MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals
held November 20, 1974 at 7: 32 P.M.
There were present:
John Fitzgerald, Chairnan
Charles Hutton, Secretary
George Kurosaka
Charles Sicard
Richard Sarrlerspree
being the members of the Board. On a notion by Mr. Sicard seconded
by George Kurosaka, the minutes of the October neeting were approved
as read.
Old Business - None
New Business
Variance #379, Thomas McDerrrott - to construct a concrete block
building to replace existing structure with non-confonning use, re-
storation of present free standing sign and construction of facia sign
with raised letter on the property situated on Lake SUnnyside Road.
Mr. Mc:DernDtt was present arrl stated that this business is a
notorcycle sales arrl service.
Mr. Robert Eddy of the Queensbury Beautification Ccmnittee said
they had approved Mr. McDenrott t s plans for landscaping.
The Town Board approved recx:mœnding this Variance be subject
to suggestions that the Queensbury Conmi ttee for CoIrmuni ty Beauti-
fication review landscaping. Board felt this v.ould be an i.nprove-
ment to the area.
The Warren County Plarming Board approved stating that a free
starx:1ing sign be noved back on a voluntary basis.
The Board:
On a notion by Dick Sanderspree, seconded by Charles Sicard,
Variance #379, Thomas McDenrott was approved in accordance
with both the Town and County Plarming Boards. Una.ni.nDus.
Special Permit #53, Walter Dombeck - to place a large scale ccmn-
ercial developrent in a C3 zone on the property situated at the North-
æst Corner (}laker and Meadowbrook Roads.
George Kurosaka disqualified himself.
Attorney Robert Stewart represented Melody Manor and Mr. Walter
Danbeck of Melody Manor was also present.
The above w::>uld consist of a carplex of eight office buildings.
Mr. stewart stated that eve:rything was in conpliance with the Zoning
itself with one exception... that being... asking permission to erect
a free standing sign on the boundary line am not the required 50'
boundary line.
Mr. Stewart said they were asking for "b.c things:
1) Asking for the board to approve the large scale developrent.
2) For setback requirerœnts on the sign.
Mr. Pi tzgerald said he would have to refer this to the Town
Attorney regarding the sign as there were questions regarding the
150' arrl since there are "b.c different sections of the Zoning Ordin-
ance .
Mr. Sanderspree - "Will these buildings be built all at one
tirœ? "
Mr. Stewart - "They will be built as we have tenants."
He further stated that each building w::>uld house one office operation.
Mr. John Hannan, Mr. Edward OUderkerk and Mr. Mike Quinlan, all
residents of Meadowbrook Road were concerned about the water and
drainage. They stated they can never have gardens now because of
a water problem and stated that this developrent may cause even rrore
Mr. Fitzgerald reminded these residents that this particular
piece of property is already zoned cOIIIœrcial and they can do with it
what they want. He further stated to the residents that if this dev-
elopnent did anything at all to hurt their land, they amId sue.
The Warren County Planning Board approved with no comnents.
The Town of Queensbury approved with the stipulation that there be
no m:>re than two entrances and that they get approval of Queensbury
Carmittee for Ccmmmity Beautification. Board also recorrrænded app-
roval of Conforming sign on property line which is 110 ft.fran
Quaker Road right-of-way.
Mr. Robert Etldy of the Beautification Comnittee spoke and said
that Mr. ~mbeck had talked to him and that trees \\Ould be put
around the property and that they have approved his plans for beau-
Mr. stewart asked the board to consider the sign but Mr. Fitz-
gerald told him he \\Ould have to reapply next IIDnth for this portion.
Charles Sicard rrade a m:>tion, seconded by Charles Hutton that
Special Permit #53, Walter Dombeck be approved in conformity with
The Town ànd County Planning Boards and that this approval is
strictly for the Special Permit #53 and nothing concerning a var-
ance for the sign setback be in the approval.
Variance #380, William J. Fox - to constr' Üct a TV sOOp and
sign in an R-4 Zone on the property situated at the southeast cor-
ner of Dix and Queensbury Avenues.
Mr. Fox said he \\Ould be building a ccmœrcial building on
an existing lot. He is purchasing the property and the house which
is already there \\Ould be used as a rental. A 26' x 40' wood frane
is the proposed building.
Donald Duell, Betty Duell, and Margaret Waite, residents of
County Line Road wanted to know if another building would be built
on this piece of property or just this one. All three were in favor
of this application.
Mr. Robert Frldy, Beautification Cœmittee, said plans were
already approved.
Tœ Warren County approved with no ccmnents and tœ Town appro-
ved with the cœment as they feel the area is basically ccmœrcial
and in accordance with the Queensbury Beautification Corrmittee.
The Board:
On a m:>tion by Charles Sicard, Seconded by Dick Sanderspree,
application for Variance #380, William J. Fox be a-proved in con-
formance with lx>th planning boards and the beautification cœmittee.
Variance #381, George I. Boychuk - to place an oversized sign
less than the required setback on the property situated at Quaker
Road .
ME.. John Laœry, attorney appeared on behalf of Mr. Boychuk.
Mr. Boychuck had asked the toard for permission to erect one free
standing sign 25 feet from Quaker Road which would contain separ-
ate identification signs for each tenant of the mini-plaza.
Although each of the signs on the pole would be less than the
50-square-foot maximum provided for in the town sign ordinance,
together the signs totaled over 100-square-feet.
Mr. Laœry argued that one pole containing all five signs
would. look much better than five individual signs each 50-feet-sq.
Mrs. Willis of the league of Waœn Voters read a letter re-
garding the sign orð..inal1Be in the Town of Queensbury.
Mr. Sicard said he would rather see this one sign than to
see signs for each tenant all O'iTer the building. He also stated that
it V\IOuldn' t be fair to the tenants in the back part of the building as
their signs couldn't be seen fran the road.
Mr. EtldY'I of the Beautification Cœmittee said he was in objection
to the sign but as far as the landscaping, etc., Mr. Boychuk is going
to put maple trees around the building as it is near the funeral hare.
The Warren County Planning disapprO'iTed based on the reduced set-
back being non-conforming.
The Town of Queensbury disapprO'iTed as the board felt there should
be one 50 I sign per each tenant in the building.
The Board:
DisawrO'iTed Variance #381, George I. Boychuk in conformance
with both planning boards.
Three members voted in favor but the variance needed four votes
to pass because it was denied by the Warren County Planning Board.
Mr. Fi tzgeraœ.d and Mr. Hutton voted - no. Mr. Fitzgerald voted
against the proposal, saying he V\IOuld like to see Mr. Boychuk erect
one 50-square-foot sign for the entire plaza. Mr. Hutton also voted
against the proposal because he said he objected to putting a number
of signs on one pole.
Variance #382, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Carpany - to relocate the
existing "GcxXiyear" free-standing sign less than the required set-
back on the property situated at 681 Glen Street.
Mr. David Crogrran was present to represent Goodyear. Mr. Crog-
man stated it was a hardship to see the sign because of Wood1:ury
Im1ber Catpany and requested relocation of the sign. He further
stated that it was presently hidden by the Wcx:rlbury Building. He
read a letter fran Mrs. Davis, wro lives in the rouse just north of
the Goodyear store saying she has no objection to the sign being xroved.
Mr. Eddy of the Beautification conmittee asked for a couple of
changes being: 1 - That there be a cluster of flowers at the base of
the sign and: 2 - suggested maple trees be planted.
Both the town and county planning boards approved.
Mr. Fitzgerald made a notion seconded by Charles Sicard that
this application be approved with the stipulation that the changes
be made as suggested by the Queensbury Beautification Cœmi ttee.
This was unarrilrous.
Special Permit #54 - St. Alphonsus Church - to construct a 36' x
24' concrete block building for storage purposes in an R-4 zone on the
property situated at Luzerne Road.
Mr. Gene Choppa appeared on behalf of the church and stated
this blilding would be for storage purposes only.
Both the town and county planning boards approved.
On a IIDtion by Mr. Fitzgerald seconded by George Kurosaka,
Special Permit #54, St. Alphonsus Church was approved.
Unaniroous .
The neeting was adjourned at 9:31 P.M.
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