1975-05-21 Ie¡ -- MINt1rES of the public hearing of the ZONI~ BOARD OF APPmLSheld on May 21, 1975 at 7: 33 P.M. There were present: John Fitzgerald (Chairman) Charles Sicard George Kurosaka Sjoerdje Richardson being the rrembers of the Board. On a rootion by George Kurosaka, seconded by Charles Sicard, the minutes of ~ April neeting were amended as follows: Variance #397, Glens Falls City School District was tabled at the April rœeting in order far the Glens Falls School District to resu1:mi t their plans at the County Planning Board rœeting. OID BUSINESS: Variance #397, Glens Falls City School District - to en- large a non-conforming use with less than the required rear set- back on the property situated at 31 Glenwood Avenue. Mr. Charles Sicard appeared on behalf of the School Board. A discussion arrong the board members ensued and Jack Fitzgerald made a notion that this application be tabled until the next meeting since the Warren County Board has not acted on this. This was seconded by George Kurosaka. Mr. Fitzgerald also stated he 'WOuld write a letter to the planning board as to why this had not been acted upon properly. NEW BUSINESS: "'-- Variance #399 - Mid-State Lighting Canpany (Rite Aid Corporation), Queensbury Plaza - to place an oversized sign on a building below the roof line in a C-2 Zone on the pl:'operty situated at Upper Glen Street. No one appeared for or against this application. ;ð '-- -2- Jack Fitzgerald made a notion that this application be disapproved in accordance with both planning boards. This was seconded by Charles Sicard. Unaninous. Variance #400 - Frank BubÐs, Bay Road - to reopen a bar- becue stand in an R-3 Zone with appropriate sign on the proper- ty situated at East side of Bay Road 500 ft. south of Route 149. Mr. Bubbs was present and stated the reason he could not continue to operate before was because of his wife's illness. He presented a petition signed by several of his neigh- bors having no objection, to the board. A letter also in favor was sent from Bernice Kerky. The follOW'ing appeared in favor of this application: Howard Bombard, who lives directly across the street; Richard KiJ.roartin, who lives south of Mr. Bubbs; Mrs. Teele of Upper Bay Road. Both planning boards approved this application. Mr. Sicard made a root:Lon that Variance #400, Frank Bubbs, be approved in accordance with both planning boards. This was seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson. Variance #401 - V.S.H. Realty, Inc., Corner Quaker and Ridge Roads - to conduct a retail use in an M-l Zone on the property situated at the Corner of Quaker and Ridge Roads. Attorney Robert Nolan and Wesley Thomas appeared on be- half of the V.S.H. Realty. Mr. Nolan stated that Cumberland Fanns 'WOUld like to nove into the vacant building that was previously a gas station. Cumberland Farms is very similar to Stewart's Ice Cream. It 'WOuld carry light groceries, self service station. There 'WOuld have to be slight changes made --- ,}¡ '-- -3- to the building. This 'WOuld also be a one man operation and would be open from 8: 00 to 11: 00. Mr. Nolan said he had already received a letter fran the Town Beautification Comnittee suggesting they replace saræ hews, add mulch, etc. which they will do. A letter was read from Ray Wyrm in favor of this applica- tion. There were no appearances for or against. Both planning board approved this appld:œtion. Mr. Sicard made a rootion that Variance #401 be approved subject to the approval of the Beautification Canmittee and in confOmBnce with both planning boards. This was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald. unan:im::>us . Variance #402 - Kingswood Estates, Inc. North Side of Weeks Road - to waive the rn:i.nirnum yard requirerænts in an R-5 Zone on the property situated at the North Side of Weeks Road. Mr. Robert Ieaver and Mr. Michael Crayford appeared in behalf of Kingswood Estates. Mr. Leaver stated that this application is nerely a resubnission of previous application which had expired since it was over six rrcnths. He said the reason it had expired was because of the economic situation and coulàn' t get ncrtgages for their custoIœrs. There were no appearances for or against. Both.plarming boards approved. Mr. Sicard na.de a rrction that Variance #402 - Kings- wood Estates be approved subject to all the conditions of the previous variance #360 which was granted last year. This was seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson. unaninous . 22 -~ '-- -4- Variance #403 - Arthur and LaRue Brown (Antigua Motel) Lake Shore Drive - to enlarge a non-confomrlng use on the property situated at Lake Shore Drive. Mr. Arthur Brown was present and stated that his IIDtel was destroyed by fire on April 23, 1975. The buildings de- stroyed contained a total of 7 bathrooms with a total area of 2,336 square feet. They are applying for a pennit to build four rental units plus a private garage totaling 3,200 square feet area. Enlargerœnt up to 50% is penni tted with approval. This is an enlargerœnt of total floor area but a decrease in actual occupancy. Mr. Brown told the board he had changed his plans since going before the planning board. Mr. Brown knew that his plans has to rœeb.the approval of the Lake George Park Canmission. Mr. Donald Smith, a neighbor had no objection. Mr. Jim Meisner, a neighbor had no objection. Peter Brown, a neighbor had no objection. Mr. Jack Fitzgerald made a notion that Variance #403 be approved subject to resu1:mission of the changed plans to the Town of Queensbury and County Planning Boards, but also with our approval subject to the Lake George Park Cœmission and A.P.A. Mr. Fitzgerald further æœnded his notion with the stipulation that Mr. Brown did sutmit to the Warren County Planning Board the changed plans but still has to go back to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board . This was seconded by Charles Sicard. Unanim:>us. -- ).3 -5- The rœeting was adjourned at 8:50 P M '-..