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MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of Appeals
held January ti, 1975 at 7: 36 P.M.
There were present:
John Fitzgerald, Chairman
Charles Hutton, Secretary
George RUrosaka
Richard Sarrlerspree
being the members of the Board. On a notion by Mr. Fitzgerald,
seconded by Mr. Sanderspree, the minutes of the December rœeting were
approved as read.
Old Business:
Variance *384 - Charity Anne Jeckel, Sunset Trail, Zoned R-3.
Charity Anne Jeckel appeared on her behalf. She told the board she
had between four to six animals and 'WOuld like to place a kennel
on Sunset Trail. She stated that her hone is far away fran anyone
and noone 'WOuld be disturbed by this.
There were no appearances for or against this variance.
Both the TcMn and County Planning Boards approved.
The Board:
RESOLVED: Application for Variance *384, Charity Anne Jeckel,
Sunset Trail to place a kermel near her hone be approved.
This notion Was made by George Kurosaka seconded by Dick
Sanderspree .
New Business:
Variance #385 - Candia Knitters, Inc. Upper Glen Street
ZOned R-3 - to place an oversize sign on an existing pole in a C-2
lone on the property situated at Upper Glen Street.
Appearing on behalf of Candia Knitters was Robert Platt of Signs
ot ?to<feS5 and Mrs. CUmini, manager of Candia Knitters.
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Mr. Platt said Candia Knitters had a problem with their parking
Peç>ple don't realize that there is parking in the rear and side
of the building. Signs of Progress 'WOuld like to put a sign on the
pole stating that there is parking in the rear.
Mrs. Curn:ini further stated that Carswell Trucks, Inc. sorœtllnes
parks their trucks in front of their building or on the side. They
are rather large trucks and people can't see their present sign and
'WOuld have to rrake it high. The sign 'WOuld not be lighted.
Mr. Hutton pointed out that on the plans they had before them,
it did not shOW' that there was a parking lot in the back.
Mr. Platt said that if the parking lot was the major factor,
he 'WOuld ask permission to cone back with a carplete plot plan.
Mary Gray, League of Wanen Voters read a letter in objection
to the sign.
The Warren County Planning Board disapproved and the Town
Planning Board approved with the ccmœnts that they suggest a rear
or side entrance and to stop their present sign from revolving.
Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Platt and Mrs. CUrnini that with the
n£:M ordinance we are trying to do away with all these non-conforming
the Board:
RE'SOLVED: Application for Variance #385 be disapproved in
concurrance with the Warren County Planning Board.
This rootion was made by Charles Hutton seconded by Jack Fitz-
Variance #386 - Pressure Systems, Inc. 85 Boulevard Zoned R-4.
To enlarge a non-conforming use in an R-4 Zone on the property si t-
uated at 85 Boulevard.
Appearing on behalf of Pressure Systems, Inc. were Tom Sloss and
Harry Engleson. There were asked with sort of business this was and
they replied it was making showers for paper machines.
They would like to expand to purchase the adjacent lot. If the
variance is granted, they could expand to the west or to the south.
They pointed out that the general situation is not all residential
but there are several businesses, with Pressure Systems being in bus-
iness eight years.
They told the board they have two plans in case one was object-
Mr. Sanderspree - IIHave you ever had anything stored outside?1I
Mr. Engleson - IlNo. II
They enploy 14 people. The bookkeeping is not done in Glens
Charles H. Allen - A neighbor was present and said they had
a nice clean spot. No objection.
Laurie Cross - Lives directly across the street. No objection.
Anna Huntington - Lives across the street. No Objection.
Mrs. Sholosky - Lives at the rear of Pressure Systems wrote
a letter strongly objecting to this variance.
The Warren County Planning Board approved with no ccmœnt.
The TcMn of Queensbury approved either or part of Plan A or Plan B.
Mr. Engleston said they had tried to respond to Mrs. Sholosky' s
canplaints. He also stated they 'WOuld prefer Plan B instead of
Plan A.
The Board:
RESOLVED: Variance #386, Pressure Systems, Inc. be approved.
We approve Plan B of this variance in conformance with the
Planning Board.
This notion was made by Dick Sanderspree and was seconded by Jack
Variance #387, Duke Concrete Products, Inc. West side of Bay Road
Zoned M-2, to erect a storage building less than the required side and
rear setbacks on the property situated on the west side of Bay Road.
Roger Smith, Manager of Duke Concrete appeared on behalf of Duke
Concrete. Mr. Smith stated this would be a tenpora:ry cold storage
building for warehousing bagged masonry products. The building 'WOuld
be located on M-2 property adjacent to M-2 property and existing ware-
house space. Tenpora:ry building is replacing large block storage area
of slOW' noving inventory.
Larry Rossman, Mannis Oil Heat said he had no objection and 'WOuld
improve the looks of the property.
The property is owned by Sperry Trucks,' leased by Duke Concrete
who is subleasing to saæone else.
The Town of Queensbu:ry Planning Board disapproved because they
did not have adequate information. It appears there is adequate pro-
perty to provide the proper setback.
The Warren County also disapproved stating this application fails
to confonn to local regulations.
George Liapes stated that when this application was brought befpre
the other board, Roger Smith was not there and the one that ones did
not provide them with adequate inforrration like Mr. Smith has provided
us tonight.
Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. Smith that it was not the policy of the
Zoning Board of Appeals to overturn the reccmœndations of the Planning
Board and it is necessa:ry that we have a full four votes. Our rec-
ccmœndation is that we table this and ask you to reapply to the
Planning Board. He told Mr. Smith he thought it things 'WOuld be
different if he went and presented them with what he had presented
here tonight.
Mr. Smith agreed to reapply.
The rœeting was adjourned at 8: 48 P.M.
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-- Secretary