MINUl'ES of the public hearing of the zoning Board of
Appeals held September 17, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
There were present:
Jack Fitzgerald {Chairman}
Charles Sicard
Sjoerdje Richardson
Richard Sanderspree
George Kurosaka
being the zœmbers of the Board. The neeting was called to order
by Charles Sicard saying Mr. Fitzgerald would be 10 minutes late.
Mr. Fitzgerald arrived at 7:40 P.M. On a notion by Dick Sander-
spree, seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson, the minutes of the Aug-
ust rœeting were approved as read.
Variance #404 - Long John Silver, Route 9, Miller Hill to
erect a sign on the roof of the property situated at Route 9,
Miller Hill.
George Kurosaka disqualified himself on this application.
Attorney John LeIæry appeared on behalf of Long John Silver
and stated the first time the Town board disapproved this appli-
cation, they resuhni tted it and it was then approved. The Warren
County Board disapproved both tines. He further stated the sign
would require a variance as it would be placed on the top of the
building and it 'WOuld not project above the roof line.
Betty Monahan frcm the League of Wanen Voters read a letter
saying there were in objection to the sign.
A letter was received from George Goetz of Ray Supply with
no objection.
A letter was Bradley Patch, Greenway Drive was read in
opposition to the sign.
Another letter from the Town of Queensbury Beautification Comn-
ittee was read stating they were pleased with the way Long John Sil-
ver had conplied to their requests regarding the screening of trees,
A notion was made by Charles Sicard, seconded by Richard San-
derspree that Variance #404 - Long John Silver be approved.
There were: 2 - Yes
2 - No
Variance #410 - Edward J. Barrett (Hertz Rentals), Corner
Dix Avenue and County Line Road, R-4 Zone to enlarge a non-conform-
ing use on the property situated at the corner of Dix Avenue and
County Line Road.
Mr. Fitzgerald said he wanted clarification from the Town
Attorney as to when the property was acquired and if the lot is all
one parcel.
Kathleen Waters, Queensbury Avenue, wanted to knOW' if this
'WOuld just be for parking purposes and no buildings.
Mr. Jim Barrett was present from Hertz Rentals and said there
'WOuld not be any buildings on this lot.
Mr. Waters was not in objection.
Both planning boards approved this application.
Mr. Fitzgerald tabled this application waiting word from the
Town Attorney.
Mr. Barrett was upset because noone told him that he had
applied for this application wrmgly. He will make nEM application.
Variance #412 - Ho:.vard B. and Olive F. Twiss, 6 Queensbury
AVenue, Glens Falls, to place an addition 211 front setback in
lieu of the required 30 1 setback on the property situated at 6
Queensbury Avenue.
Mr. HOW'ard 'lWiss was present. There were no appearances for
or against.
Jack Fitzgerald made a notion that Variance #412, Howard B.
and Oliver F. Twiss be approved as it is a reasonable use of the
land. This was seconded by Charles Sicard. UnaniIrous .
Variance #413 - Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks,
Glens Falls Lodge No. 81, Cronin Road, C- 3 Zone, to place a build-
ing to house its fraternal organization activities in a C-3 Zone
on the property situated at the south side of Cronin Road.
Mr. Peter Firth, Attorney represented the Elks Club. Mr.
Firth stated this is a five acre parcel on Cronin Road, east of
Shanahan's near the Harvest Restaurant. The land is presently
zoned C-3.
The Town of Queensbury Planning board recomœnded approval
of this variance as it sees no objection to this use from a plann-
ing standpoint. Board reC'OI1læI1ds that before a building pennit is
granted that the actual plans be reviewed by the Planning and Zon-
ing Boards and that the landscaping plans be reviewed by the Queens-
bury Carmittee for Conmunity Beautification.
Attorney First explained that definite architectural plans
for the 60 x 100 foot clubhouse on the five-acre lot were not
yet available, but the building 'WOuld be brickfaced.
John Regis of the Lodge said that the Elks, their wives,
guests and rœmbers of Emblem Chili would be allowed on the club
premises. On Wednesdays, however, he said the public 'WOuld be in-
vi ted for bingo. He presented a petition signed by owners of pro-
perty within 500 feet showing no objection. The signers of the
petition were: Harry Moon of Bay Road, Merwin Pasco of 299 Bay Rd.,
OWen Kane of 297 Bay Road, Bay Meadows, Inc. on Cronin Road and
Edward & Thanas 0 I Connor, Meadowbrook Road. There was no opposi t-
Mr. Fitzgerald made a notion that application for variance
#413 - Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks be approved subject
to the conditions of the Town Planning Board, na:rœly that this is
a concept approval, and would like to see the actual plans.
This notion was seconded by Charles Sicard. Unaninous.
Variance #414 - Pyramid Conpany of Glens Falls, Aviation
Road, C-3 Zone, to place oversized signs less than the required
setbacks and oversized facia signs on the property situated at
Aviation Road.
Attorney Robert Stewart appeared on behalf of the Pyramid
Cœpany. Mr. Stewart stated that the Pyramid Corrpany has been
before the zoning OOard several tiræs for different things but
never on the question of signs. Mr. Bruce Keenan of the Pyramid
Corrpany was also present. They explained that they had tried to
m:xlify four signs down to two. The Cinema needed a sign to show
what was playing and another general sign for the other stores.
The signs would be larger than free standing signs but
Imlch smaller than 4, 10 or 50 if each store was to have one in-
di vidually . These two signs 'WOuld be the only free standing signs
in the shopping center.
Mr. Keenan said they were asking for the 25 I setback instead
of the 50' setback beeause of the condition of the roadway.
They proposed a sign package to the board saying that each
tenant could have a sign on the outside of their buildings but
in this package, they proposed that only the major depart:Iœnt
stores would have larger signs on the exterior. J. C. Penny
would be supplying their own sign. Would be about 62% of the
allowable footage for signs with the package he is presenting.
Pyramid Corrpany 'WOuld control the signs in the Mall of their ten-
The Town Planning Board recœm:mded approval. The County
reconmenà.ed approval but would not agree with the 25' setback.
Mr. Sumrœr Gotley of the Cinema Theatre, one of the tennants
of the Mall was present and stated they had cut their sign down
considerably. He suggested if the board eliminated the Cinema.
sign and allowed just one sign in the middle of the Mall, it
might create a hazzard.
Mr. Al Lanfear, Birch Lane, was present and wanted to knOW'
what the elevation of the sign was as to the road level.
Mr. stewart stated the sign height would be 26 I high at
a 25' setback.
Mr. Lanfear stated the view from his house on Birch Lane
'WOuld nearly be skywriting and asked the board to consider the
height of the sign.
Mr. Peter Firth was asked to bring a letter from J. Robert
LaPan and John W. Reardon, 3 Apple Lane which was against the
Mr. Fitzgerald said he would like to see the site before
deciding on this application. Mrs. Richardson also stated she
'WOuld like to see the planned locations before she could make
a decision on the sign plan.
Mr. Keenan said if this was tabled, it would create a
hardship on the Pyramid Cœpany as they are scheduled to open
next nonth.
This was held for an executive meeting.
Variance #411 - Sears Roebuck and Conpany, Qu.eensbury Plaza,
Glens Falls, C-2 Zone, to replace an existing 316 sq. feet sign
with a 334 sq. ft. sign on the property situated at Qu.eensbu:ry
Plaza, Upper Glen Street.
Peter Davis represented Sears Roebuck and Conpany.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board reccmœnded approval
with the stipulation that they raise level of the parapet a min-
imum of 18" to erect sign not above parapet line. This was a
four to two decision for approval.
The Warren County also approved.
Charles Sicard made a notion that Variance #411 - Sears
Roebuck & Corrpany be approved but that the sign will not exceed
5~ I and not to exceed the height of thelJÞarapet and not to exceed
44' in length. This was seconded by George Kurosaka. Unaninous.
Variance #415 - Margaret L. Waite, North Side of Dix Ave-
nue, to enlarge a nonconfonning use in an R-4 Zone on the proper-
ty situated at the north side of Dix Avenue.
Mr. Fitzgerald asked for records to see what had already
been granted to Mrs. Waite.
Margaret Waite was present and stated the last tine she
caIœ before the board, the town attorney declared her property
all one parcel.
Donald Duell, a neighbor on County Line Road was present
and was opposed saying "It is already wall to wall buildings. III
He further stated he believed it 'WOuld be a fire hazzard since
the buildings are close together.
Duane White, a neighbor also on County Line Line opposed.
Wanted a clarification if the business and the hone 'WOuld be
considered one joint parcel.
Mrs. White, wife of Mr. White also opposed.
Frank Ronk, neighbor also opposed.
Mr. Fitzgerald said this application will be tabled until
the next neeting waiting an interpretation from the town att-
orney since she already has had one increase and to find out
what do they use for the original carrputation for expansion.
Variance #416 - Jeckel and Sons Equipment Corporation,
Everts Avenue, M-l Zone, to repair notor vehicles in an M-l
Zone on the property situated at Everts Avenue.
Mr. Ronald Jeckel was present and stated he has a Honda
Franchise and is negotiating for the Honda Autorrobile Franchise
to be on Quaker Road, but there would not be enough room to
repair at the Quaker Road location. Would like to do all of
the repair 'WOrk on Everts Avenue. All repairs 'WOuld be done
inside the building and nothing would be on the outside.
The Town of Queensbu:ry Planning Board recomœnded approval
with the stipulation that it be only for repair of pleasure
cars and notorcycles and that variance be non-transferrable.
The following people were in opposition:
Mr. Victor M::x:>n, Patton Drive stated that a notorcycle
on the Jeckel property was running continously for one hour and
a half and was very noisy and annoying.
Mr. Joseph LeIœry, 9 Patton Drive who owns appartrœnts
with elderly people said rrotorcycles were repaired until 10 or
11 0' clock at night.
Myron Major, 11 Patton Drive, very annoyed by noises.
Valarie LeIœry, 9 Patton Drive was opposed because the
Jeckel building was never landscaped like he was supposed to
at the last variance granted him.
Edward Clausen, 8 Patton Drive, annoyed at the noise.
vin Aronsoon manager for Mr. Jeckel spoke in behalf of Mr.
Jeckel and said nost of the noise was not related to Mr. Jeckel's
place of business but kids use the Sears parkint.J lot to race their
notorcycles and Mr. Jeckel has nothing to do with that.
Gary Cardinal, parts manager for Mr. Jeckel stated that no
e<rrplaints were ever made to Mr. Jeckel and Mr. Jeckel stated
he knew nothing about noises on Sunday or any other day, and
no police reports were ever filed, or called.
Mr. Jeckel spoke regarding the scrubb:ry that was supposed
to be placed in front of the building. It was because of trucks
caning in and out, that the scrubs weren't put it.
Mr. Charles Sicard made a notion that Variance #416 be
approved with the following stipulations: That autonobiles only
be repaired on the property, that the variance not be transferr-
ible, has to cone back in one year and subject to the Queens-
bury Beautification Comni ttee 's approval before the premises
is used for the purposes indicated.
Variance #417 - Pyramid Carrpany of Glens Falls, to place
a building wi thin 30 ft. of the front property line in lieu of
the required 50 ft. setback on the property situated at Avia-
tion Road.
Mr. Bruce Keenan represented Pyramid Conpany. Mr. Keenan
stated the Pyramid Coo1pany 'WOuld like to build a free standing
restaurant on the mall property. The naIœ of the restaurant
would be Sambo's Restaurant which 'WOuld be 4,000 square feet.
He stated they would like the building to be placed within 30'
of the roadway because of the trees.
Mr. Richardson was ve:ry concerned about the trees and
'WOndered if they 'WOuld remain and wanted to know if nore were
to be planted. Mr. Keenan said they 'WOuld be relocating lOOre
trees .
There were no appearances for or against.
The Town· of Queensbury Planning Board disapproved and
discussed the following recorrmendations: Approval of setback
variance with stipulation that the trees be saved with exception
of minimum cutting (as approved by the Beautification Cœroìttee)
necessa:ry for road parking in front of the trees, that no add-
itional access be made to Aviation Road for the project, that
the only sign permitted be a sign on the building in confor-
mance with the ordinance, that plantings be approved by Beau-
tification Carmittee and no parking be permitted within the set-
back line. There was a 3 to 3 vote on the above reconmendations.
3 opposed and 3 in favor. The Town Attorney's interpretation is
that this 'WOuld be a ::ecorrmendation for disapproval.
Mr. Fitzgerald made a lOOtion that Variance #417 be dis-
approved in conformance with the Town Planning Board. This was
seconded by S. Richardson. Unaninous for disapproval.
An executive session convened with rœrrbers coming back
at 11:32 P.M.
Varirance #414 - Pyramid Corrpany to place oversized signs
less that the required setbacks and oversized facia signs on
the property situated at Aviation Road.
George Kurosaka made a notion that Variance .414 - Pyramid
Carrpany be granted provided that both signs confonn to entrance
ply Ion #2 in size and layout, but the bottan of the sign of Ply-
Ion #1 be 7' fran grade as indicated or a total of 21'. The
text of entrance plylon #2 be restricted to indicate special
events, sales, etc. as represented at the hearing. Tennant
signs be approved as presented at the hearing and per Aviation
Mall building nounted sign proposal presented as part of the
record and generally per plans su1:mi tted. This notion was
seconded by Dick Sander spree . Unaninous .
The rœeting was adjourned a