MINU'IES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of
Appeals held December 17, 1975 at 7:30 P.M.
There were present:
Jack Fitzgerald (Chai:r:man)
Sjoerdje Richardson
Richard Sanderspree
Charles Sicard
George Kurosaka
being the IœII1bers of the Board. The neeting was called to
order by Mr. Fitzgerald and on a roc>tion by Richard Sanderspree,
seconded by George Kurosaka, the minutes of the November meeting
were approved as read.
Variance #415 - Margaret L. Waite, North Side of Dix Ave-
nue, R-4 Zone, to enlarge a non-confonning use in an R-4 zone
on the property situated at the north side of Dix Avenue.
This application had been tabled for several rœetings.
A letter from the Town Attorney was read stating that Mrs.
Wai te is wi thin her right to ask for 1,260 square feet enlarge-
Charles Sicard made a m::>tion that Variance #415 be appro-
ved subject to the attorney I s final decision and a reasonable
use of the lant and in confo:r:mance with decisions of both plann-
ing boards. This m::>tion was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald.
A letter from the Queensbw:y Beautification Conmittee
dated November 17 regarding Duke Kubricky stating that Mr.
Kubricky was 'WOrking ve:ry well with the Beautification COmni ttee
since his variance was granted subject to the Beautification
Carrrni ttee I S approval.
Variance #428 Sonya Perkins and Donald Gray, Algonquin
Drive, R- 3 Zone. To place a beauty salon in a hone in an R- 3
zone and also a 2' x 3' sign
Sonya Perkins and Donald Gray were present. Ms. Perkins
stated she 'WOuld enploy one person for two m:>nths until she
finishes school in February. She 'WOuld not enploy the other
person once she gets out of school.
The house is on a dead end street, with her house being
the last one.
A letter was read from Mr. Ruggles. He had no objection
provided it is operated within the dwelling and no signs are
to be erected.
A discussion period followed regarding the placing of
hare occupations before the zoning board. George Kurosaka
has a difference of opinion than that of the Town Attorney.
There were no appearances for or against.
Mr. Fitzgerald advised the applicant that if there was
a deed restriction for hone occupations, they would be violat-
ing the deed covenant and could be subject to suit.
Mr. Fitzgerald recamœnded that they go back to the pro-
perty owner to see if he 'WOuld change the deed.
The TcMn of Qu.eensbmy approved for a period of two
Sjoerdje Richardson made a notion that application for
Variance #428 be approved in accordance with the Town Planning
Board. This was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald. Unaninous.
The rœeting was adjourned at