MINUTES of the public hearing of the Zoning Board of
Appeals held June 16, 1976 at 7:30 P.M.
There were present:
Jack Fitzgerald (Chainnan)
Charles Sicard
Sjoerdje Richardson
Ted Turner
being the Jœmbers of the Board. The rœeting was called to
order by Mr. Fitzgerald and on a rrotion by Charles Sicard,
seconded by Ted Turner the minutes of the May 19, 1976 rœet-
ing were approved as read.
Variance #430 - Jarœs K. Meisner (John H. Rothe:rmel,
Builder) Antiqua Drive, Plum Point, Lake George R-l Zone.
Both Mr. & Mrs. Meisner were present and Mr. Liapes
stated they were to give the Town Engineer a survey map.
This application is to place a garage with no set back to
have an art studio over the garage. Mr. & Mrs. Meisner were
told they would have to go to the APA before any other app-
lications can be approved. They would also have to go to the
Lake George Park Ccmnission, and get approval from the high-
way engineer. There were no other appearances for or against.
Mr. Meisner said he would withdraw his application.
Variance #413, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks,
Glens Falls IDdge No. 81 - Cronin Road (Review of Building
Plan. )
This variance had already been passed but the zoning
Board had to review the building plans. Bill Nealin was pre-
sent to represent." the Elks along with John Regis chairman of
the Board of :fl'rustees of the Elks and Larry Fredella building
There were no appearances for or against. The Town of
Queensbury Planning Board recomœnded approval. Jack Fitz-
gerald rea~ recomœndations from the Queensbury Beautification
Cœmi ttee.
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance 1413 be approved
subject to the recomœndat:i.on of the Beautification Cœmi ttee
arrl subject to all other agencies. This rrotion was seconded by
Ted Turner. Unan.imJus .
Variance #443 - Dr. Irving Dallek and Alice Dallek, 350
Ridge !bad R-4 and C-3 Zones. To conduct a hare occupation
(mail order business) in a garage with rrore than two (2) em-
ployees on the property situated at 350 Ridge Road.
Noone was present to represent the application.
The following were against this application: Thomas Gor-
nan, 338 Ridge Road in objection saying he would like to keep
this area residential.
Richard Hurley, 333 Ridge Road would also like to see this
area stay residential.
Marilyn Gorman, 338 Ridge Road in objection because there
is no sidewalk on this site of the road and would like to see
it remain residential.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board reccmœnded appro-
val subject to the following:
1. A study of parking to provide off street parking for
doctor's office and for enployees.
2. Suggest a limit on mmber of enployees.
The Warren CÒunty Planning disapproved due to lack of info:r:ma-
Jack Fitzgerald made a rrction that Variance #443 - Dr.
Irving Dallek be disapproved due to lack of information. This
was seconded by Charles Sicard. Unanirrous disapproval.
Variance #444 - Slopey Enterprises, Inc. Pitcher Road,
R-2 Zone. To construct a store cœplex within Forest Park lob-
bile Harre Court in an R-2 Zone on the property situated at
Pitcher Road.
Mr. Melvin Slopey was present stating that this was al-
ready approved seven years ago but he ran out of rroney and
didn't realize that a'variance lasted only for a period of
tine. There were no appearances for or ªgainst.
The Town of Queensbury approved subject to the follow-
ing recamœndationJ:¡
Board recamœnda approval with provision that off street
parking be provided.
The Queensbury Beautification has also got to be con-
tacted .
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #444 - Slopey
Enterprises be approved subject to the approval of the Queens-
bury Beautification Cœm:i. ttee. This rrotion was seconded by
Sjoerdje Richardson. Unanirrous.
Variance #445 - Florence Dever, Connecticut Avenue - to
sell antiques in an R-4 Zone with sign 1 ft. by 2 ft. on the
property situated at Cormecticut Avenue.
Mrs. Dever and her son Hugh Dever were present and stated
that no construction would be involved.
Francis Palmer who lives across the road on Connecticut
AVenue wanted to know what antiques would be involved and said
he had no objection if the business didn't get bigger.
Ralph Whiting who also lives across the street said he
had no objection unless there were a lot of cars.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board approved with the
recarcrœndation that the sign be installed on the fence line.
Sjoerdje Richardson made a rrotion that Variance #445 -
Florence Dever be approved with the following stipulations:
That the business be limited to the existing building on the
property ru::M and that the sign be placed on the fence. This
rrotion was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald. Unanirrous .
Variance #446 - Rose Corlew, Rozelle Street, R-4 Zone.
To reopen a diner that has been closed for five years with
sign on building and free standing sign on the property si t-
uated at Rozelle Street.
Rose Corã:ew was present and stated she would like to re-
open the diner. A petition was signed by 37 various neighbors
in approval of this variance.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board recomnendecLappro-
val of this variance with suggestion that the sign be set back
from Main Street as far as possible.
The Warren County approved also.
Charles Sicard made a rrotion that Variance #446 - Rose
Corlew be approved subject to the sign being approximately
in the sarœ location than the old sign and no m:>re than 8'
from the bottom not to exceed 12'. This m:>tion was seconded
by Ted Turner. Unanirrous.
Special Permit #61 - Queensbury Racxruet Club, 91 Glen-
wood Avenue to construction 3 outdoor tennis courts in a C-3
Zone on the property situated at 91 Glenwood Avenue.
Mr. Steve Lapham was present to represent the Racx:¡uet
There were no appearances for or against.
The Town of Queensbury Planning Board reca:T:JÆmded appro-
val of this Special Use Permit with suggestion that screening
type planting be established from proposed courts towards
Quaker Road.
Ted Turner made a rrotion that Special pennit #61 - Queens-
bury Raa;¡uet Club be approved subject to the following:
The Board finds:
1. The use in one specifically enumerated in the district.
2. Such use will not be prejudicial to the character of the
3. The Board det.èrmines that there is appropriate provision
for access facilities adequate for the estimated traffic
from public streets and/or highways and that there are
pedestrian walkways 60 as to insure public safety and to
," avoid traffic congestion.
4. That there are full adequate parking areas and off-street
loading spaces, in conformity with the proposed parking
requirerœnts of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Queens-
bury and all other related ordinances.
5. That sui table planting or screening has been required as
follows: As required by Planning Board and Queensbury Beau-
tification Cœmittee.
6. That such use is of the sarœ general character as, or will
not be injurious to, the surrounding neighborhood or dis-
6. (Applicable uses that would pe:¡:mit ~ or rrore prin-
cipal structures on the sarœ lot). That such struct-
ures are so arranged so as to pennit diversification in
the location of building and to improve circulation
facilities and other site qualities while maintaining
adequate standards for public health, safety, welfare
and convenience.
This rrotion was seconded by Charles Siœrd. Unanirrous .
Variance #447 - John A. Bantham, Upper Bay Road, R-2 Zone
To place a private swinming pool in the front yard in lieu of
the required rear of dwelling on the property situated at Upper
Bay Road.
John Bantham was present and said there was a mistake in
the typing of the application that the pool would be put on the
north side of his house rather than in the front yard.
There were no appearances for or against.
The Town of Queensbury Planning board approved this var-
ianœ without comænt.
Jack Fitzgerald made a rrotion that Variance #447 - John
A. Bantham be approved in conformity with the Town Planning
Board. This rrotion was seconded by Ted Turner. Unanirrous .
The rœeting was adjourned at 9: 04 P .M~