93-251 T Ilk CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date9,m(4. 22 190 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No93—251 has been completed. This structure may be used as a deck Location 578 Bay Road Owner Edward Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Bessie B. Constantine 47-4-10 By Order of Town Board T N OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement _ H BUILDING PERMIT ro TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 93-251 , 0 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Edward Allen, Elizabeth Allen, Bessie B. Constan— tine OWNER of property located at 578 Bay Rd. Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or placlleCk at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and n approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. z C En 1. OWNER'S Address is z same z H hh H z tt 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name same ¢' o sr CO mt'i 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address ~- N (D N- N bi fy . ty. fD rt 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address to co 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) p� k< ( {Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) O 7. PLANS and Specifications 12 'x16 ' Deck as per plot plan, specifications and No. application. 8. Proposed Use ' Deck $ 16 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 8 19 94 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the 1Z7 town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 0 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this th ay f June 19 93 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zo ' Inspector 11k 4 r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fee Paid /LI , � BUILDING & CODES DEPARTMENT Permit # 93-0Z. / APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-DECKS- DOCKS & BOATHOUSES ® _ t. Cost / c)01 A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. *EASE ANAWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: N J f_ 7h n The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do t IblloQ ing work which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and spec *Ica . ' '- :spitted, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. TWO SETS �F ST�� " '"PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property: r,�.. N., a.Q,cZaJe,.e, ( lQ N sStp. b . S�an`4 N P.O. Address 5'T c , ,, Q U .L -t U Phone # '191- 4(41Q, Property Location " Tax Map # Subdivision Name (If applicable) PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES: Name: t-AJc ()I63 Address59$ & 1_ j .kv ru1 Phone# Q3 BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: • Type of work to be done: Porch ( Dec<rDec.D Dock Boathouse (Circle one) Size of Structure to be built (square footage): \C1 j Foundation Material : Width 0_0 NCm` _.I Thickness c•r-r1 i,°#..`,r'v Depth of Footing, below grade: LA ' Size of Posts or Studs: '4 x Li x / Long • Size of Floor Joists: „,, I x , " x �o / Span Decking or Flooring Material :71 ;ptN4 01,)ta,, pot .2Xf ely..1,, How will Porch or Deck be fastened to building? , (a,.,.� ( 1") }-),__ saIVII*. a ° 51 If Roof Will Be Installed, Answer Following Questions: Size of Posts or Studs: x x Long Roof Rafters: x Spacing Span Roof Trusses (pre-engineered spacing): Span Type of Roof: Sloped Flat Shed Other (Circle one) Material of Roof: ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed and indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. Size of Property: / OO ft. x ft. Existing building(s): Size , , ft. x ft. Size ft. x ft. Use of Existing building(s): Proposed struct re, distance from property line: Front yard. "PS ft. Rear yard � ft. Side yards _ f ft. and 5,57 ft. If on corner, setback from side street: ft. DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. DATE: 5 /;t'j /0.3 SIGNATUREt�L ?). QIWA-CiN4fi2_ Owner, Owner's Agency,y, Architect, Contractor REVIEWED BY CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, DATE SIGNATURE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Pfit_ 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) 745-4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED ,i4, /Y-3 NAME f /' h /L 2i At LOCATION ,155_ 1.1, l� DATE 4/ 2.10 PERMIT# 93•-; . / TYPE OF STRUCTURE /OL,_ RECHECK FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE) IFOOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL _SEPTIC INSULATION _WOODSTOVE/FIREPLACE REMARKS APPROVAL CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION ` N/A YES NO B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCH/STEPS/RAILING RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WATER OPER ING BASEMENT INSULATION/DU TWORK INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY OORS FINISH FLOORS: 'r BATH/KITCHEN WATER IGT OTHER FLOORS SWEEP BL OTHER FLOORS CARP ED ' STAIR CLEARANCE/RAIINGS'... HANDICAPPED ACCESS , SMOKE DETECTORS BATHROOM FANS/WHOL HOUSE FillS ALL PLUMBING FIXTU ES OPERATING GARAGE FIRE PROOFI G DOOR CLOSERS OTHER FIRE SEPARATION FIRE/DEMISE WALLS DUMPSTER SITE PLAN/VARIANCE REQUIREMENTS FINAL ELECTRICAL OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C COMMENTS: ARRIVE ) : 4C1 `� DEPART 7: � INSP T TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) 745-4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED kj i( f� NAME ei— LOCATION b DATE 1j E # 9 3- a l ll l TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK APPROVED N/A YES ,NO ( OTINGS/PIERS !! MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE 41 SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE PLUMBING UNDER SLAB ` FRAMING: I JACK STUDS/HEADERS if BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAVA HEATING ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION WALLS. INTERIORR- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES REMARKS: i/ ARRIVE Q. ,4GI DEPART Ny INSPECTOR Home DesisnEentere R Improvement System Moores Build Supplies • ,•,, .„../ . , , ,..•!,,',e::f,71:,'',,,-i,li...I Glens Falls,N.Y. 19 -2505 rto--:',\A,,,... 1" Ei2.11,... .. . ',..;—;;;;.•.--; ' 1 _.....---- AA, FiLE GyLI .____.. . 1,,, ., i?...vo..D ,222...f...„.., TOWN OF OLIEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT G P Y REv 13ATE Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall not be construed as indicating the .., 111f101,15.III 1;#110.4„,1„.r...... 14:1hin1,1104 AO It,11:'S';!11 IONNIV lir itromiir.,„„„,:i.„. plans and specifications are in full ,,- 1110,141,-..„4.1.,1..tell ow ../ op,'ilrigr'1110.Tdirdli,1 fx.po li.lyiihdiL 0..oipp,i'01.0,N1r9.0:149jii* ,r compliance with the code. ill.Noe ii,101:!:6",ilir.'frjilok of""'"iii iiii'm.i-Nikii•ii1"1,44111i,,,i0,,,,,koilt ill14,1101,tilt olimmotii,m„„„„1„„„„..... ,-. 11111110104g1tHmkEll'i' .i4,,,iiii,ii• - • iii "ti4"i'mAlilT14111111,1kj,1NNI111111polovit ,- lord'io:ilmot.!i.of 1.111,0 11,hilgur,i'i-L,!, il,:i,.1'•'•-•:.,Iliit',1119:11- l) Biii,,,IlLii , irity ilki iloirill immg ifilp„IrAkike , ... 0 4141 il W610101 '44.1;: "!,ii.' orillipgii •itor„mkoiril.,:•• iloiLIDIN Aka iii,101,:114,11twomise linNR,lip" ,11,',„4,,.'.74111,. !isru.:iiillilb,h qii;Ji PI?Jilltilibliii:onlimii j90::!:.1.6-..emt,!,,INFINA )iiii1$1100 itol ::,:..:- :'!!.!1'ilCitb Ilir..valk,:.!i.-..,1 Ilk,i0411Not 1, , 01,,,,,,112111.11101R11,ili;1161k,,1 lb*: 'P„j11:11r,1116111'leg Ti:!!..,il.,I lillh'i:'11:ii' 1 .1i,iiif,A11,1iillilir'illl'ii•''i Ai101.:,111 III pi 0114101411210.:i 4.11kTillogi„Hogg 1:401'.;•i-io.i,i•Tiii ii -i iii ii,i,ii.i,i lilii iii"er,i,,,,,Ii.iitli;ii rip, i,..ilmo,r1411,1„,,I,, ,,-,. ,401.,'01464 lOgialle:1,41We ,,,4066 VE.,-,43211 II,ighilraill,11.N1 ii ;M 9,Shil 411 lr;46.1111.,,i;,,,.4 Hilq.kinigip,i If •I NO'MilifiR::Alint1440,04%ilit190 40101154 :,:4114 iltrit:.!,:!.;1,1,4111 lioio. 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"N,0„,*44:„,:::.111%"41114144R11114114444B„%kilb_.''"441%.79111.0„:,..'"'444!VS!Ii14:7:-.0 t) 0 -4 4q4NIN a) 0'\k 4'4%,446,44411[4i6m,-.49%,,milliii lam,.7011110Pit:**' 'Iktu3qPilth, .qqiCiii:1,:.illill!!1%ier co (.01,0 07 \74 ike--‘0 gweliii. ....-.. 1,0,100t. .?) ,.. ieck Value : . -.,,...„„ 0 III • Price va lid today , I NNOV I Se TECHNOLOG I ES Des19nLenter® Home Improvement System Moores Building Supplies Glens Falls,N.Y. 193-2505 ® n '' s X b$1111111 o, B' 1 IiiiiipI 11111111111 9"— —� —���— 12' f I { Legend Beam ■support Post T1 Stair Scale: I/0'=1 ' e Joist t f f (Stringers) Decking: H I-1Distance to center of support post from deck outside edge I--IOistance to deck outside edse INNOVIS® TECHNOLOGIES Site Description: You selected a 40 PSF live load and a 48" deep In-Ground Post foundation. Support Structure: You selected a Treated So.Yellow Pine structure. You selected a height of 8" from the top of decking to level ground (the top of posts will be 6-1/2" above level ground) . Set joists at same level as beams, 24" center to center. Your salesperson can provide information for uneven or sloped ground. Decking and Railing: You selected Treated So.Yellow Pine 2x6 decking and railings without 4x4 posts (Option A) . Be sure to follow the Deck Construction Details available from your store salesperson. THE SUGGESTED DESIGN IS NOT A FINISHED BUILDING PLAN. THE SUGGESTED DESIGN IS BASED ON 0.40 TREATED GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE LUMBER FOR ALL WOOD COMPONENTS OF THE DECK. OTHER WOOD MATERIALS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR DECKING, STAIR TREADS AND RISERS, AND RAILING POSTS, TOPS, BOTTOMS AND BALUSTERS, BUT THESE MATERIALS MUST BE AT LEAST EQUIVALENT TO GRADE 2 OR BETTER 0.40 TREATED PONDEROSA PINE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEASUREMENTS BEING CORRECT, FOR VERIFYING THAT THE SUGGESTED DESIGN OR ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS MEET ALL LOCAL BUILDING CODES AND REQUIREMENTS, FOR VERIFYING THAT THE SUGGESTED DESIGN OR ANY SUBSTITUTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH CONDITIONS AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF MATERIALS, AND FOR THE COMPLETED STRUCTURE. CHECK THE DESIGN WITH YOUR ARCHITECT. fir 1 1 ^ I ' / .14 , CZt 4...,, ....., 1 1 4,..i," ,..... 9, \ z., ,................".....-77;v , 0, ' r .,,, , , , ,,, -,„1, , zt /-, .„ ,,. k!....-‘Clv.,-....71 f'.'i:',..!,.:.i i ., ; ii # . .-: , v1 ,,i i . ' t q j . f $` P \\,:l .1..." ., 1.71-':17;i t.,4 i:z r4).,\.I.,,,:,„ o --\ , I I . X.. , C" ......cN C.TA 1 i 1 / ......„., 2o ---- , '..".."."...."'",'"'"'...":42._el 1 ... r•-... ...,t / 4:0 LJ ._.......... 1 , ra i To 9 f;try ..11) . 1 7iNte ti! , e ..'"r , .., 1 i , f ( -..... Be I) 0 11-) N , ,9 \........) , i i . 5 7 8 6, ily I 6 i \„ ,......... R,::1 OW ; 4 . lr , m 4iN IA,i,k45cJI 1>I f _ : ; k i / , APPROVED 1:15 4 r Jr r, 4,...., N— t Application A.. tp :' J , c, c‘,1 4 /993 i t _o cr) c.I liEvei._ ...I, fail f 1 1/41 i JUN — 8 Pct1 0A msw wogeritcla 4:7 , AVC 144 ....... I ,,,,, zezzzvidt, ,.....,, . e..9,,, ..... I I TOWN in2(41'2ElisistraBtitorRy f I 1 0 0i . .........) 0 0 R T 1 i ""'"4 . . Ri...t.r