e-mails between Bruce Frank, Code Compliance Officer and Dave Howard From:Dave Howard
Sent:Friday,July 10,2020 4:35 PM
To:Bruce Frank<BruceF@gueensburv.net>
Subject:RE:berm at 500 Luzern Road
Thank you very much sir. Honestly I don't want to bother with anyone at the county or bother you guys
in reference to this I'm not going to call anyone. It's just frustrating that's all. I appreciated your help and
I apologize for taking up your time there's better things to do. Have a great weekend.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri,Jul 10,2020 at 2:00 PM,Bruce Frank
<BruceF@qucensbur .nnct>wrote:
If you want to show progress, remove the soil away from the few trees that need it. That was one of the
concerns, and it will take way less time than installing a silt fence correctly. It's up to you, however, I
would only install a silt fence if needed, and I don't see it being necessary.
Sent from my Verizon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone
--------Original message--------
From:Dave Howard
Date:7/10/201:46 PM (GMT-05:00)
To:Bruce Frank<BruceF@gueensbury.net>
Subject:RE:berm at 500 Luzern Road
Yes sir I understand but I just want them to see I'm making progress and not ignoring the issue because
I'm not sure when I will get to the rest of it. We're very busy and I'm not ignoring anything.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri,Jul 10,2020 at 1:35 PM,Bruce Frank
No need to install a slit fence unless soil is eroding. I saw no sign of any soil movement.
Sent from my Verizon,Samsung Galaxy smartphone
--------Original message--------
From: Dave Howard
Date:7/10/201:26 PM(GMT-05:00)
To:Bruce Frank(BruceF@gueensbury.net)
Subject:RE:berm at 500 Luzern Road
I will also put up a silt fence immediately to help control the soil erosion until I free up a machine. I don't
know when that will happen as we're very busy so the silt fence will have to suffice for now. I already took
care of the trees. Please gather that information for me so I can contact me the DAs office. Please and thank
David Howard
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri,Jul 10,2020 at 12:19 PM,Bruce Frank
<BruceF@gueensbur .net>wrote:
Thanks Dave.
From:Dave Howard
Sent:Friday,July 10,202012:17 PM
To:Bruce Frank<BruceF@qucensbur}_.net>
Subject:Re:berm at 500 Luzern Road
Yes sir it will be completed have a great weekend.
David Howard
Sent From Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri,Jul 10,2020 at 11:30 AM,Bruce Frank
<11 >wrote:
Your neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Murray,made a formal complaint regarding the berm you constructed on
your property. They had Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District take a look at the berm,
and they provided a report to the town detailing what should be done to stabilize the berm and protect
the adjacent trees. Based on their recommendations,please complete the project by stabilizing the berm
on the south side. If you plan to stabilize the south side as you have done on the north side,please cover
all exposed soil of the berm with a dense layer of mulch(wood chips). Also,some of the soil from the berm
has been placed up against adjacent tree trunks, and needs to be removed, as it will eventually kill the
trees. Based on what I saw,it should take no more than 30 minutes for one person with a shovel to remove
the soil from against the trunks of those trees. Once this is completed,those areas of the berm can then be
stabilized with wood chip mulch. Please have all of the work completed by July 24,2020 and notify me so
I can inspect the berm for stabilization per the zoning code. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation
and compliance with this concern.
Bruce Frank
Code Enforcement Officer
Planning and Zoning Department
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury,NY 12804
brucef tgucensburynet