MINUI'ES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of
Appeals held April 21, 1976 at 7:30 P.M.
There were present:
. .
Jack Fitzgerald (Chai:rman)
George Kurosaka
Charles Sicard
Sjoerdje Richardson
Ted Turner
being the rrembers of the Board. The rreeting was called to
order by Mr. Fitzgerald and on a m:>tion, by Charles Sicard,
seconded by Sjoerdje Richardson, the minutes of the March 17
rœeting were approved with the following am:mdrrent: Var-
iane #432 - E. Jaræs Barrett. The voting was as follows:
1 - No and 4 - Yes. The minutes of the previous rœeting did
not show who voted No and should have been made part of the
record. Sjoerdje Richardson was the one voting tlN:)lI.
Special Pe1.11ri.t #60 - John Salvador, Jr. and Kathleen
Salvador, Dunhams Bay, Lake George, New York R-4 Zone.
Originally, Mr. Salvador had made application for a
variance but should have been for special penni tted use so
therefore, the twelve m:mth period would not apply. Since
public testirrony had already been heard - no testirrony would
be heard at this rœeting.
A letter was received from the Town Attorney regarding
this application. Mr. Sicard made a rrotion, se<x>nded by
Mr. Fitzgerald that this application be held for executive
session following this rœeting.
Variance #436 - Glens Falls National Bank & Trust
Corrpany, Corner UPper Glen Street and Lafayette St. C-2 Zone.
Mr. Don Perkins of, Crandall Associates was present as
well as Steve Physioc representing the bank.
Mr. . Perkins explained that the bank is requesting the
variance to place an addition 32' from the property line in
lieu of the required 50'. '!here would be three lines going
through the drive-in area instead of the two they presently
have. The bank had talked to earl Garb, Deparbœnt of Trans-
portation and the Beautification Conmi ttee and rne had any
objection. Both the Town of Queensbury Planning Board and
the county approved this application.
Mr. George Liapes, who is a neighbor, had no objection.
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #436, Glens
Falls National Bank & Trust be approved as it is in confor-·
mi ty with both planning boards. This lIDtion was seconded by
Ted Turner. UnanÍIrous .
Variance #437 - David Sherrick, D.D.S., 90 Aviation
Road, R-4 Zone.
Dr. Sherrick was present and explained he would like to
establish a dental office in an R-4 Zone - providing adequate
space for patient parking and to display a sign not to exceed
l' x 2' on the lot approximately 10 feet off of Aviation Road.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board approved this app-
lication with the following provisions:
1) That only access to Aviation Road would be the present
2) Parking in front of building be screened with hedge.
Dr. Sherrick said the parking would have to be in front of the
building since there would be no room any other place on the
Since there is no other place for parking, he would have
to turn the front lawn into a parking lot.
Diane Arszberger, who lives next door was against this
application. She said she would hate to see everything ripped
up in the front yard and turn it into a ·parking lot.
Ed Ars~berger, who lives next door also was against
this application also.
Bill Flynn, owner of the property at the present time
was in favor.
Mr. Fitzgerald made a rrotion that this variance be dis-
approved on the grounds that it is not in confonnity with the
area and no hardship was shown. This IIDtion was seconded by
Charles Sicard. Unan.im:>us.
Variance #438 - Phillip K. Lau Corp. (Peking Restaurant)
West Side Route 9 - Miller Hill, C-3 Zone.
Attorney William Canale represented Mr. Lau, who was also
Mr. Canale stated Mr. Lau would like to rrove a sign pre-
sently located at the Peking Restaurant that burned ~ mile
north to a new location near present nothern curb cut 5 feet
from right of way boundary.
There were no appearances for or against this application.
The TcMn of Queensbury Planning Board recomnended approval
but the County Planning Board disapproved due to lack of infor-
This sign would be off when the business is closed. Mem-
bers on the board felt that Mr. Lau definitely needed a sign
for identification.
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #438 - Philip
K. lau Corp. (Peking Restaurant) be approved provided thè sign
is pl~ced on the ~sterly post of the existing Gourrœt sign
and that it is not lit only during hours of business and to
use the existing sign as is. This was seconded by George
Kurosaka. Unanirrous .
Members of the board went into executive- session.
OID BUSINESS - Special Permit #60 - John Salvador, Jr.
and Kathleen Salvador, Dunhams Bay, Lake George, New York.
(Refer to town attorney letter attached to these minutes)
On a rrotion by Sjoerdje Richardson, Special Pennit
#60 be approved because it rœets with the following require-
1. The use is one specifically enurœrated in the district.
2. Such' use will not be prej udicial to the character of
the area.
3. The Board determines that there is appropriate pro-
vision for access facilities adequate for the estiIn-
ated traffic from public streets and/or highways and
that there are pedestrian walkways so as to insure
public safety and to avoid traffic congestion.
4. That there are full adequate parking areas and off-
street loading spaces,. in conformity with the proposed
parking requirements of the zoning ordinance of the
Town of Queensbury and all other related ordinances.
5. That such use is of the sarœ general character as, or
will not be injurious to, the surrounding neighborhood
or district.
This rrotion was seconded by Ted Turner. Unanirrous .
This meeting was adjourned at