1974-12-18 3/3 MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on December 18, 1974 at 7:46 P.M. There were present: John Fitzgerald, Chairman Charles Sicard Richard Sanderspree being the merrbers of the Board. On a mJtion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Sanderspree, the minutes of the November meeting were approved as read. Old Business: None New Business: Variance #383, French Mountain Lumber Cœpany operated by John S., John E. and Merwin Stranahan, West Side of Bay Road - R-2 Zone. Mr. John Stranahan spoke in behalf of the French Mountain Lumber Cœpany and told the Board he just wanted to go ahead with the bus- iness he had been doing for fifteen years. This is to enlarge a non- confonning use on the property situated on the west side of Bay Road. Mr. Stranahan said he didn't have any place to put anything and would like to enlarge so they wouldn't have to work in the rain. The Build- ing would be a 50' metal building, approximately 500' off Bay Road. The Adirondack Park Agency approved with the exception that all foreign material not be allowed to go into the streams. Attorney Robert Stewart appeared on behalf of Mrs. Joyce Gins- burg, who CMIlS property just to the north of the saw mill. Mr. Ste- wart said Mrs. Ginsburg has concern because this is zoned R- 2 Resid- ential. She was also concerned to know how much timbering would be done and secondly the sound and noise with regard to her home. Mr. Richard Guiles, who lives approximately 800' southeast of "-- the saw mill objected to the nuisance and noise and depreciation of 3/« -2- ~ property values. Mr. Sanderspree - "Would this be corrpletely covered?" Mr. Stranahan - "Yes, so we won't have to work in the rain." Dessey Falosco, the closest neighbor who owns land in front of the mill had no objection. Roy Denton, who lives across the road was in objection be- cause of the noise. Mr. Sicard said it was his feeling that as long as their was going to be a roof on the building the operation would be much quieter. Mr. Sicard, raised a question wanting to know if the business had not been operating for a period of 18 m:mths. Mr. Stranahan snd he couldn't answer as this would have to be looked up. Mr. Stewart said he didn't believe Mr. Stranahan had brought enough info:rnation before the Board and would ask that this var- iance be tabled for a nonth to enable Mr. Stranahan to bring re- cords before the Board, etc. Mr. Sicard (To Mr. Stranahan) "How many people do you em- ploy?" Mr. Stranahan - "15 to 20." Mr. Stranahan further stated that if he wasn't allowed to continue his business, these 15 to 20 people would be unerrployed. On a notion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Sanderspree, The Board: "- RESOLVED: application for Variance #383, French MJuntain Lumber be approved in concurrance with both Planning Boards providing: 1) It agrees with the A.P.A. permit and 2) That it does not exceed over 50% of the existing building. 3¡Ç" -3- Variance #384, Charity Arme Jeckel - Sunset Trail (Grant -- Acres) R-3 Zone, to place an animal kennel in an R-3 Zone on the property situated at Sunset 'fimiil. Chattty Arme Jeckel was ill, and oould not appear. Mr. Sicard suggested that the board hold this application until she can appear and tell IIDre about it. This was tabled. Mr. Robert BaJrber carre before the Board requesting a pe:rmi t for a tenporary sign 2' x 8' for Sperry Trucks. He said they \\Ould be IIDVing where Dempsey Steel is. Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Barber that he had no objection to a tenporary sign but would have to \\Ork sorœthing out for a long term basis. Mr. Barber asKed the board for a year because of the widen- ing of the road. A IIDtion was made by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded Mr. Sicard to pe.rmi t a terrporary sign for six IIDnths. The mæting was adjourned at 8: 25 P.M. ¿/.u4 /~ Secretary ',--