that this variance be approved with
the following conditions:
1 - That it is in agreement with the Queensbury Planning Board.
2 - That this business remain in the immediate family.
3 - There will be no sign of any kind.
4 - That no help will ever be hired.
5 - That this application be approved for a time limit of one year
at which time thQ ~pplicant will have to reapply for this var-
Thi s was seconded by Dick San derspree.
2 in favor
1 opposed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
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