MINUI'ES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of
Appeals held February 18, 1976 at 7: 30 P.M.
There were present:
Jack Fitzgerald, Chainnan
Sjoerdje Richardson
Charles Sicard
being the Jœmbers of the Board. The meeting was called to order
at 7:30 P.M. by Mr. Fitzgerald. On a rrotion by Charles Siœrd,
seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson, the minutes of the January rneet-
ing were approved as read.
Variance #429, John C. Bergeron (LaCabanna Restaurant)
Nacy Road, Glen Lake, R-3 and R-3 Zone.
Mr. Bergeron was present and stated he needed a larger park-
ing lot to improve his business and have a safer road so people
would not be endangering their lives when coming down the narrow
curving him.
A letter was read from Ray Buckley, Town Engineer stating
the above proposal was okay with the Town.
A letter was also ready fran Bay Ridge in support of the
application stating it would be beneficial and an improverœnt.
Letters were also read from Carl Garb, Superintenaent of
Highways, Queensbury Police Depart:rœnt also in support of the
The Town Beautification Cœmi ttee bad already approved
this application in a letter which was also read.
Mrs. Dickinson read a newspaper clipping stating that a
house had been destroyed because fire trucks could not get
through because of cars being parked on the roadway. She was
in favor of the application.
Mr. Robert Mellon, Nacy Road was concerned as to where the
road would be. Several persons carœ forward to look at the plans
along with Mr. Mellon. Mr. Mellon said he had no objection as long
as there would be no water as a result of Mr. Bergeron putting in
the new parking lot.
Mr. & Mrs. Parnapee were concerned about their property
lines and asked for sare insurance that Mr. Bergeron would do
nothing to hurt their property.
Noone was objecting to this application as long as it wouldn't
injure their property.
The Town Planning Board approved this application with the follow-
ing comænts:
The Board recontœnded approval of this variance subject to
the following: The parking lot have proper screening or plantings
due to the residential nature of the area and that the Queensbury
Beautification Conmi ttee review the planting plans before the pro-
ject is presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals, the proposed new
road be subject to approval by Town Engineer, Raym:>nd Buckley and
Highway Supt., Carl Garb in regards to proper aligrnœnt and grade.
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #429, John C.
Bergeron (LaCabanna Restaurant) be approved because it rœets the
requirerœnts of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board and all
condi tions which were read in letters and also the right hand
side of the road be posted that "No Parking" the entire length
of the property which would require a resolution from the Town
Board which Mr. Bergeron will have to take up with them. A c0m-
pletion tine shall be at the em of 1976. This rrotion was secon-
ded by Jack Fitzgerald. Unanirrous .
.~...... -""
Variance #431, Robert Eldred, Richardson Street, R-4 Zone.
Mr. Eldred was present and stated this application is to continue
use of an existing building as a retail store. The property is
presently being used as a western supply store applying for an
extension of the one year grant.
Mr. Fitzgerald to Mr. Eldred - "Are you going to continue
to use the property as you have the first year:?'"
Mr. Eldred - "Yes."
Kathy Faucett wanted to know which building the signs were
going to be on and Mr. Eldred stated nothing would change and
they would be the sarœ. She said she had no objection.
There were no other appearances for or against.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board approved with the
following carcrœnt:
Board recornœnds approval of this variance.
Jack Fitzgerald made a rrotion that Variance #431, Robert
Eldred be approved in accordance with the planning board. This
rrotion was seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson. Unanirrous.
The rœeting was adjourned at 8: 28 P.M.